Thoughts? Another Collier disaster or AOTY?

Thoughts? Another Collier disaster or AOTY?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Another Collier
Another? Has there been one?

>btfo collier with 2 powerchords

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cool elements motif jacob very original

why isn't he wearing a bra

this is transphobic

He reminds me of Mark Weins

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Completely musically irrelevant and bland.
It's like watching one of those photo-realistic painters. Yes there is skill, but no artistic substance.

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The fact that his album covers are so routinely horrible is indicative of his utter lack of taste.

>In my Room
>Djesse volume 1

>In my Room
>Djesse volume 1

>It's like watching one of those photo-realistic painters. Yes there is skill, but no artistic substance.
brainlet. Photo realistic paintings have substance

Djesse = Jizz

That's the gayest album cover I've ever seen.

I have so much respect for this man's compositional genius, but most everything he's made (except for the song "Hideaway") bores me to tears.

Also, the "Moon River" re-arrangement reminds me way too much of Eric Whitacre.

the fact that it triggers Yea Forums to pieces indicates that it is AOTY material

threadly reminder that people shitting on Collier for his lack of substance or originality are just jealous that someone so early in their career can receive so much acclaim.

Seriously, I can smell the ressentiment on all of you. He may not have come into his own artistically speaking, but its his first release and you're all far too eager to shit all over him before he's even done anything noteworthy. You're all trash human beings with zero musical skill who for whatever reason see themselves as the vanguard of taste, and can't help but attack someone who radiates positivity, enthusiasm and love for his craft. Kill yourselves

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What the fuck is with Yea Forums's interest in this guy recently? I don't know anything about him but I'm seeing a thread about him every day recently.


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Because he's a musical genius who makes subpar music. He has an understanding of tonality greater than the majority of composers today, but wastes his talents on choral re-arrangements of pop songs.


i unironically thought this was a screen from the game fable at first glance


I didn't say you can't criticise it, I said this board uses Collier as a scapegoat for all its feelings of inadequacy and impotency. Shit on him all you like, but you'll never have his talent and success, no matter how much you try to drag him down to your pathetic level. proves my point entirely.

lmao @90047069
sorry collier but your music is shit no amount of theory knowledge will allow you to have soul

Hideaway is good. Saviour is good, too. He does more good work than what plebs following Youtube trends ever bother to listen to.

>that someone so early in their career can receive so much acclaim.
People here constantly talk about how young Beatles and Brian Wilson were when they made their masterpieces. Nobody but music theory channels cares about his guy.

He's put out three albums, your argument is invalid and childish.

He's put out three albums, your argument is invalid and childish.

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>musically talented
>know a shit ton about music theory
>can merge genres and play many instruments
>still cant make one song better than a failed poet who only knew 6 chords

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Cobain didn't make fusion jazz so that comparison is stupid.

>gerhard richter and malcolm morley have no substance
A better comparison would be a kid

kek you faggots keep parroting this same shit in literally every thread without actually backing it up with facts or solid arguments.
Collier is shit because he doesn't know a lot and he can't play that well, he also makes fucking jazz fusion.

um thats not bob dylan sweetie


This is what lazy pieces of shit tell themselves so they can feel content with writing a three-chord song. You've gotta know the rules to know how to break them, so no matter how much effort you put into your anarcho-primitive freak folk record, it's not going to be anything interesting or innovative because you don't know where the boundaries are to push them. I don't like Collier's music as it is, but I'm not braindead enough to think that he isn't capable of strong songwriting. He's still in a formative process, but you're all judging him like he's an artist at the top of his game because he has a fine-tuned ear for harmony. It's the same reason for all of the reactionary hate against Black Midi on here– they're young, innately talented, but directionless, and so every pathetic user on this board starts slamming them because they're too insecure to admit that they'd like to be in that very position.

refer to
his music is shit and whether he knows theory or not, his music is still, at the end of the day, shit keep seething

He seems to be doing fine amongst (fusion) jazz fans though.

>doesn't know a lot
>can't play that well
His version of Moon River uses incredibly nuanced microtonal shifts, and he plays a ridiculous amount of instruments in your live performances. Nothing wrong with hating jazz fusion, but if you genuinely believe he's a bad musician you have an obligation to show that you're a better one (otherwise how else would you know?)

He doesn't have a wide knowledge. He can do his little negative harmony and microtonal niche shit well but that's about it.

