>Kristof Hahn on lap steel again
>Larry Mullins, who played on Swans Are Dead on main drums
>Phil Puleo on hammer dulcimer and vaguely described as having "more to come quite soon"
>Jennifer Gira on backing vocals
>Yoyo Röhm on double bass
>The Necks playing on two songs
>Thor Harris still doing little things here and there
Holy fuck I haven't been excited for an album release this entire year but it's looking like AOTD, and only 45 days till it's out.
Have you been listening to Gira's catalogue of music in preparation?
Kristof Hahn on lap steel again
Who is Jennifer Gira?
Michaels wife
Michael's wife and an excellent vocalist as seen from When Will I Return? on The Glowing Man
The cover is fucking ugly, either the paper border or the whole yellow mess must go
Ok, im thinking Swans are back
>Jarboe is not on board
>guest female singers
>double album
Don't get your hopes too high user, "My Father.." will remain the best nu-swans album. This is gonna be just another boring jam session with a different lineup
>He fell for the Jarboe meme
>He actually thinks My Father is the best of nu-swans
>A double album is a bad thing at all
Haven't laughed this hard in a while user, please give your reasoning to why in hell Jarboe is a great or even good vocalist besides adding ""mood"" to songs or I'll need to check you into a psychiatric ward
Go listen to Omniscience or even Children Of God and then call Jarboe a meme, she was crucial to what they became and if she didn't join the band they would've ended up as a generic metal band (Mike stated this a lot in old interviews)
>He actually thinks My Father is the best of nu-swans
It is, because it has actual songs, if you knew anything about Swans besides what Yea Forums tells you is that their studio albums and live shows where intentionally the opposite and it worked. Seen then live right after the comeback and it was mindblowing how they treated those songs. Saw them again in the TGM tour and was bored to tears, it just felt like listening to the album
>A double album is a bad thing at all
What is filler? Also, 4th double album in a row. Mike needs to start cutting the fat at this point.
Also, the single sucked
Crucial to what they became ≠ good. Norman Westberg was a far better and more influential member of the band, plus with signing onto the label and making The Burning World is what made Gira want to change the sound of the band, without Jarboe The Burning World would've been a generic metal album and Gira wouldn't have liked it, and experimented further to try and take the band to a different place,
Again, influential ≠ good
>My Father has actual songs
What is: When Will I Return? Song For A Warrior, The Daughter Brings The Water ect.
The TGM tour was rough and Gira has admitted that on several accounts, several songs just didn't work live and this is why they're further changing their sound, they were trying to play The World Looks Red/The World Looks Black but it never worked and they eventually gave up, and that turned into the song Deliquescing off of Deliquescence which is also a basis of what the next incarnation of the band is going to sound like.
>Mike needs to start cutting the fat at this point
Just call him Michael Or Gira dammit, anyways, there's nothing wrong with a double album, there's always been a reason for the album being long, with The Seer it's because Gira wanted it to be exhausting, with TBK it's because there was enough content in the works, plus side A and side B are different enough to be two different albums, and The Glowing Man feels like a journey of themes with a grand payoff
>Also, the single sucked
You like Swans for different reasons than the people excited for them, you should just keep listening to your favorites because Swans is going to be moving forward, never back.
Listen to Deliquescence and tell me any of that is filler with zero effort put into it, they don't need Jarboe to still innovate and make incredibly powerful music
Some how Yea Forums can't handle the fact that new Swans is just BDSM Grateful Dead. Fucking lame as fuck.
replied to the wrong post.
Dude "song for a warrior" is the worst thing ever released under the Swans name by a longshot.
The fuck are you talking about, It's Coming It's Real is the closest they sounded like My Father since that came out.
worst post yet
It's objectively better than literally every Jarboe song, and a good, calming track before the madness of Avatar starts, if you're getting pleb filtered by FUCKING KAREN O, something's actually wrong with your ears
Implying BDSM wouldn't make The Grateful Dead 200x more based, although 200x zero is still zero
Point is you have either a highly low attention span, are a fan of metalcore, or have just generally poor taste if you can't appreciate the sheer amount of time it take to rehearse and write a song like Frankie M, The Knot or Bring The Sun while it still sounding more intense than 70% of modern "intense" bands today.
