ITT: Underrated Musicians

mark lanegan

Attached: dj dubbi joker.jpg (479x477, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i wish i was dj dubbi

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lol i just heard this guy on he’s weird af but pretty good

Rick Graham
Mansur Brown

John Lennon


Reminder Mark was everything Kurt Cobain wanted to be but failed to

that was a fun stream

unironically a lot of people in sc/bc/yt threads are underrated. the whole “scene” (if you can call it that) is underrated. there’s great shit on there but no one knows about it except for the few obsessive posters who pay attention to those threads

It's true. There was a fun Livestream earlier with some of the folks music here and I hope that guy does it again tomorrow. Some of the people in there were not from /mew/ not sure what other communities the guy spams in. I would link It but im on my phone and somebody linked it a few posts back anyway.

yeah i was in there. lots of good tracks from the likes of shalloween, jakobe, menthol slim, dvdgnome, lo se, genghis john, andrew goes to hell, and yes even dubbi/faqqi. Ill go back if he does it again

i like kurt cobain better personally but i think they're both really great. one of my favorite lanegan songs is down in the dark because i think cobain's voice goes really well with lanegan's.

Tried to watch it again and it said I had to pay 2 bucks :(

that’s fucked just come back tomorrow that guy’s always streaming

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Wow I clicked that expecting to hear some dubbi

o shit just realized this is 17 minutes long

Can someone explain the dubbi meme?

Confession: Earlier this summer I started posting as dubbi. I was just doing it to prank him, get him back for his trolling. I’d just copy and paste his old posts into threads before he had the chance.
I got him with this a few times in the first few days, I was waiting for him to say something but I guess he didnt want to break kayfabe or whatever, so I just kept going with it.
At first I was just posting his initial shill post and he’d come in and answer replies, but when I noticed him (the real dubbi, not me) showing up to fewer threads I started filling in for the replies too.
I had to get this off my chest because as of today, dubbi hasn’t posted here in a month. I think I’m dubbi now.

He's just a gatekeeper who acts as a bulwark in defense against sensitive people and lofi bedroom indie. He has no corporeal form

This just confused me even more.
>He has no corporeal form
What?? Is he a bot?

he;s a ghost

Wtf is this /x/ shit?

dubbi is a dj / hacker / troll and the bane of Yea Forums (for you)
he's schizophrenic, dresses as a clown, and has been shilling relentlessly on Yea Forums for the better part of a decade. he often impersonates others. he conquered the Yea Forums makes an album threads, so they made him their king and produced a tribute album for him available here:
dj dubbi / faqqi / lil deep head's "own" music (much of it is stolen or ghost-produced) is available on too many accounts to list here but if you check any soundcloud / youtube / bandcamp shill thread you can't miss him.

i'm actually not dj dubbi and this is NOT a thread for dubbi discussion, that's why I thought I'd get it all out in the open and we can move past it and onto the real thread topic.

he’s a wisp

more like this?

blu ray dwarf

Check out the YouTube channel.

can’t anymore, autoplay gave me a video called 10 Unsettling Astronomical Incidents and Phenomena and I’m grooving out to the tone of the narrator’s voice. maybe after this

Lol, enjoy!

Bob Theil

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My favorte guitar picker jon weisnewski is massively underrated

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Daniel Ash

some people don't know that VHS elf started as a parody account for bluray dwarf

i am on the verge
the verge of tears