>his music is shit
I literally said I don't like his music, you don't even know what point you're arguing against

And you do? the only way you could possibly know how narrow the breadth of his knowledge is is if yours was even wider. So either you're claiming to be more musically gifted than Collier, or you just like to look informed on the internet. If its the former, like I said before –prove it. post a recording of you playing something.

Of course he doesn't know. He's the one of many faggots parroting the whole "he's a genius/knows theory, but he makes shit music!!!" meme. Literally none of these retards know what they're even talking about.

>Volume 2

The only way I can say what I'm saying is that I'm either better than him which I'm not, so we can disqualify that immediately, or that I know enough to see whether somebody is good or not and that I've seen people who are much better. It's the second option.

>Another Collier disaster or AOTY?
Pretty much sums up a lot of people on Yea Forums's methods for discussing music: Either the OMG WORST THING EVAR or 100% AOTY IF U HATE UR A TOTAL PLEB
(not saying every single person here thinks that way so don't get defensive if you don't)


Zappa he is not

>My non-musician, untrained ears are qualified to judge who is the superior musician
Sorry, this is not a defensible position. Either you know enough at a technical level to make an informed judgement, or you're making an opinionated claim about who you prefer. Unless you can listen with a musician's ears (rather than those of a critic), then you simply can't make that claim.

>You need musically trained ears to tell is something is bad
Yep, smells like failed berklee student over here.

musicians who don't wear shoes should be quartered and hang

Holy shit Jacob this is just pathetic

Ur shit sucks simple as end of

He shouldn't release anything until he has something original and good.

fuck u

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it's another musician tries to defend himself anonymously on Yea Forums but fails in the most pathetic way episode

because music is about emotion and not about skill, a good ear and being a fucking autist about it.

ugly toes I would not suck/10

wow this is some reddit logic

im entitled to my opinion and if you dont like it how about you suck my balls instead of projecting your bullshit theory on everyone else

damn bro u so smart

yeah, but that's not makes him money lol

>this thread
Jesus fuck you faggots are so easy to trigger
This is the worst fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. This is like if autism were a sound.
>wiggle wiggle wiggle
>audience screams and laughs and cheers
The guy is masturbating on stage and the crowd is slurping it up
>mmmm oooo yessss look at how good I am at all these instruments
>how mmmmmmusical
>dubbed piano
I'm convinced that everyone in that theater was paid to be there.

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not in the age of photos
they're incredibly important for good artists to practice towards, as developing the skills to make photorealistic art is important, but the actual art itself is usually pretty bland

same with music, musicians should practice towards deep knowledge of theory and technical proficiency with their instrument, but theory wanking and shredding are ultimately boring as art

who are these lemmings that actually memorized his songs
>wiggle wiggle wiggle
what the fuck

autism man

but this guy legit makes me cringe. everything about him.
his fashion style, his redundant covers, the awful harmonies with a hundred layers stacked that sound like that awful youtube disny singer, the theorycraft wank passages.

To each their own, I enjoy the autism fest that his music and his own self brings

autism man

/oursperg/ desu

He makes music for music major theatre kids, most people on here know fuck all about music and have never participated in any meaningful extracurricular activities, of course they'd hate him.

this. you cant appreciate jacob if youve never been involved in instrumental music at some capacity

I have
he sucks mongo donkey dick

What I got is that autism man makes music for autistic people. Is that correct?

I think make me cry, and then from feel into lua is all pretty tasteful and worth relistening. I didn't care for any of the other stuff though

did you play bass?

to be fair, you need a fairly high iq to appreciate negative harmony and the lydian chromatic concept. i get it if youre just not on that level yet, but once you get past the circle of 5ths youre on the right track!


hell no
I don't know about that, he seems to be getting better. In My Room was bland as hell, Volume 1 sounded like he was dicking around, but this one actually sounds like he tried. this is his first record where he doesn't sound like a robot, and his potential is really starting to shine
still not great though, just passable. I'm eager to see if he puts out a classic soon

your reply to is confusing
If the "he" youre talking about is jacob then you two agree
if youre talking about kurt then like.... maybe youre the problem here

what is jacob missing user


music criticism that relies on voodoo juju bullshit like 'humanity' and 'soul' have to be the most pathetic kind of criticism. most of the time its spouted by talentless hacks who are only familiar with music as a consumable media (majority of this board) and not from participating in creating music. the reason you can't enjoy Collier's art is because you dropped the guitar after 2 weeks due to issues with commitment and/or depression, simple as.


