Attached: ia_100000020479.jpg (1000x1500, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: gahyeonprey.jpg (1146x930, 130K)

Attached: love simulator 2019.webm (480x480, 1.91M)

a jiwon is fine too

Attached: 201909100848778604_5d76ecb819aa1.jpg (3594x4893, 2.46M)

Attached: DSC_7513.jpg (1000x750, 493K)

I dunno about lonely but I got horny for you

love, love, LOVE megan

Best pits in Fromis_9? Or is it estrogen monster?

Attached: EEF2yXVU4AArgOf.jpg (1000x1500, 874K)

Attached: wants to show you her omos.webm (480x480, 684K)

i can't chose

Attached: 1567983720537.jpg (2000x1334, 478K)

[crushing loneliness]

Attached: 1566147876428.jpg (1080x1080, 98K)

What vid is this from? I've seen the mobame pics of the final product but not the vid. If you could send me a link I'd really appreciate it


as a part time momobro i hated that teaser


Attached: ...webm (750x400, 2.64M)

Wanna go to the DC concert, and I know I'm gonna regret it if I don't but looking at twitter it's gonna be 95% girls younger than me, so I'm gonna feel really weird

waiting for my 2 waifus teaser

Attached: cubmina.jpg (750x1124, 107K)

Good for horny but thots do nothing for the lonely part

That works but only because of Dubu



Attached: image.jpg (654x1460, 157K)

Overall it's Megan for me. It may sound crazy but Jisun is a bit *too* feminine for me. Megan looks way less high maintenance

any shartman here

Attached: joy flashbacks.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

post the source god dammit

Yuri is not a thot

Attached: 1562859349989.jpg (800x1208, 199K)

How old are you? I went to twice and rv concerts
Im 33 and my wife is 41. Its gonna be ok. Just wear decent clothes.

imagine sihyun doing this

dumb bitch


Attached: PANTY LINES.jpg (842x972, 466K)

Attached: Every night.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: Chungha (1010).webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

don't talk to any of the girls then

They're not going to even spare you a second thought/glance if they're attending for DC. It's not like you're going to pull the ol' exploding gallery in public.

sharters are the most powerful posters

Attached: cute little shart.jpg (835x1200, 991K)

Attached: nooo~.webm (960x540, 1.95M)

what the fug. This is one webm that really does warrant an explanation.

Attached: B&W.jpg (1080x1350, 208K)


Me too insomniabro, but we must do our duty

Attached: [UZZU TAPE] EP.77 샤키와 근덕이의 싱글즈 나들이!.f137.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

jisun is very feminine indeed, she is quiet, agreeable, speaks slowly, etc
while megan is more what japs would call a "genki" girl, she is energetic, loud, she speaks her mind, she is super expressive, clumsy, big movements, etc
i think it's a matter of taste

Attached: 1562937546806.jpg (530x925, 116K)
at least post the performance too

her ear piece shorted out and she's getting mildly electrocuted

She tried to play the Sunny card.

Attached: sa_KangHyewon.webm (1280x720, 574K)

if i remember right her monitor fucked up

Attached: ITZY - ICY+DALLA DALLA, Jamsil baseball stadium (있지의 야구장 특별 무대! ICY+달라달라 (916x1080, 2.99M)

I love being a chad

Attached: 1566564829122.webm (1920x1080, 806K)

is this SuA-kino

Attached: sad.png (543x424, 56K)

somebody give that por girl a white t-shirt

Attached: pj.webm (900x866, 1.39M)

Rosie :)

Attached: bc2abe20f20f5e60b2842bb107bb8227.jpg (801x1200, 109K)

For the love of god someone please post sauce

matthew douma...

Obligatory Eunha post

Attached: 1568134947641.jpg (800x1200, 529K)

why boram though?

the previous euro dates look like there was a reasonable amount of guys there, anyway it's not like you're gonna do anything to stop their enjoyment of the gig or they yours

Attached: 1563981530345.jpg (1000x600, 623K)

What would you do with it?


genius could've googled Boram.

i'm a good cook so i don't mind
this episode was super cute tho

Attached: 1554295810503.jpg (1280x716, 77K)

She's the creator's T-ara bias.

