For those who watch, who are the best music reaction reviewers and who are the worst?

For those who watch, who are the best music reaction reviewers and who are the worst?

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theyre all the worst

Why do these video game faggot manchildren have to record themselves reacting to literally everything?

Vin And Sori is the best, they're a christian-based reaction channel
it's funny cause i am in no way into jesus shit, but they have interesting interpretations of things without proselytizing
wish they would listen to better music though

Vin and Sori for the actual discussion
No Life Shaq for the entertainment value
Metal Biker Dude just because he's cool and has taken a preference toward West Coast aka Best Coast rap

race mixers burn

I really don't understand young people

Why, it's mostly like 30-50 year olds who watch this shit

It's boomers watching this. Especially the black guys reacting to dadrock hits, that's pure boomer.

Question is why do people watch this shit in the first place?

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I like it because I respect the average persons opinion over hipster music critics.

>in before anyone on Yea Forums acts like they don't care about others opinions of music
You do, you know damn well you do.

They're all shit.

I watched one of their videos and the dude went off about postmodernism in the most Jordan Peterson misconception of the term possible and I immediately had to stop.

Whenever these pricks show up in my feed they're always reaction to either Queen or Tool.

Fuck off.


You must listen to a lot of Queen and Tool. I mostly get Metallica and Megadeth ones, because I don't listen to gay ass music.

but u do

Nope. I can't stand them.

>watching someone watch something
>watching someone pretend to watch something for the first time
This, along with watching another person play vidya, are phenomena that I just won't ever comprehend. I see so many of these related to music that are specifically hood niggas watching rock and metal videos and gushing over how great they are. Maybe they're genuinely into the music and aren't faking, but I'm pretty sure they're just tapping into an urge among sheltered white kids to have a black friend to share music with. The whole thing bums me out. The whole time the're just screaming nonsense like "WOOOOO DEEZ BOYS BRINGIN DAT FIRE GODDAMN THEY TIGHT". The only "reaction" video I've seen that was halfway interesting and held my attention for more than 30 seconds was a preacher who gave some thoughtful analysis of various lyrics from the perspective of a christian minister, and even then it was only relatively interesting compared to Jamaliquious Devon Jackson wooping at the screen because DAT SHIT BOY DAT SHIT FIRE. And Passively watching another person play vidya pis beyond gay, it's a new level of gayness that surpasses all previous faggotry. I can't imagine being too lazy to play a game myself and deciding I'm just going to watch some faggot in a brightly colored office chair do it for me.

If you find yourself watching reaction videos you should just decide right now if your life is worth living, then either do something real with real people, accept your loneliness and swallow it, or eat a bullet.

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You're just racist and A. can't understand or accept that people from areas other than where you're from talk and express themselves differently, and B. have no idea how big the divide between "white culture" and "black culture" actually is because you're sheltered.

And also lots of reaction videos = some idiot watching a video and then turning off their camera, but those aren't the ones with thousands of views. Also Dice is Jewish, so you don't deserve to fanboy him since you're such a Nazi fuck.

Attached: dice.jpg (214x317, 12K)

Lost in Vegas is the only reaction channel I've found that isn't forced/fake

There is nothing racist about my post, and calling people racist while simultaneously claiming that they're sheltered tells me that you have absolutely zero experience in life and not a single clue about the actual nature of racism, where it comes from, or what it means. I don't fault the guys making the videos, they're cashing in on dummies who watch youtube. I was being critical of the people who actually watch this shit, not the people who produce it. But whatever, stay on that YOU'RE A NAZI bullshit every time someone upsets you.

Try this: search for "Tool Reaction", sort by view count, and then ask yourself how many blacks are typically at a Tool show. In my experience it is far less than 1%, but judging my the aforementioned youtube search it should be closer to 70% for the next tour.

And when Dice starts invoking his cultural heritage as a defining, or even relevant, element of his existence then I'll allow you to do the same, until then we'll all just assume that Dice would consider you a limp-wristed fag who should stay in the suburbs, lest your illusion that racism is the world's greatest evil be shattered along with your skull by a dope fiend who "found" a tire iron.

Dice was so good he did a bit about you long before you were born:

Attached: FUCKYOU.webm (648x366, 272K)

Shawn cee?

lol imagine actually defending this youtube garbage

>And when Dice starts invoking his cultural heritage as a defining, or even relevant, element of his existence then I'll allow you to do the same
You know nothing about Dice if you don't think he's never brought up being a Jew. You don't know anything about what you talk about, you're the kind of person who judges before he knows. I'm a gigantic Dice me....he has brought up being Jewish plenty of times.

And also, just to further prove my point, lots of the popular "reaction" channels have been to shows and document them or even have become associates of the bands they review.Tool fans are all moronic baggy cargo pants wearing in 2019 fucking idiots, you're some jerkoff from like Idaho with a crew cut and cargo pants and a shitty pseudo psychedelic CGI desktop wallpaper of a guy with a bunch of eyeballs, who are you to judge anyone?

Shut up faggola.

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>Dice brings up being a jew
give proof or stfu. He was too funny to lean on that shit and I don't remember him ever even mentioning it. I'm sure he did at one point or another but don't pretend it was an essential part of him. Why are you even throwing Dice's jewishness at me? It's not the least bit relevant to the discussion, yet you want to stay right there. You don't even see an artist when you look at see a jewish guy. But I'm the racist?

lmao if I told you where I'm from you wouldn't believe me so I'm not going to bother, but suffice to say I was in a white minority situation and it wasn't fucking Idaho.

You must have a channel like this. It's fucking gay and video gamer screaming on webcam tier

Vin and Sori are definitely the most patrician.

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>You must have a channel like this.
No, just a rock fan who gets paid in Hot Pockets and supports anything that gets the best genre of music exposure and keeps it alive to the literally millions of subscribers these channels have, and also not some idiotic TOOL fan who doesn't like rock or metal to begin with but buttrock and and hates the fact that black people might be able to enjoy music other than hip hop.

Dude you're fucking retarded

I'm "retarded" and you look like this. You can fuck off faggot, nobody who likes rock likes Tool anyway, shits for normie pleb fucks.

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I hate Tool lol where did that come from

omg look at this monkey pretending to appreciate metal and rock like people

Beth Roars is a good channel. Shes not really a reactor, but a vocal coach and she kinda analizes how people sing. She a cute too.

Yeah she's really hot but I love this one....
She's of my types

You look like this

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This type of reaction is ok, because she's not just reacting to it. She's analyzing it from a perspective of expertise, breaking it down for those who may be less knowledgeable about the topic. That's very different from just going WOAAAAAH every fifteen seconds. She is also not making a purely subjective qualitative assessment of it (aka a review). Her videos are not about whether or not she enjoys the song, rather they are specifically about the merits and qualities of the vocal performance. I think she, and others like her, should stop calling them "reaction videos" because then she wouldn't get lumped in with all the WOAAAH DAWG DAT SHIT HOT retards, though maybe being lumped in with other popular videos can be a good thing too I suppose.

I'm cringing like it's 2014

Hipster music critics have the same intellect as the average person, so I say fuck them both; they're stupid and obnoxious equally.

Oh yea that was a good one. I always love to see peiple hear King Diamond for the first time.

This was pretty good

At the end of the day it's entertainment when it comes to these kind of reviewers, when it comes to "professional critics" it comes down to fucking self anal rimjob giving cocksuckers who live in expensive neighborhoods who couldn't be father disconnected from the rock and metal audience that is the heart of the country