How do you cope with tinnitus?

how do you cope with tinnitus?

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hum along with it

You accept it and move on brudda.
Its hard and it shits me as well but until science figures it out you have to make peace with it.
Also it is WAY too common that we should seriously be looking into protection for future gens but for now all we can do is make peace with it.

I've had it since I was a lad. It doesn't bother me at all.

Same although very mild. Not noticable unless it's dead quiet which is why I sleep with some white noise or music.

For me the white noise, pink noise medication healing stuff makes it worse. Music always helps tho.

Do you sleep with a fan on, or do you use a white noise generator?

"UnTiL sCiEnCe FiGuReS iT oUt"
turn the music down retard
i have solved tinnitus

i recently developed hyperacusis. AMA

Do you want to die?

not particularly

>the hearing was told

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Some people are born with it, but the suffering part comes in when it's chronic. As someone who has it, I really only hear it in a quiet room or when I'm specifically thinking about it (hence why threads such as this absolutely suck for me)

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how do you cope with my mother's pussy in your moth

Small fan. Keeps me cool but you have to turn away from it when you sleep or else your eyes get fucked up.

Cover your ears with both palms, fingers facing backwards. Now slowly tap your index finger

Don't listen to these guys suggesting you sleep with fans on or white noise generators or any of that shit. The more you try to mask the tinnitus, the longer it will dog you. This sounds gay as fuck but try make friends with the tinnitus, accept it. Know that it won't ruin your hearing or your ability to enjoy music, even silence. If you accept it enough, it will fade into the background and you won't even notice it anymore, unless you're particularly stressed out

>tfw you have tinnitus but also ADHD so you just automatically forget about the tinnitus like all the time

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What are the best wireless heapdhones?

I don't have permanent tinnitus but I think I'm getting more sensitive to loud noises. It lasts about 10 seconds.

wait wtf me too

Your brain learns to ignore it eventually, like how you can always see your nose or the fact that your clothes are touching your skin.

I used to think tinnitus = hearing loss and I wanted to die because I need my ears for work. Turns out it’s just really fucking distracting

By killing myself


i mastrubate myself to sleep

Audiologist here, ama.



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I've oddly been experiencing chronic tinnitus for the last week or so. It would make sense if I'd heard anything loud in that time, but I haven't. C'est la vie I guess.

Are you Pete Tong?

You need to see a doctor.

Is it in one ear or both? How long does the tinnitus last? Any other symptoms like aural fullness or dizziness?

Just listen to more music bro

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What is “aural fullness”

95% of the time my tinnitus is ignorable, it flares up with bouts of depression, after a particularity bad mdma comedown earlier this year all I could hear was tinnitus for about a month, horrible time

A feeling of pressure - "fullness" - inside the ear.

and it comes back after 3 seconds, great solution retard

You likely have ADHD because of the tinnitus, genius.

>Your brain learns to ignore it eventually
Nah I've had screaming tinnitus for about 15 years now, it sticks if it's bad.

I can see how it would cause suicides.

>wearing headphones/earbuds
>having the volume over 35% whilst doing the above
You deserve it.

>having the volume over 35% whilst doing the above
are you an ant?

How'd you get it? Traumatic brain injury? Are you hung over? Autistic?

I was born with it so im super used to it. It's pretty much best case desu. I've never gone crazy like some people

>sleeping with white noise or a fan
Don't do that you retards, it will condition you and you won't be able to sleep without it. The first week I got tinnitus I tried that shit and I slept like one hour every night, I was close to killing myself but then I was able to sleep without any of that shit and I've completely forgot about it since

I sing this along with it

>tfw songs constantly looping in my head
You tinnitusfags have it easy

somehow I manage

This has been an increasing problem of mine for the past year. Finally got a hearing test but it shows that I have no hearing damage, but I still have pulsating tinnitus in my left ear that sounds like crickets. Tinnitus without hearing damage? wtf life

How do you even get this shit? Blasting music into your headphones at top volume? How can you physically even stand it? You morons deserve to suffer or get hearing damage, what a bunch of morons.
>people who stare at sun going blind, more news at 11


kill yourself fag

>posting "blogshit" in a thread that's basically blogshit
You have to go back

I've got this, should I worry?

I don't have tinnitus but lately I've been having a strange thing happen with my hearing.
Once in a while, like maybe once a month, my hearing will stop completely for a few seconds and then the sound comes back but reverberates almost from ear to ear, as if I had stereo headphones on and the channel was switching back and forth but not immediately as there's a point where the sound is centered. And the ear that isn't hearing just has this ringing in it that "chases" the sound of the world, slowly increasing in volume until it just stood and my hearing comes back to normal. Whole thing lasts like 90 seconds at worse.

Anyone have any idea what it is?

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Hahahahahahaha how the fuck is tinitus real hahaha nigga turn off your music set down the headphones like nigga cover your ears haha

I've had it for as long as I can remember, living next to an air-force base so there's been fighter jets taking off once or twice a week or more if the russians are doing surveys and we need to deter them from entering our airspace, usually just flex my tensor tympani muscle and drown it out until I forget about it

can you stop making tinnitus threads it's giving me ptsd from when i had it

We're not your doctor you fucking retard.

i have above average hearing, according to tests done by my doctor. i was sent a super loud ear rape metal song by a guy and he begged me to listen to it even though he knows i hate metal. i listened to 3/4 of it with earbuds and now i have hyperacusis. i do not have tinnitus or any hearing damage though.

see a doctor, retard
that sounds like something serious

that sounds like hyperacusis. google it.

I already have ear pain. Fuck.

Well, you should move.

based gira has your answer
just accept it

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But why? It's a non-issue.