Attached: 1567484260114.webm (720x1280, 2.95M)

Other urls found in this thread: IS HERE/

Attached: 1567528950212.webm (720x1280, 2.9M)

nice pants

rim ram rom

our freakin girls

Attached: 1562517097201.jpg (1242x922, 146K)

I am a White supremacist. Which group is for me?

Imagine having all the time in the world to make a new thread, and then making this one

we wanted a seulgi thread

Jo Yuri (the actual one)

exp edition

which idol will pre-order a iphone 11?


Attached: uXPSji9.jpg (1000x1500, 237K)

jisoo doesn't have sex or sponsors

Attached: 1547517713718.jpg (899x1124, 151K)

they had black members

Attached: twhite power.png (1024x617, 1.13M)

why do poltards lust for asian girlfriends

imagine not only being a newshit who cares about the op, but also gay

Attached: ED2UBLiUUAAkxz7.jpg (2048x1365, 275K)

listen to our mommy and go vote! I want the special video

Attached: ED6qmRIX4AI-OmL.jpg (853x1280, 149K)

none of them. they'll be gifted them as brand deals or by sponsors

muh docile asian waifus

he's liked her forever

they aren't actually docile lmao they just act 'cute' for cultural reasons

because white girls suck, it's the same reason why niggers lust for white girlfriends, because black girls suck

jizzoo is for thighfucking and deepthroathing

Red Velvet

Attached: 1545739646447.jpg (1350x900, 441K)

Asians are honorary whites

Ah so you got memed by Yea Forums as well.
Yea Forums told me to:
- get a job
- take a shower
- dress nicely
- don't live with my parents
- get a job

So I did all that and NOTHING has changed. I didn't get any friends, I didn't get a girlfriend, people don't respect any more than they did. I am sitting alone in my apartment after a hard day of work that I absolutely hate, drinking beer mixed with gin because it kicks in faster.
Don't listen to Yea Forums EVER. Even when the advice seems reasonable.

Attached: sojin noona.jpg (1000x1500, 774K)

Attached: jizzwho.webm (898x760, 472K)

Attached: arin small.webm (680x720, 2.15M)

any sharkman in

Attached: ia_100000040446.jpg (4096x2731, 1.26M)

she's for singing and dancing only shut the hell up don't call her that

STOP doing that to me delete that you can't have it anymore

Attached: 1551168485304.jpg (1280x1920, 430K)

i've seen this post before

I don't like Twice but this was a nice touch. JYP is a master at this.

Attached: dubu.webm (852x480, 2.89M)

I met a dude the other day at a cookout, a friend of a friend. White dude that taught English in Japan for a year or 2 and brought back a wifu. She didn't talk to anyone else at the cookout really and only paid attention to their small hafu child. You could see the exhaustion in his eyes. I asked him where they met and stuff and I was like "living the dream, eh??" - the deadpan look he gave me with his "something like that" drawled answer was funny as hell to me

Pasta or not, imagine being this retarded

Attached: ia_100000048577.jpg (1546x2048, 404K)

based alcoholic nooner oldfag
getting groceries delivered in about 5 hours (including 3 bottles of vodka + beers). i'll keep watch during the night while you sleep it off

Attached: 1407285974505.jpg (469x625, 162K)

yeah but I didn't copy paste it, I wrote that myself and btw - nothing has changed since the last time

Attached: fucking whore 3.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

and it wasnt even a itzy thread

Attached: EChwcUqVAAEm_Ok.jpg (1365x2048, 355K)

>I don't like Twice

just us shartman

I like dubu. dubu is cool.

Attached: ia_100000049150.jpg (2730x4096, 1.46M)

this honestly makes me happy fuck i love twice

>I don't like Twice

imma say it

Obligatory Eunha post

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she's not my waifu but this made me like her a lot

Rowan Atkinson...

calm and loving jisun wife

does nofap really work?

