why is country still popular but not rock?
Why is country still popular but not rock?
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>hitler will never talk to you one on one in the woods
why even live
Cause Country is a soulless pop genre propped up by Nashville
Rock has always been driven by scenes getting noticed
country panders to a lifestyle marketing niche
Because there’s a mafia in Nashville thet pumps it out as an industry
It's not really country music, and hasn't been since the 80s.
Ideas spread more slowly in rural areas because math.
That’s literally all music sold as an industry product. Retards on Yea Forums do the same thing with urban music
Note: this interactive blog post is basically on a primitive form of meme theory.
Rock really is becoming a niche genre? Wtf happened?
not saying i enjoy modern country, but it has def kept up with the times better than rock has. also i think that at the end of the day, a lot of the greatest rock song writers of all time (from bob dylan all the way up to david berman) have drawn heavily on early funk/country stuff for inspo, its just a deeper well to draw from so theres more longevity
do you think it has something to do with the rise of the right and polarization among politics and the lefts abandonment of the working class pushing white men into niche underground scenes like metal and maybe country for more trad types since rock has usually been a lefty genre and modern days music being souless while pushing a lefty agenda
there were a lot of shitty rock movements in the late 90's and 2000's which led to less interest in modern (at the time) rock music. then with the rise of computers and shitty memes, people could shit out huge singles in a day on an iPad without ever picking up an instrument. rock can't compete with that because it can't be mass-produced as easily.
Because music production became digitized in the 2000s and you can reproduce instrumental sounds on your computer with no discernible difference
Yep. Fucking 00s buttrock and boring 80s revival indie pop rock did not help.
but nobody is even using rock elements in todays music
i do think rock could probably survive in some form in the mainstream if people pushed it to get with the times, but no one is trying to push rock forwards. they're just raping the legacies of older artists
Hopefully it goes the way of ragtime or some shit, can't happen soon enough
it's going to go like jazz. the late 80's and early 90's will be looked at like the 60's was for jazz. it was their last great period as they began to fade into obscurity
Who cares
maybe everything is getting dumber and dumber as the genrations past until music just consists of dubstep drops and a hook being sung over and over again and movies just being porns with big explosions in the background
Because you can do literally anything you want now and aren’t constrained by the dynamics of one set of instruments.
Most people who want to make music either don’t know any music theory anyway or want to make dance music
Or, you know, be a vocalist who just needs background tunes to talk about themselves over for attention
music sounds boring and the same all lacking any impactfull songs like rock has produced
Country music is tied to a lifestyle. As long as the lifestyle exists, so will its soundtrack.
Country arguably has the 3 most universally liked musicians of all time, which will do wonders for the genres legacy
Not at all. There’s many more great artists than ever, really
Corporate music is. Corporate music has gotten much worse though too
Actual country died years ago. Crappy, overproduced RednecK-Pop with a steel guitar somewhere replaced it.
There’s still plenty of music that uses rock elements too. Modern dub is a notable example.
Spanish guitars are common. All sorts of things in modern electronic music
That’s basically what it is.
Modern country is unalloyed pop-rock.
A lot of country now IS rock
True true
Really it allowed for more people to express themselves creatively and in more creative ways.
Because you don’t need a studio anymore to create professional-grade studio work.
And that’s why the art of music making has changed. It’s just so much easier to produce now
The biggest country hit of the whole century is a trap song made by a gay rapper who's never even heard of Johnny Cash.
Tells you fucking something.
so its basically a celebration of being white kind of like a boy band but with grown men
The biggest country hit of the century is Cruise
What’s ew about it? It’s a far better song than the rapping cowboy one.
It’s totally hypnotic too. It might be government mind control. I think I’ve listened to that song on youtube more than any other ever and I’m not even that big of a country fan
this, plus zoomers don't interact with other humans directly so they don't go to shows, so it's not as apparent how much less interesting electronic music is when played live
Absolute bro rock, only sung in a redneck accent.
You like it even though you're not a country fan precisely because it's not country music in any way shape or form.
Nah, those arrangements are definitely not traditional rock music. I think you’re putting way too much emphasis on the distorted guitars.
It’s country rock, sure. But it’s more country-sounding than the rapping cowboy song
Not really. Both have some random superficial elements, at best.
Not superficial at all. Take away the distorted guitars and the arrangements are much more country than you’re giving it credit for
Rock music is always too lifestyle oriented, which puts off most people nowadays. Rock music is tied to subcultures, and if you don't fit that subculture's image, you as a narcissistic creature do not feel comfortable. Country music doesn't give off this same feeling.
>implying country music isn't tied to a subculture that makes people outside it feel uncomfortable
Rural and suburban white people aren't a subculture.
Hell, they're barely a culture at all.
What? You’re an idiot
the term popular is too vague. lots of things are popular. we need some context. is country popular with regards to the american mainstream? i dont think its popular to that degree in many other places, but even if a few million brits are listening to chris stapleton or something you could still call that popular. Tool just hit #1 and its arguable that metal is even less "popular" than rock, so imo i dont get the point of this thread. you could replace X with A and Y with B and the context implied will make anyone think its true.
>why is trap popular but jazz isn't
>why is metal popular but syntthpop isn't
>why is rock popular but industrial isn't
you can think of examples of each of these genres that are more popular than others. it all depends on where you are and what you constitute as a genre
White is a culture though, it's the predominate culture in the United States and Canada.
inb4 appropriation
I don’t know what you’re talking about
Right. Tell me one thing white US culture has made.
Personal computers and the internet
Country music.
dolly parton sucks
johnny cash is great
dunno who the guy on the right is
some people say that america doesn't have a culture because its a "melting pot" of other cultures. it doesn't have its own distinct identity, they say. it obviously does, but that identity has changed much over time. at one point it was rebellious colonies, at one point it was slavery, at one point it was blues, at one point it was jazz, at one point it was complete and total opulence, at one point it was the understanding that whites and blacks can coexist, at one point it was that women were equal-ish, at one point it was building nukes, at one point it was exploiting the middle east for oil, at one point it was having everyone band together because we got plane'd by mudskins, at one point it was because we had a black president, at one point it was bombing said mudskins, there are so many things that are distinctly american that many people write off any american based on the history we've made. america is possibly the single most distinctive country in modern times, simply because every person on earth has an impression of what it is. but like i said before, its not just one thing, its not an amalgamation because people can't be amalgamated. this is country in which representation is so far gone and so removed from our government that our culture has reflected that. god im drunk
Oh, in terms of music? Most of the relevant rock music of its entire history,
That’s about it though. America doesn’t make relevant music anymore anyway
metal is somehow more popular than rock nowadays desu
That's Snoop Dogg, you uncultured fuck.
unironically snoop dogg should do a country album but still keep the 'gangsta' style and lyrical content
shit would sell like crazy
automobile, modern day commerce, motion pictures, animation, skateboarding
baseball, basketball, hollywood, disney, comic books
beatknicks, hippies, abstract expressionism, pop art
hahaha I'm reading all these other autistic posts and then there's this gem of clarity.