tell me is anything other than jacking yourself off on stage to a crowd of music majors who have never actually gone out of their way to branch out and listen to new things and went to see him because they were told to
the dude has no aesthetic sense of what sounds good or what can make something sound good or what's even fucking interesting
he just does weird shit for the sake of doing weird shit long after it's already been done and it is fucking abhorrent

what is 'aesthetic sense'? can you actually define it and give some examples of artists who have it, and base it on something that isn't made up subjective nonsense?

but his music literally has no soul
it sounds as if you gave a computer the task to create "cool" music that young adults will like and thats what it produces

utterly soulless and lacking in humanity stupid berklee student


literally feels > reals. 'soul' is meaningless bullshit made up by music critics who are desperate to find an immeasurable metric to judge music that they don't have the technical expertise to examine. keep making up more meaningless terms to justify your utter lack of purpose in life.

it turns out that autism doesn't speak, it sings

look jacob, youre just not good thats fine
im sure there are plenty of big band orchestras that have empty seats

>feels > reals
this but unironically. music is meant to be felt, not understood


>rich privileged little english boy
>music professor mommy and daddy brought him up to be a musician
>buys him every instrument and piece of gear he could possibly need

I highly doubt jacob bought himself that double bass or piano, and that's a luxury that most people in the world don't have
Having said that I don't believe it makes his music bad
but when we start spouting out how his music has no soul, we need to define what soul actually means.
does it mean he hasn't gone through struggle? does it mean he's too happy? too bright eyed? too excited? too white? does an artist need to go through hell and back to make soulful music? and is it necessary for our appreciation of it

idk theres only a few songs of his that I do like but I feel like theres more to this stuff

I'm going to take back some of what I said in he's infinitely better here
I'm still set on that toronto performance being a goddamn abomination but this is good

i definitely wish his music was a bit more toned down like the tiny desk, there's so much going on in the records that some of the weight of his ideas don't shine through as well because they get crowded out. he's definitely someone who could learn from limitation

I will give you one better: This guy never even learned musical notation and wrote incredible songs with great lyrics

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I take it all back
that last song at the tiny desk concert is making me dry heave

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>You've gotta know the rules to know how to break them
Brainlet parrot repeating the mantra of mediocre theory teachers. You are an unoriginal brainlet defending a system that doesn't even include you. Pathetic lap dog

the virgin theory student
the chad autodidact

well yea that song is trash but everything before is good
but most artists have that one fucking trash song

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Reminder this whole post is autism. This guy needs every aspect of human experience measurable to be able to understand it (measure it).

yea this is way better, he should only use 4 tracks for his next album
otherwise his songs become overcrowded messes of shit like

How is that any less autistic than the black and white categorization of all human expression into "soul" vs. "soulless."

>t. soulless sperg

When you grow up you will understand that music criticism can be contained in "i like it". Absolute subjectivity is the only measure. This guy has it right

Everything Jacob Collier does in his room is either wanking off or wanking off

>""human expression""
I don't see any unique """human expression""" in his videos. see

>overcrowded messes of shit
as opposed to just messes of cheaply made shit (like the rest of his "music")?

>that awful disney singer

lmao the other alex g?

Is this the "pop culture" version of atonal autism/serialism in classical music?

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No matter how many times you defend him, his music will never be good.

Jacob seems like he would be a great teacher, especially for kids. He's got enthusiasm, technical ability, and is a decent communicator. Can't write an original song for shit, though. Same with all these other youtube musicians and producers. Neely, Huang, that chinese pianist, that old composer fag, even a guy like mr bill. They know their technical shit but they are creatively retarded. There was some "6 composers 1 theme" or something that features a few of them and honestly it's fucking embarrassing

Theatre kids have zero taste. They're the kind of people who listen to Glee.

Cope. Theory is descriptive and not prescriptive.

>There was some "6 composers 1 theme" or something that features a few of them and honestly it's fucking embarrassing

got link to that?

he literally worked with (and is respected by) herbie hancock. you are a fucking retard.


and herbie hancock is black
what's your point




>Nirvana, one of the most commercial bands of all time, has soul

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>Can't write an original song for shit though

How is that possible that this guys, that young, knows so much, is so musically mature, and can come up with something like this.
I mean, even the big names in the jazz industry could not come up with this. I am baffled.

>that cover art
A perfect summary of this meme, wonderful

So what is this "microtonal modulation" that people keep talking about?
I've listened to a few tracks off his and it didn't seem like he was doing microtonal stuff? Maybe I missed it, or is it like super subtle or something?