Attached: 1565123040262.jpg (1600x1200, 449K)

Everything for MOMMY

Attached: 1563909133353.jpg (684x1024, 73K)

post some kfeet you faggots

someone make a drake meme about what he thinks about individual bts members

Dunno, I last about 36 hours before I start thinking about pit threads again

Who is this comfy noona?

no, it's a meme. not beating off isn't going to give you initiative to go out and fuck.

nofap is a test of will and a way for you to gain self discipline, if you think it will turn you into a turbochad no
you should stop watching porn tho

Attached: D90PVi5U0AAVoXW-orig.jpg (1920x2193, 324K)

depends, a huge % hate them and post the same plastic surgery stuff at any mention of asian girls

Attached: 0DfTgfGuUwAAFzu3.jpg (960x1200, 129K)

improving your willpower is always good

did they...?

her name is park sojin and she is my waifu

Attached: 1406074795176.webm (1192x1080, 2.19M)

Attached: 1567365783657 (1).jpg (2506x1620, 316K)

naky you fucking whore

someone post that webm of a fan luring nayeon over with a snack

>someone make a drake meme
did you get lost on your way to reddit?

they think the girls will be obedient slaves, of course they are getting into a big surprise

Attached: makeuprin.webm (870x800, 2.88M)

feet > pits

Attached: 1552797467300.jpg (4762x4913, 3.41M)

>nofap is a test of will
Maybe if you're 12. Eventually it just becomes a natural consequence of hating yourself so much you can't even muster the self esteem required to maintain an erection


>Maybe if you're 12
So pretty much most of kpg then?

I hope you ordered some gatorade too.

Attached: b4ed6d2281f84ff64328682d6c23e0309ac549.jpg (800x1200, 234K)

yeah because your fucked up situation applies to most people right



yeseo noona~

I hope it is ok guys if I post SuAs abs here.

Attached: DIO8-PsUIAELoOA.jpg (675x1200, 90K)

there are way better ways to "test your will" and "gain self discipline" like learning new skills, a new language, exercising, etc
nofp cucks started this self-discipline meme when people started to mock their outrageous claims about nofap for being nothing but meme broscience

kpg is literally just me and you, so yeah at least 50%

Attached: IMG_5402.gif (334x420, 3.73M)

Now this was kpop.

Attached: 1566143370715.jpg (791x1600, 131K)

Ich liebe dich, Seulgi von Kang

Attached: huwite.png (640x360, 290K)

Oh yeah, would you look at that.

Attached: 1566143472281.jpg (825x1600, 136K)


Attached: EDPi9kEXoAEUsde.jpg (1361x2048, 412K)

based alcosojin posters

is naky pure?

i went without fapping for a month and when i did nothing came out

>nayeon will never carry me to the bedroom and fuck my brains out
why live bros?

Attached: strong bunny.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)


umpah umpah

Attached: 2t9butu4dnr01.jpg (1080x895, 108K)

The real issue is actually porn since that does actually fuck up your dopamine receptors (basically) among other things.

>the look on her face

Ice Cream Cake was the o ly comeback where sluggy was fuckable

Change my view

Attached: 1544316982115.webm (606x1080, 2M)

I've been nofapping for two years now. After a month of no fap I got fully socialised, in two months - found a new job 30k in a month. A week later met a wonderful girl, now she's my wife. After another six months got promoted, my salary tripled. Bought a new flat. It's only 140 sq metres but we're managing to stuff everything into such a small place. After a year of nofap I've developed supernatural abilities: I can see through walls and read people's minds. My memory and ability to memorise information is literally perfect now. I can easily memorise a thirty digit number without even thinking about it now. Three months ago I've travelled to space for the first time. It’s a secret project. Had contacts with the aliens. Six weeks ago got introduced into the Heaven. Shaken hands with the God himself, he said that he has raised a worthy successor. In a few days I'm taking the command over the Heavens. So, user, think about it. A simple nofap can drastically improve your life.

Attached: 1558890635164.jpg (862x1000, 133K)

she's so hot


I love em

Attached: 1563824504080.jpg (1365x2047, 314K)

Kang Seulgi the White man's idol

Attached: 1536670365580.jpg (2100x1400, 216K)

yeah, that's a way more interesting and science based take, i will not dispute that

why not exercise while on nofap

Attached: 1548732166200.jpg (2048x1365, 332K)

I felt all hyped once after some days, but it's all placebo effect, the positive stories are from border mental compulsive fappers hurting their dicks

Attached: 1565422548247.webm (680x620, 1.26M)

I miss Blackpink so much bros...

she's a slut

why nofap at all?

based sana trying to go for that dubutt grab

Attached: 1563023303667.jpg (2048x1412, 983K)

Literally everything fucks up our dopamine receptors when overused. You can destroy them with ice cream.

