Tfw i drank a full whisky bottle and i still feel sober

>tfw i drank a full whisky bottle and i still feel sober
what the fuck is hapening?
also music for this feel.

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How long did you take to do it?

are you on meds?

ur an alcoholic

same thing but i don't feel sober.
you probably don't even realize it hit you like a fake alpha retard cunt.

well, how big was the bottle?

whiskey/bourbon has an interesting quality of making you feel like you can drink forever, even though you're more drunk than you might realize as a novice.

>fake alpha retard cunt
mu is full of poets today, its nice

seriously, taper off. you might be in OK shape because you aren't blacking out but you have to taper off. you can do it yourself, no one shares this information because the only drunks you hear about are the powerless ones.

whatever you drank, today, or per usual, tkae note of the # drinks and the time of day you started. just push the # by anything, even .5 and push the time back also by anything 15mins. eventually you kinda compress it down to the point of just any dietary restriction, like you also really can't eat a tub of ice cream every single day.

music for this feel? hmm ... I dunno my fav album is miles davis ESP, super underrated miles davis album

says the guy with a fucking name.
but for real i drank a full bottle of grouse whiskey and i am totally fucked lowkey probably gonna buy a nothe r bottle cos im a fuckinfg retard

>just push the # by anything
push the # down. decrease that number. its that simple

paroxetine, olanzapìne, trazadone and klonopin, it's supposed to alcohol to hit me harder wtf is happening

>paroxetine, olanzapìne, trazadone and klonopin,
i dont know what any of that shit is but you should really talk to your doctor about this drinking thing. you can't drink that much alcohol without damaging your brain

lmao you're on meds just end your life already whitey

>paroxetine, olanzapìne, trazadone and klonopin
lol do you even feel emotions? fag. get off that garbage. I was on paxil for a while and zoloft for a while, both of them were completely soul crushing. And I was only on ONE at a time. Quit those fuckin pills dude. I'm honestly worried for your wellbeing. Jesus will help you.

i'm not sure what's more embarrassing: using a trip or how new you are

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you dont even see it but its embarrassing to have a picture express how you feel about something

Without those meds i literallly can't work without feeeling a panick attack or get severe anxiety when im near a person. I need the money.
>inb4 wageslave
yes i'm a wageslave

shut up faggot

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you are finally fully initiated into Tom Waits and Mark Lanegan albums.
Tom Waits: Start from the beginning of his career with Closing Time, or you won't get it.
Mark Lanegan, start with Whiskey for the Holy Ghost, then Blues Funeral, then explore, or you won't get it.
-t. alcoholic

is the pic supposed to be you reacting?

thanks pal

lets try this again
man what did you think a half pint of whiskey was gonna do?

my god, more fucking poetry