I'd probably get bullied for the entirety of my school life if someone caught me watching this video as a kid.

found it

Jacob, you're going down in history, buddy. This is exceptional. You're growing as an artist - that's maybe the most exciting thing about this piece. Oh, AND the groove and that funky ass bassline. And your thoughtful arrangements and vocal harmonies. I'm so excited for you, man. There's no stopping you.

For me, he's the Mozart of our days

>Maybe I missed it, or is it like super subtle or something?
I think that was a one-off thing he did to show off, not unlike the rest of his """art""". He basically modulates to a key where the tonic is outside of 12 tone equal temperament, e.g. modulate from something non-artistic and boring to C half-sharp.

Is he just a turbo narcissist or does he feel his face should be his branding?

The fact that you're not worshipped as a revolutionary and accomplished musician frustrates me.
You are easily one of the most talented people I now know.
The vocals and arrangement stands out to me in particular.
This is just fantastic.

What's his IQ? 150+?

Surely it must be something more fractional than that.

People and Yea Forums especially really only hate him for two reasons:

Jealousy: He is obviously a music savant who does what he does seemingly effortlessly. Most of us would literally kill a baby to have his chops. Personally, it's a little annoying to me that somebody so young can do what he does, all while professing that he's an autodidact who was never forced to practice. He's ten years younger than me and is ten times better than me at ten times as many instruments. Not to mention his understanding of harmony. It's hard not to feel a pang of jealousy there.

Taste/sensibilities: Collier's depth of theory knowledge and his penchant for trying to push the envelope means that the music he makes is absolutely not for mass consumption. It's weird, it's lengthy, it's dissonant, it's overly complex, it's definitely not 'easy on the ears'. This is by design - he's not trying to be an X-Factor winner or appeal to as wide an audience as possible, he's trying to do his own thing and define his own sound. His mind is so awash in things like negative harmony, and super-ultra-hyper-mega-meta-lydian scales and he so wants to apply them to his music that, unless you have a similarly high level of music theory knowledge (which relatively few do), it can be difficult to appreciate a lot of his music without first deconstructing it and putting it back together.

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nice reddit post you fucking faggot

This is like seeing Mozart for the first time. You know this is something extraordinary. Perhaps greatest musical genius of a century! Imagine him 20 years from now.

>muh Jealousy
Has there even been a better faggot-with-no-argument detector?

>Is he just a turbo narcissist
taking a brief glance at how the talks and dresses should answer that.


lmfao u stole that comparison from last collier thread c'mon bro

>i'm not scared i just think his music is shit
lmaooo that nails it. he just fuckin sucks at producing anything worth listening to other than to say you've heard it


god he's so fucking smart

Absolutely genius and an inspiration. I'm so excited and humbled to know that his legacy will live on and that his work will contribute to the evolution of music and his deep, thoughtful insights will contribute to the evolution of the human condition.

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one more. This motherfucker knew 0 music theory and composed shit like this

he has such a punchable face

Ever looked to yourself in the mirror?

It's his gay faggot giraffe neck. Remember to train neck anons

this OOZES soul

His technicality is undeniable. However just because you're proficient in playing music, doesn't mean you're a necessarily good musician. That's only half of it. If you were to listen to any of his albums, you'd find that every song on there is unbelievably soulless. There's nothing to them, outside of the technicality and innovation. Read the lyrics to You and I, or Hajanga, or In the Real Early Morning, or fuck anything off his first album. They're all just soulless love songs and schlock.
He simply doesn't have the capability to write a good song. None of them are written particularly well and the selling point to his music is the innovation.
I have no doubt in my mind that Jacob Collier is an innovative musical genius. I have no doubt in my mind that his work will be the framework of future classical/jazz compositions. But I can also tell you that no one will ever look back at one of his songs and see it as anything but a stepping stone to something greater.
He will exist as a subject for music majors to geek out about. The person who'll truly be remembered will be the man who takes Colliers idea of "negative harmony" and applies something of substance to it. Something that is actually emotionally moving.

TL;DR: Stilled musicianship, soulless writer. Will be forgotten by everyone except music geeks.

It's because he plays for himself.
Collier, on the other hand, has the crowd in his mind whether he performs or not. His whole existence is driven by theory rules and an effort to appeal to an imaginary audience (and lets not kid ourselves, that audience is his helicopter mom).
He lacks soul because he lacks a self.