I would hit PRs everyday and everybody would accuse me of juicing.

she, chewy, joy and arin seem to be the huwite choice, must be a pattern there

Attached: -(10).jpg (1200x800, 125K)

good thing I don't eat ice cream

they don't make them like this anymore...

Attached: 1430919259860.webm (420x800, 909K)

Post women.

Attached: 1567620659451.jpg (800x1200, 557K)

how about we switch topic from nofap to the exact opposite. more like this

Attached: EEF2yXVU4AArgOf.jpg (600x900, 158K)

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Attached: sana-9.jpg (1024x1536, 211K)

gooky, brown or a mix of these two
these fuck up with their colonization instincts

Who is the last

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Attached: 9955DE4E5B1787742E.jpg (1334x2000, 187K)

How about we act like normal adults instead of self loathing losers looking for excuses to our problems

the high spheres of power in the peninsula didn't wanted that kind of image anymore

Ahn Yujin

Keep nofap to build up self discipline, use self discipline to gain skills, use skills to become a ceo, use your position to fuck those women.

Attached: 1566143133007.jpg (1600x701, 195K)

I don't loathe myself tho


Attached: 1567420001414.png (1000x1777, 1.82M)

I wanna sleep using Wendy as pillow.

prerequisite: be asian

at some point you just start cumming in your sleep which is just extra hassle and not worth it

>forgetting what the white man wants

Attached: 1480838578908.jpg (640x960, 147K)

Aside from Tzuborg is she the meatiest idol?

Attached: 07252DA0-79C2-44CD-9F58-8ED47DFA3417.png (856x442, 495K)

Normal adults don't spend 16 hours a day on Yea Forums like I do.
I failed to become normal. No idea how to function properly.
Posting cute asian women as a substitute for social life.

Attached: 1565452861765.jpg (2048x3072, 1.19M)

i'm a finn so close enough

Imagine if Chewy did this

me too friend

Attached: 1537059415943.jpg (750x1184, 157K)

fugliest tranny

spics are not white


oh baby
oh yeah

Attached: 1563798962729.jpg (720x512, 323K)

this, the sperm must flow, like in that Dune quote

Attached: 67tg.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

For me it's them

Attached: 1556520473859.jpg (1920x1920, 608K)

>wanting a dyke

Attached: 3A38D1D3-3660-467D-B4E5-E315E76B612B.jpg (598x448, 37K)

because they are more attractive

You're supposed to listen to rock music, wtf are you doing.
My condolences tho, scandinavians (you mentality is scandinavian if not the genes) are really fucking introvert, you're having it harder socially than most white people.

For me? It's Yeonwoo

Attached: 1566137862860.jpg (1792x2880, 1.31M)

faggiest anti

Attached: 64822803_153704452426053_5744600054269480347_n.jpg (1080x1080, 229K)

that's just a meme

succulent thigh meat straight from aliexpress

Attached: 1563622641372.jpg (1000x1500, 623K)

Sorry to inform you but that ship has sunk, friend

There's plenty of room on board the HMS Ssambbang though

Or if your interests are more... plebian in nature, there's always Hyekkura or YulYen

Attached: 1567644609262.jpg (1000x1500, 191K)

redpill me on nugus


yuna and wony

Then leave this place and be normal.

reminder: this is what every straight white male wants

Attached: slug.jpg (680x1024, 192K)

arin thigh sashimi thin slice by thin slice

Attached: 1568039882582.jpg (1001x1218, 518K)

I don't ship lesbians.