Also Gira is 65 and making music as if he's 20, if nothing else is incredible, that is.
album cover be lookin like processed cheddar
>if you're getting pleb filtered by FUCKING KAREN O, something's actually wrong with your ears
Triggered much? Didn't know who was singing until after I heard it and dont give a fuck about Karen O. It's just a shit song that wouldn't make the cut in an Angels Of Light album and the whinny vocals just make it far worse
But no point on reasoning with such a fanboy, if you fap to your autographed vinyl set when you get it post pics pls
Kraft single
i cant speak to these other meme arguments, but you did hear the new song, right?
i mean, you heard it, yeah?
Did you hear it?
cuz its really good
>Also, the single sucked
They've got Ben Frost too, I hope he has a role in sound design and isn't just doing occasional bleep bloops in the background.
>Also Gira is 65 and making music as if he's 20, if nothing else is incredible, that is.
Ever hear about this dude Lemmy and his band Motorhead?
Not the user you're replying to, it was alright but too predictable, was hyped for the first half but lost interest by the end desu
>you have either a highly low attention span, are a fan of metalcore, or have just generally poor taste if you can't appreciate the sheer amount of time it take to rehearse and write a song like Frankie M, The Knot or Bring The Sun while it still sounding more intense than 70% of modern "intense" bands today.
I have none of those things. Of course it takes a long time, the songs are like 45 minutes fucking long, but they're only like 4 or 5 parts total, so really, it would not take long at all with proficient musicians. You just follow the lead on when to switch to the next part. That's it. Not fucking hard.
>Also Gira is 65 and making music as if he's 20, if nothing else is incredible, that is.
It's pathetic and sad that he hasn't evolved beyond his 20 year old self, honestly.
>ever hear about this dude Lemmy
He's dead, Michael's alive.
Me: 1
(You): 0
I wish this little nigga was in the cover.
how bout you just try enjoying the fucking song?
its a fucking great song.
you just outed yourself as somehow both underage and a cuck
dont you have a sneed thread to post?
>tfw you will never contribute to a swans record
seething cope
I'd like to see you try and play the lap steel guitar for 42 minutes straight you cocky retard
at least be clever if your gonna be me
and remember to have fun.
life short.
ok MKULTRA CHAD is the best namefag I've ever seen
we are legion
The double-disc To Be Kind (Young God, 2014) does not fully redeem the generic mediocrity of Seer but at least scales down the pomp or infuses it with more real deas. Nonetheless, the Swans remain unrecognizable (note for the younger generations: no, your parents were not listening to this "stuff", they were listening to Filth and Cop, much darker "stuff").
>Holy Money/WLFTMOI-7,5
> My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky (2010), 5/10
>Body Lovers: Number One Of Three, 7/10
Actually based
No, your parents were not listening to this "stuff", they were listening to Filth and Cop, much darker "suff".
why does he say "stuff" with the quotes just say music or something
Because he's a fucking Italian idiot with poor taste
Swans fans are so cringe like when are you gonna graduate to listen to music made for adults
then why are you in a swans thread
Cringe, seething toolfag
with you plebbitors being on Yea Forums, that makes two of us in places we don't belong
>implying i would ever listen to tool
sieve copernicus
>le reddit meme
>r/swans only has 5.7k members
>Reddit band!!!!!!!
Swans are based, TBK and SFTB are shit, overpraised albums, that is all
SFTB and My Father are their last good albums.
>What is: TGM, Swans Are Dead, Deliquescence, The Seer, We Rose From Your Bed With The Sun In Our Head, The Gate, Not Here / Not Now
Fucking tastelet
>no TBK
Swans are shit
how can people get excited for this boring pseud wank
it's like phish for people that are too gloomy and pretentious to admit they like phish
>arguments the mental equivalent of snaws goog
Go back to your King Gizz hate threads, Swans is gusic
>anyone who sees value in something i don't is a pretentious pseudo-intellectual
imagine being this miserable
The Glowing Man is the best Swans project period, Jennifer Gira's vocals are absolutely incredible and Kristof Hahn is a god on lap steel
I'm hyped as fuck for this release and it's looking even better than TGM