why can't /moo/ drum?
Why can't /moo/ drum?
I know, right?
is that from the Godard flick? love that fucking movie.
my parents would get mad at me
theyre already disappointed, so fuck it.
>thinks you need drums to drum
>thinks you need to be genetically female to be a bitch
I never thought that. I'm a bitch. We all play the roles of The Bitch, The Caregiver, The Portector.
Read about it in my new book The Roles We Play by Abe Ignegur
youre really nice and I was so rude.
I don't know if this is his best, but the drummer alone has me following this band.
this sounds like insane Chiptune when played at 2X
bumping a drum thread
Honestly he's not bad. Of the Post-Rock drummers though, Dave Turncrantz has them all fucking destroyed.
The man's precision and timing is not human.
Also, Joe from the hardcore band Defeater is a god imo
i've played the goddamn drums for eight fucking years you shit eating cock smoker
I do but I can't play anymore cause my neighbors and parents decided I should stop playing in a band and get a job. I have a 2 jobs now, but parents still frustrated. Do electric drums suck ass?
What is a breakbeat???
e-drums are great
salvation within
I slowed some of his figures down to help me pull it off. The ghosts are CRUCIAL!!!
depends on how you BREAK IT DOWN
think I hit upon a systemic explanation
your self portrait?
more or less, I've swum in both tanks now
what the fuck is wrong with these fagghouls? I've had tinnitus since I was a pup (started drums at 13). Your brain just averages it out somehow. I haven't been bothered in decades
I went for years not caring.
however, perhaps due to almost perpetually being around spinning hard drives, its been a tad more forward than usual.
Roland v-drums are fun and sound okay nowadays.
Take a pad for snare practice and the roland for groove/song/pattern training.
sounds like rotational velocidensity
>Posts GIF of Charlie Watts
>Titles GIF Keith Moon
>Still manages to get dubs
I leanrt the guitare insrtead.
I can drum.
no you cant.
I wont let you.
That is usual.