/swans/ general

Black oil smoke
Thick blue sky
Dead red eye
Hear me cry
Eat my throat
Feed my mind
Yellow eye: Feel me cry
Take me now
Peel my skin
Scrape my vein
Seal me in
Break my bones
Dance and spin
Cut a hole
Feed me now!

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this picture literally makes me writhe in pain
how can he just wear that shirt while meeting carly rae jepsen what the fuck how can you be such a fucking loser

He probably follows Fantano

1 5 : 3 6

She sucked his dick because of what an alpha he is. He's a man who does not care. He walks up and goes in for the kill while you're cringing and pissing your pants in endless fear of public opinion.

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Are Swans going for "man x medium itself" philosophy trope in this new album?

I still haven't seen any discussion about what the lyrics on Leaving Meaning are trying to convey

My Father: 7/10
The Seer: 8/10
To Be Kind: 7/10
The Glowing Man: 9/10

>wake up one second before alarm
>turn it off while standing up
>proceed to shower, press play while water heats up
>intro to Love of Love
>shot of whiskey, pull ups in shower

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if pussies drying up made a sound it would sound like swans music

if guzzling onions made a sound it would sound like user seething

This is their best album. Prove me wrong.

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Come little yum-yab! :D

He's not even an ugly guy LMAO

just getting into swans, this is what i've listened to so far. i'd say as of now my rating for all these albums goes

Soundtracks > Filth > White Light > Public Castration is A Good Idea > Cop

any recommendations on where to go from here? i really love how dirty the older albums are (filth and public castration at least, Cop didn't really click with me), but the way Soundtracks messed around with a lot of creepy, droning synths made it stand out me.

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I can't but the acoustic version of Love Will Save You is 10x better than the album version

i kknow so much about you suddenly from just this one post. this was very very deeply revealing of who you are and what kind of person most people would perceive you as. intredasting

Given what you say you like I guess I wouldn't suggest heading there immediately, but eventually do check out Angels of Light. It's not just a tiny side project, it's extremely good. Some of my favorite Angels of Light is closer to me than my favorite Swans.
If you get wanting more songy, folky stuff, but with that Swans undertone, be sure to check Angels of Light sometime. I'd suggest chronologically, New Mother, How I Loved You, etc.
It's what he was doing before the new albums, so it's a very natural and interesting bridge.

If you like the drone elements of SFTB check out The Body Lovers/The Body Haters, as well as Swans Are Dead and Die Tür ist zu

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Literally the only good Swans album

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Exactly this and Deliquecence: 10/10

At least say Cop if you're going to be contrarian

Cop is boring as shit thou

>Likes Filth
>Hates Cop

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Filth is heavy and noisy but it has a groove. Cop lacks that.

this, constantly come back to filth but cop is just a slog

Plebs found, Filth is Yea Forumscore at this point and if you can't appreciate Cop you don't deserve Filth

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you must be fucking kidding me

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This isn't your general, take your 2010 .gif and leave

come on man, try harder next time

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Lol here's an idea try listening to a band that isn't just noise
Ever heard of a group that goes by oh I don't know, maybe the letter U and the numeral 2?

it's literally their worst, every other early swans record is so much better

Cringe and baitpilled

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What is Swans most depressing song?

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Blood Promise off of TGA

God Damn the Sun or Failure

Thinking of it further also Blind and God's Servant


My Most Unfortunate Lie.