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Attached: hani waker up.webm (960x540, 2.96M)


Attached: 03g.jpg (1200x1800, 1.38M)

That pattern makes it really hard to see any camel toe

Someone please post some camel toe pics

Sorry it's Annyeongz and Yenul for me

Attached: 1556353299820.jpg (1920x2881, 637K)

based brother

Attached: momo.png (2110x1083, 3.87M)

Would you prefer:
a) Hani friendzoning you
b) Hani not knowing you even exist

Attached: friendzoned by Hani.webm (960x540, 2.93M)


Attached: ED_c0qEWkAkz7Rk.jpg (1333x2000, 314K)

Attached: 1555603008378.webm (900x900, 2.77M)


seulgi's arches

why does this look shopped

i'm looking at her thighs

No cameltoe but really tight knickers

Attached: tight 10.webm (720x1280, 1.92M)

i'd take her out and pay for everything just to watch her eat then wave goodbye with a smile on my face as she gets in her bf's bentley on the way out

friendzoning any day of the week. she can introduce me to jeonghwa

so sexy

it's probably hip pads Tbh

this but solji

apologise to hwasa

and then I'd trail her + her bf home to spy on them with binoculars while I hide on a tree

heechul's shit works better with underage girls, that's why he is so friendly with them

let's make it a double date. we can get le and voldemort anons in as well

This but LE

Attached: le 3.webm (446x888, 2.81M)

this but exidboy

Attached: 1567804565469.gif (480x246, 3.4M)

subhuman seamonkey spammer

nice, lads

star of the day

Attached: i_1jcUd018svc1gapetnz83la1_5pf7sw.jpg (736x736, 100K)

why does jisoo look so nervous

Imagine getting mogged by fucking Wendy of all people, the absolute state of blackedpink

hey hey hey
beep beep

Attached: EECUJdkXkAUkBaP.jpg (1080x1559, 189K)

>tfw hani picks up her members and 4 /kpg/ anons after a quadrouple night out
comfy dream

Attached: 19amlsd3dbc21.jpg (1365x2048, 540K)

This but Hyeyeon.

Attached: kang hyeyeon.jpg (500x750, 40K)

fuck china

name a more iconic threesome

Right is cuter

widefaced sihyeon...


Attached: maskjak.jpg (601x508, 94K)

kpop giveth and kpop taketh

Attached: kara.jpg (1600x996, 127K)

Irene wins here

Estrogen Monster
Double-sided dildo

Rosie :)

Attached: ROSE-BLACKPINK.jpg (700x1040, 174K)

word, either you empty the coffers yourself or your body is going to do it for you.

ascended taste

Keep seething, faggot.

main course

dude have you tried being happy lmao

Cake mogging

Attached: 1557441212178.jpg (1000x1330, 87K)

i wish she didn't have those boots on

ugliest shit


Just listen to the new Crayon Pop album, they're great!

>by fucking Wendy of all people
That's rude to my wife

Attached: 1564148826149.jpg (1080x1080, 63K)

you're not used to seeing her forehead

jisoo wins here obviously

i actually did. it works well, too. it just doesn't last very long lol

Who doesn't not Hori?

Which kpop idol is this?

Attached: 1542658452363.jpg (1080x1348, 191K)

>It has been reported that the members of K-pop boy group BTS are thinking of enlisting in the military simultaneously.
>On September 9, Sports Donga reported that the members will probably enlist together to prevent a long hiatus in their 7-member group activities.

would this save kpop?

this but unironically

looks like binnie

Based blindbro

what about new bighit girl group? are they going to defeat twice?

sorry whore

>tried searching for Kang Hyeyeon
>learn that the nude chick from Oldboy is called Kang Hyeyeon too
Thanks I guess.

Attached: f89cbfee254580024ffd0215378de7a5.jpg (1400x2099, 148K)

the sperm must be destroyed and generated again if it is not expelled, storing it in the body doesn't mean a benefit, but like the other user said, nonfap works for compulsive fap addicts probably

Attached: chewmo.webm (640x712, 1.13M)

you mean gfriend? they aren't defeating anyone

Attached: DSC_7985.jpg (1334x2000, 1.13M)

bts are the biggest money makers,
It would make kpop get out of business

Attached: 1st fat pig.jpg (896x1414, 166K)

seeing momo makes me a compulsive fap addict dbh

add megan and saerom

yunachads please save us

the smartest thing if the want to make big comeback, that or keep the activities with half group or something

any miabros in?

>binnie's fat p and irritated thigh pores

Attached: 1566028304838.jpg (1333x2000, 1.79M)

i smiled but then misery return

>you mean gfriend?
no, i'm talking about this

this is still nothing but a rumor so don’t take it too seriously, it seems too risky

Wendy is beautiful you fucking moron

just us juliaman

what would happen if BTS were completely gone for 2 years?

