ITT styles of music that get an unneeded amount of hate or suffer from history being rewritten by the victors
ITT styles of music that get an unneeded amount of hate or suffer from history being rewritten by the victors
Glam was 10x better and more fun than grunge
round and round is a killer track
They’re both garbage
More fun, objectively true. Better is subjective but personally I'll take squealing solos and party anthems over moody tones and reinforcing depression.
Prog and disco are two of the big ones
Depends on the type of Grunge really. Hate Grunge is very fun, Pussy Grunge is lame and for stupid fucks that get killed by shotguns.
Guy at my local record store was playing ratt when I went in there to pick thru the cassette pile.
What is Hate Grunge
Angery music rather than "my life sucks so much, I'm gonna shoot myself ;^(" music.
Grunge is weird to me because I hardly even can consider it a genre personally, "glam metal" is pretty diverse but on some level there are some key features that boil down to music more than fashion....with grunge I feel the opposite
Grunge is discount Doom Metal.
cockrock pls go
Neither are really actual genres of music but more of a “scene”
lol, definitely not
Whatever Grunge did, Doom does better.
It was not "10x better". It was different. It was good too.
One thing being good doesn't make another thing bad.
>Neither are really actual genres of music but more of a “scene”
I can see the point of view but I feel like I have a distinct definition at least personally for what "glam metal" is. "Grunge" I do not...I mean none of the most popular bands of said "genre" have much in common other than mood and fashion.
Well pure doom metal isn't going to appeal to the alt rock crowd...stoner doom might and sludge, but that's about it. I don't imagine people who hate metal but love grunge are going to get into Candlemass.
This. Out Of The Celler fucking banged.
yessssss. and seventeen by winger
Hair metal gets so much hate because it was the ultimate evolution of the original guitar-driven happy go-lucky rock & roll about good times and chasing girls, played by guys in tight pants with outrageous hair, and could trace its lineage straight back 30+ years to Elvis Pressley and Chuck Berry, uninterrupted.
Even if people didn't consciously acknowledge it, they subconsciously understood it, and it made them irrationally angry because one look at Motley Crue, Ratt, Van Halen, etc and realized that they were the apex of that original idea of what rock & roll was and should be, and as such, there was no way to top them.
Alternative rock and everything that falls under that umbrella, otoh, is the descendant of introspective 60s singer-songwriter music and traces its lineage back to Dylan, The Velvet Underground, etc.
Nu metal
Soft Rock and New Wave are pretty underrated
80s and 90s country music
100% agreed
I mean part of the stereotype is untrue as well though. The bands who are labelled "hair metal" were not all talentless assholes, some were and made shit music, some were and made good music, and some were but still made not really good but fun music, still some good music came from it just like any other scene. This is the point, it gets an unfair shake because of stereotypes. You're very correct in one way but I don't think it is quite so shallow in another.
My eyes threw up reading this
They’re really not at all similiar
There were just as many untalented assholes in the 50s, 60s, and 70s as there were in the 80s. It's just that purists from those earlier decades hated hair metal for being the perfect distillation of Elvis, The Rolling Stones, or Led Zeppelin.
>Glam was 10x better and more fun than grunge
>played by guys in tight pants with outrageous hair
>chasing girls
There was no great music that came from hair metal. It was a fad-of-the-times presentation manufactured by LA.
It was all theatrical and musical cliches pushed to caricature
Nah they actually wrote very very good pop songs, better than most pop music genres, rivalled only maybe by 80s and 90s RnB, they were master hook smiths
vh1 behind the music tier opinion
>Better is subjective
The Beach Boys wrote great pop. This is wankery by men tights
This is no an aplha male thread.
Beach boys are good but they were more wanky than any glam band lol
I don’t think you understand the term
I don't think you do
When someone says that something is wank, it means that the music is just a demonstration of music theory/instrument chops.
Glam metal is very straight to the point, beach boys write longer songs with more complex chord changes and instrumental passages, in all fairness beach boys is barely even pop music
Superior ratt album.
You mean like Van Halen, the wankiest band of all time who inspired all these hacks? Wankery is very much the self-indulgent guitar solos that were a staple of the shitty hairy metal genre.
The subdued pop music The Beach Boys is like the opposite of wankery. Just because something has theory, doesn’t mean it’s wankery
You either have never listened to glam or you have a 2 digit iq
>self indulgent
Completely meaningless meme term
>song has a 10-20 second solo that means the entire thing is wank
>it's impossible for a glam metal guitar solo to be good
Based retard
>Just because something has theory
It sucks, fuck off.
Not meaningless at all. They’re self-infulgent because it’s just the guitarist showing off rather than making music that sound good.
>has no response
Based retard
It's because everything "has" music theory you drooling troglodyte
And "self indulgent" IS a completely meaningless meme, it's the same shit as saying something doesn't have soul
How stupid do you have to be to think anything played fast = self indulgence
>It's because everything "has" music theory you drooling troglodyte
Precisely why it’s a stupid criticism to make to say having music theory is wankery.
>And "self indulgent" IS a completely meaningless meme, it's the same shit as saying something doesn't have soul
It is a perfectly valid way of criticizing a performance that is just showing off the artist’s technical abilities rather than contributing to the overall music, which is what guitar solos in that era were all about.
>How stupid do you have to be to think anything played fast = self indulgence
It’s not about it being played fast. It’s the hacky shredding they do to look/sound cool and show off.
Let’s face it, they would have all played like Van Halen if they could have, but none of them were as talented.
There was a whole cottage industry trying to replicate that sort of thing
>10-20 second guitar solo is self indulgent
>Wankery is very much the self-indulgent guitar solos
Except Van Halen's guitar solos were rarely more than 10 seconds long...not wankery. They spawned hair metal but were not really hair metal.
>just the guitarist showing off rather than making music that sound good.
thats not the case for EVH. His solos always moved the song forward and were not just gratuitous wanks.
It’s not about the length. It’s about being excessive.
When Kurt Cobain did a guitar solo, it was gentle and subdued. Not too little but not too much either. Rock needs more sensitivity in it and less Mr. Man posturing
>they would have all played like Van Halen if they could have
all the guitarists wanted to be Edward...all the singers wanted to be Diamond Dave.
>When Kurt Cobain did a guitar solo, it was gentle and subdued. Not too little but not too much either. Rock needs more sensitivity in it and less Mr. Man posturing
>it was gentle and subdued.
which is why it sucked.
Reminds me of Kiss Guy playing monkey wrench with Foo Fighters, crowd went fucking apeshit, as he shredded solos and had super fucking high energy, while basically making Dave and team look like boring assholes.
W.A.S.P. is unironically the only good hair band.
Van Halen was actually a talented musician. I’m mostly juat talking about all the bands he inspired who were trying to replicate what he did minus the ability
Ugh, sexism makes me feel yucky :(
There is no way on Earth you're white. Back to R*ddit.
See I'm not convinced a band like Poison or Skid Row were trying to do this
Jazz is underrated.
Based as fuck
Doom metal got massively overshadowed by NWOBHM, thrash, and death metal. Vitus had to appeal to punks (and was still hated by them), Pentagram was too obscure in their early years, and you had to have an interest in the Swedish metal scene to find Candlemass. I guess nobody wanted Sabbath-worship that pushed the style forward.
>saging a good thread