Do you collect vinyl, Yea Forums?

do you collect vinyl, Yea Forums?

Attached: turntable.jpg (1000x600, 148K)

Why yes, how did you know?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

selected ambient works 85-92 for you, sir?

isn't shellac insect poo?

Yes, I do. Thanks for asking, OP


Yeah, i have bought around 30 records in the span of a year. Thank you for asking

Around the same, it's the sweet spot. Enough to get the albums you want, but not too many that you start buying shit you don't need.

you don't pluralize it with an 's'

I did and still do occasionally but then it became every hipster basedboy and art hoe's favorite "omg so quirky XD let me post on Instagram" hobby so now I refrain from mentioning it all

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I like to have my favorites on vinyl, for whenever I’ve got time to get hammered and listen to something front to back. It’s a good for chilling


Basically you're saying
>I used to, but now that's cool and popular I don't anymore
that's the definition of hipster basedboy

yeah but LPs like OK Computer cost around R$210 (around U$50)
being brazilian sucks

>I did and still do
>refrain from mentioning it all
so quick to puff yourself up that you forgot basic literacy

You either used to or still do, there's no in-between
also moving goalposts

read his post again, this time actually read it

I used to be really into it, but now record stores and thrift stores are so picked over that I have to go online for things I want which took a lot of the fun out of it for me. I miss the experience of walking into a record store and finding something that wasn't C-tier albums from overrated boomers.

More like
>I have hobby, but then the hobby became popular and associated with obnoxious people, so now I don't tell people what my hobby is so I don't get lumped in with their group

Not that hard to grasp.

used to be that I could find 8-10 worthwhile records at a time, now its 1 or 2.
I chat with some of the folks at the thrift stores and everyone says the donations just aren't being made anymore (alot of items not just records)
given how much the prices have gone up im almost relieved the local shop doesnt have 200 things I want.

You read it

>doesnt know what he's yapping about
>yaps anyway
good on ya

Honestly in the same position, but I realized that normies buy shit pressings at Urban Outfitters or on Amazon... so assuming your collection isnt composed of normie garbage you're still better than all of them