Stop smoking weed

>stop smoking weed
>music doesnt interest me anymore
who else can relate?

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good job frying your brain on drugs, you just became another mindless drone

Do heroin instesd

definitely can't relate

Give it time. Readjusting is a process.

It sounds annoying (and its a chore for a bit) but become more active so that "chilled out" state is something you can achieve.

>stop smoking weed
>video games
>Going outside
>Doesn't interest me anymore
If I stop eating weed I just end up reading 24-7 and doing nothing else. God this shit is addictive.

Well it means you don't like music, user.

>mfw I smoke weed once or twice on the weekends
>mfw it's always awesome due to the low resistence

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Give it about 2-4 weeks and you’ll be back to normal. If you’ve been smoking for years there will be a “withdrawal” period even though it’s just weed.

based responsible poster

Idiots probably smoked daily all day for a year plus

based, this is what I do. Except I'll take longer breaks than that cause I get busy. Being high all day every day completely takes the fun out of it and makes me depressed.

this. It's weed you mongs, you're gonna be fine in a couple weeks lol

I've been sober after a period of heavy alcoholism and pot use for about a month and a half now. I've never felt more dedicated in my entire life, and music is just starting to sound really good again, maybe even better than it used too. It does get better man.

>stop smoking weed
>music taste improves

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in fact, frying your brain is one of the ways of escaping dronedom

It literally has the opposite effect for me now, it's strange. I appreciate a lot of music more when I'm sober.

>stop smoking weed or doing any kind of drug other than kratom every other weekend
>suddenly love psych music and listen to tons of it

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>Other than kratom

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This is a lie. I was an addict for years and I'm not anti-drugs or whatever but it's literally one of the quickest and easiest ways of making yourself an NPC. For me at least I would just be bored as shit waiting for the next opportunity to get fucked out of my mind.

It's literally 2 days every 2 weeks, barely anything.

you're just changing bro, it's a good thing!

That's because you listen to shitty stoner music. Find some real music you fucking hippy

bro you are going to become an addict and will sell your bootyhole for the street for the next kratom hit.

Lol, for this wreak shit? I've already been through a 4 year oxy addiction, this is nothing.
To everyone reading this, however bad you think opiate withdrawals are, quadruple it, and you still won't be where you'll be at the end of it. Either take your time with it or don't fuck with it at all. It turns you into a monster.

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Based heroin poster

imagine actually falling for that bait lol

I'm not genuinely arguing, I just enjoy talking. It's lonely here in the midwest US.

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I used to be like you then I took psychological addiction to the brains

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i can kinda relate. i dont even really listen to music any more, not because of getting sober, it just doesn't really interest me no more.
this shit is sad, bois.

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>reading 24-7
I don't see the problem, I wish I could read 24/7

you never liked it
dumb bitch ass fucking cunt

I can't you vain faggot retard