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Yeah he is good
this is virtuoso talent. Collier is pure knowledge.

It's not his first album he made two other albums before this one

>(and lets not kid ourselves, that audience is his helicopter mom)
fucking based
unless of course, this user was right:

Collier seems like a really down to earth, humble guy. I think he's got a lot to say, but he has never struck me as arrogant.

Jealousy. Because none of my friends seem to care as much when I talk about theory as people do when he talks about theory.

I think most here dont hate him, we just hate his music

>he is fully nude
Holy fuck

his live shows seem like a wank fest of how many instruments he can play its really pretentious

no matter how talented he is he lacks soul and thats why this song sounds kinda empty

wrong song

imagine being in a band with those 2 cute females

It’d just be distracting unless you’re a faggot like our boy Jacob.

I want to see anybody in this thread share a link to something they've written better than this or anything jacob has written

>his worst song

I have never once seen anybody on this board say anything coherent to prove that they truly know theory or not.
They throw out terms and then facetiously say something like "mixodorian" but never actually analyze what's happening.

I dare mu to analyze a jacob song and say specifically what it is harmonically that bothers them.

At least quote him correctly:
>He's the musical equivalent of an artist who only does photorealistic portraits of celebrities and posts them on reddit.

You know it's soulful when you literally need to put "with the love in my heart" on the cover.

he gets completely BTFO'd by one guy with a guitar

this is pure soul

"Soul" is just you projecting onto the music, you stupid fuck.

Pop = no theory, no soul
Alternative and folk = no theory, soul
Jazz = theory, no soul
Classical = theory, soul

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>not understood
Says who, faggot?

>Alternative and folk = no theory, soul

>Yea Forums
>knowing anything about the inner workings of a piece of music
Top kek user. Never gonna happen. At best you'll only get bombarded with buzzwords like
with nothing to back those up apart from their own impressions and perception.
>what it is harmonically that bothers them
Woah there buddy that would actually require people knowing what it is that they like or dislike about a piece of music. That's a little too inhumane and rational (as if these were oppositions), don't you think?
It's almost like all these people have heard jazz fusion for the first time and are completely livid and confusing at how obnoxious the genre seems to them.

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>le repetitive 3 chord strumming and simple structure
No theory, soul.

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>he didnt watch the whole video and has to resort to frogposting
pathetic, learn how to play an instrument

>literally 3 chords repeating and a simple pop structure
No theory, soul.

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nice samefagging pathetic frogposter


> (You)
>nice samefagging pathetic frogposter

s a m e f a g



> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
>s a m e f a g
epic fail



I perform instrumental music.

Sounds like Paul McCartney. Modal drones, Beck used to do one every album. It's like he's never got into a genre of music. Or had anything to sing about really, kinda like late period Pink Floyd. The Frog Song. Do well at Christmas with the yummy mummies, yeah, mums net , that's a good market for him.

Lewis Capaldi is street in comparison. He makes Lewis sound like from the ghetto.

ok freud, go back to counting your shekels and stop using coke

Yea Forums is just jealous because they don't have perfect pitch.

I do have perfect pitch. I can sing a chromatic scale.

>band with character and soul appeals to a lot of people

watch me perfectly pitch a brick at your head faggot

>You're just jealous lol
Grow up

fuck this is so good

You don't need perfect pitch for that. It's enough to "know" a reference note in your head and be able to sing it and all the intervals in tune.

I have perfect pitch, also of course Yea Forums doesn't like Jacob Collier, they have no clue about music.

i'm going to acquire it soon by using DMT anyway.

keep seething jacob

I have perfect pitch and can tell you it doesn't help with writing good music

Literally don't like him or his music, but okay retard, whatever helps you cope.

>alternates between friggio and paralelo mode while syncopating a half diminished bass line over a d#7m9b13 chord and ending on two false aeolian cadences
Yea Forums literally seething

You really gonna use 'music geek' derogatorily on a music board. Says a lot about this shithole. This place consumes music as a commodity, not art, thats why you see retards jerk off over generic kpop and metal but when a real cutting edge artist like Collier emerges, this board throws a hissy fit. Just go listen to your boring ass 80s alt rock you talentless fucks.


>cutting edge
How is he "cutting edge"? Besides the fucking edgy cover art.

>You've gotta know the rules to know how to break them
That's the dumbest thing I've ever read. The Beatles broke all the rules and knew absolutely nothing about music theory. It's cool to know theory, people who think learning this stuff will make them worse songwriters or something are hacks. Genius pop songwriters like Townshend or John Frusciante know tons of theory.