Attached: 1566028304838.jpg (1069x720, 652K)

post yeji

EXO should have done that but SM is too greedy for money

what if SNSD are enlisted and that's why there are no comebacks

why is she hiding her toes? the teasing is maddening

wow she's beautiful

Attached: JungYeon.png (985x1271, 1.09M)

armys mass suicide

she looks like an INFINITE member

armys will calm down so blonks take the number one spot for worst kpop fanbase

oi no lewding binners

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doesent fapping significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer in men or some shit

they'd drip feed content like exo's currently enlisted are doing.

Cause she wants to be remembered for her singing. IS HERE/

the seamonkey moved on to sana?

If you've got cum in your ass that needs to be expelled that just means you're gay.

It's aids, not cancer

we can' expect some suicides and mass bulimia, those roasties are nuts

Attached: 756.jpg (800x1200, 165K)

looks like a street urchin

which one is the best idol maxim shoot?


>Never another bp
Oh thank god, but dont give me hope user
Hopefully yg sinks

bighit would really go through a year and a half without the biggest money makers in kpop of all time?

Attached: DeM8sKEV0AAOkMa.jpg (3000x2000, 1.56M)

good, they're both roastie pandering garbage and a terrible influence on the rest of the industry

prostate cancer akshually

Attached: 00098809.jpg (1000x1392, 395K)

Attached: 15536736262091.jpg (1600x2482, 2.52M)

no exactly. 'emptying the pipes' from time to time keeps you healthy in the same way that if you dont shit for awhile youre eventually going to have issues. these fluids are produced constantly and need to be excreted, your body will do it for you if you dont do it yourself but you don't exactly want it to get that point.

hani will never rub herself on you to wake you up

they have to unless they want BTS taken down by extreme favoritism scandals from government officials

no worries, we’ll see our boys again soon

Attached: 89.jpg (1151x2048, 583K)


what the fuck were they thinking with TXT? army roasties hate them

when i was on a school trip a couple of years ago i didn't fap for like 10 days. the week after that i had a constant urge to pee and it was uncomfortable as fuck. i'm never doing that again

kpop will be based again when exo's finished with enlistment like suju
too bad big bang is finito because of seungri

why did anyone ever like big bang and 2ne1

we want a ot9 comeback with lay

Attached: 1SvJR-QkWYwOXAan3VLuj7mYjBSXDBvkjP5gZ4bYMzA.jpg (1600x1067, 258K)

they don't have to enlist together though

Attached: 70616287_108707723698778_3375870040003626012_n.jpg (961x961, 149K)

lay is literally donezo at this point

couldnt tell you why about 2ne1, but big bang was pretty based. they had great songs, and a great variety of songs.

they were one of the greater groups during that generation

BTS unironically made god-tier K-Pop until LY:Answer

nobody wants to see these annoying faggots ever again, exotranny

nice tapered eyebrows gayboy

Attached: unnamed (4).jpg (640x640, 102K)

any shartricians online?

seething armpit

Ugly tranny

Just us pitricians

Bout time for that pits thread I've been waiting for all day

Get that lolcow roastie

Attached: EC29jXiUwAA9skf.jpg (1080x1080, 67K)

shinee and exo are our boys here faggot
bts is cool too
big bang went out after the burning sun shit

big bang are the group of choice for real gangsters. no other group has a member that has literally killed a man.

Get her obese cellulite ass

Attached: 1555361136651.jpg (2048x1365, 345K)

make it a mommy feet thread

Attached: X38h8qv.jpg (1240x1552, 398K)

we want a seulgi thread

no my friend i've always been a sanabro

Attached: 19e0a9dbaaeceb1d6f3cb494ffe9cd37.jpg (736x1104, 87K)


i didn't get it at first but there was a nice pitomi pic the other day so i think i'm coming around

Ugly tranny = baconuggo and kaiuggo the ugliest shits

Attached: 1556995471274.jpg (207x266, 9K)


pits thread

go go go

I imagine that's what they all look like

>that finger

i never liked big bang, they were cringe tryhard thugs

literal killer, drugdealer, pimps. ain't nothing tryhard about that.

and a seamonkey

boy with luv is a top 10 song


leave doyeon's brother alone