See how easy it is to make RYM's annual charts more accurate and interesting?

See how easy it is to make RYM's annual charts more accurate and interesting?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-10 Custom chart - Rate Your Music.png (2064x4640, 3.59M)


wow and its still 15 literally-who-give-a-fuck albums
1 lol quirky
2 "death industrial" for retards who are scared of spiders and men
3 lmao you though bm couldnt get more boring
4 woah woah eric and deep
5 >indie folk
6 >indie rock
7 gay jazz
8 >listening to death meal, ever, at all
9 you're okay
10 television is music now
11 literally 1 good track
12 >indie AGAIN
13 okay i admit idk what that is
14 you're okay
15 discount midori
okay i guess its 12 literally-who-give-a-fuck albums but thats still pretty bad

If you admit to liking Rap your IP should be permanently banned from this board

Yeah. Poptimists are a fucking disease.

music died in 2013

I never said it was perfect or great, only better.

you sound like a pretentious faggot

The fact the Chernobyl soundtrack is in the top 10 already makes it worse.

Attached: 1520481219244.jpg (300x304, 21K)

Still better than any hip hop albums.

im not, im great and right

It's just good ambient music.

nah, music is still good, even 2019 had a fair share of really good albums, its just that RYM top whatever has been consistently garbage

>implying death metal, black metal, jazz fusion, and dark ambient are any better
Metal and hip hop are both generally really overrated on RYM.

>implying death metal, black metal, jazz fusion, and dark ambient are any better
They are.

every single person who cares about RYM charts is a faggot

Wow, you're so cool.

>calls half decent jazz fusion okay and doesn’t know 20% of the albums
browse the board more please

Remove metal too and you're good.

He just literally made a racist-sexist edit to the chart somehow

That 3776 album is AOTY

>racist-sexist edit to the chart somehow
Just took off radio pop retard. There's still female and non-white artists on both sides. Fuck off, idiot.

Well, he still included a girl group and a black artist. What's your point exactly?

Did you even look at the chart, you fucking moron?