You can teach yourself theory, dumbass.

This site would sperg at any leftist college girl talking about white male privilege but immediately resort to the same shitty populist criticism when someone they hate happens to grow up in a wealthy family.

Do you need online people to babysit you on why his composition is cutting edge? Take a music theory class, pick up an instrument, pull up the bootstrap and quit whining about more talented people.

soul he just doesnt have it
sorry mommy paid for your expensive music degree and you cant write for shit but some people just dont have it

>he's English and grew with a wealthy family therefore no soul
Imagine thinking this seriously

>Why no, I didn't bother to learn music theory. How could you tell?

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Uncanny valley

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Photo realism is pointless when you have cameras. Part of the appeal of fine art is to simulate reality, that doesn’t mean trying to fool the viewer into thinking it’s reality. Basically the goal of those artists is to escape the uncanny valley, which is fine if that’s your goal, but it’s really fucking lame if that’s your greatest achievement in the field.

Music Theory is more like a language that allows complex musical ideas to be expressed in the most short handed form possible and allows for replications.

What people miss is that back then there was a huge pressure to be a commercial success if you were lucky enough to be discovered. Jacob is just doing his own thing for fun. I know it is a very foreign mindset for you guys to like making music for the sake of music, and not as a proxy for fame and money

Also, retards, photorealistic paintings (as in near perfect replicas of a scene) is not idiosyncratic, unlike colliers work

The fact that Quincy Jones of all the cocksuckers views Collier as a friend should speak a thousand words.

progressive tech-muzak
it fucking sucks

Based autismposter

the dude is extremely chinese looking for someone 1/4


I've always wondered what it's like for stevie when he was like a G deep on coke, no eyes just buzzing your tits off. If Collier had a line maybe he'd develop some soul

Stop listening Jacob Collier
Start listening to The Secret Life Of Plants

His mother is Asian

Do you have the instant kind or the cucked kind where you have to kinda feel it out a bit

Is perfect pitch when you're born knowing the names of the notes or something?

>Photo realism is pointless when you have cameras.
Yeah and theatre and opera re pointless when you have film; and then when we'll have virtual reality, movies will be pointless, right? Or perhaps real life will be pointless? That's a stupid point of view to be honest.

It's when Rick Beato kidnaps your childhood passions and makes you repeat names of notes back to him on a piano before you can walk, only to grow up and refuse to pursue music, citing video games as your passion instead

wikipedia said his maternal grandmother is chinese

Go figure

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Do you know how i know you are an ingorant pleb? There are threads that discuss less popular music that you have never opened. Keep jerking off to reddit:the composer turbopleb

>reddit:the composer
So this is the power of autism

I would MAYBE let the left one touch my peepee

>asians are the most beau-

He idolizes Stevie Wonder so much but he completely misses the soul at the center of Stevie's music that made it so good.

>Collier says, "We sing Bach chorales together as family – it's just so much fun."
I want to stomp on his stupid face

I blame the british genes here

Video games are a feminist ploy to make men into their weakest most useless form, and it has worked.

incel cope

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Why would you listen to Collier when you can listen to Squid?

look at those fucking teeth
only pure british could do that to a human

What do you mean? Tell me which aspect you regard as the soul. How much of it comes from just singing like stevie for example?

based listen to pottery from montreal


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Stevie is one of the most talented musicians ever, and could play like a dozen instruments at a master level. He also produced all of his own shit, but at no point in his discography could you find something that you could really describe as masturbatory or showing off. Stevie always seemed like he had something to say, or a certain feeling to express and used the music as a way to express that.
With Collier, it generally feels like he's just playing instruments really well for the sake of it. Not saying he'll never find anything worth singing about, but I haven't seen it from him yet.


>Please plebs can i have your claps?

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even the way the hair grows out of his head is super chinese

What do people mean when they say he's a showoff? Most of the time Jacob looks like he's having the time of his life playing random shit

>btfo kurt with 1 powerchord

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Sounds like a great time, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you too edgy to spend time with your family? Too filtered to like bach?

Jacob here, where did you get this?

Attached: ryo1.jpg (266x400, 20K)

Stevie was groomed since he was a child to be a commercial success. Jacob doesn’t have that. Maybe it would be “good for him” to be under that pressure a little bit

is the name of his album basically him saying he is a god? that is pretty ballsy and based