Attached: boram tongue.webm (640x720, 2.93M)

I wish they released an album of all their covers.

post fertile kpops

Attached: eunha's puffy v.webm (616x1000, 2.82M)

Attached: 1532320697133.jpg (640x851, 135K)


Attached: seolhyun gf.webm (640x360, 2.02M)

seems like an odd choice but ok

Rambo a cute

any sharkman in

Hii-chan is my favorite idol and cooking is my favorite hobby. I would unironically enjoy it very much because Hitomi's voice is very sweet and she looks like she genuinely gets joy out of creating things. The mobame pics with her signature in ketchup or whatever are some of my favorite pics from her mobame

gahyeon was posted last thread

if this is all a gf is to you you're a loser

You won't be the only guy I'm going too
kpgbros should arrange a meet so we can hang out in a group and avoid being awkwardly surrounded by young femoids

Attached: dc ham.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

Attached: DSC_4171 복사.jpg (799x1200, 467K)

I'm not pulling the bethesda on you, just asking.
I don't even have the source.

If I remember right, she has some sort of unexplained childhood trauma with fireworks or loud noises. Fans usually get angry when they put pyrotechnics in their performances because they know Joy can't deal with it always.


I mean "Cumrat Converter " does have a nice ring to it, but I'm not sure as many people would download it

>watching izone content

How would I know what a girlfriend even does, I've never had one.

Attached: 1510861765085.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

she's just an attention whore. at least sunny had a legit excuse

stop being a pussy

Attached: small girl bullying 2.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

Honestly Korea is really behind in the gf experience content

Attached: 1553914104271.webm (1066x600, 2.92M)

Attached: 1566529876963.jpg (667x2000, 485K)

she sucks your cock

I can't forgive mayu for saying all those things about sakura


Attached: ECdT8N9UEAAOWxu.jpg (1500x2000, 533K)

Attached: small girl bullying.webm (960x540, 1.32M)

they need to watch more gravure

It's been a while...

this would work better if this girl didn't have an obvious slut demeanor

Blowjobs don't look like they feel nice, I always skip past them.

Attached: suggestive 2.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

tinny? is that you?

Same. Sakura is a natural beauty and has had a long and storied career with no real scandals (the fat comment doesn't count because it's true). There's literally no reason to dislike her and people are just being mean because they're jealous of her effortless charm

Attached: Nayeon datin simulator.webm (302x480, 2.8M)

just us shartman

i'm out of this uggo's league

Stop whatever you're planning.

gravure is lonely-and-horny kino, especially ones without elevator music always playing in the background.


imagine her bunny teeth lightly rubbing on your dick as you face fuck her...brb

Attached: bunny.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

I would never lewd Rambo

rough facefucking is something nayeon would be into for sure

more like bullyram

Attached: Dp84V7iUwAMfkOa.jpg (2048x1536, 548K)

when are fromis and izone going to jail?

more like freaking cute


Attached: cum starved bunny.webm (580x556, 139K)

more like midgetram

Nattycels SEETHING

I just looked it up and Sunny was a refugee in Kuwait? What the fuck?

neck you'reself hwacunt

Attached: hfjeb6.jpg (736x1177, 124K)


Attached: ia_600007259.jpg (1600x2400, 1.93M)

Attached: tzuyu gf simulator.webm (770x720, 2.87M)


her parents weren't the smartest people around

Attached: 1567895922939.jpg (644x835, 152K)

Post the best tiddy pic of her you have

fuuuuuck my life will never be complete without this

adorable girl

post her peaches

Attached: momos.webm (542x962, 1.83M)

jisun gives me a strong urge to

Megan is the ugliest Fromis.
change my mind

any snakeman in?

Attached: D9RpmhaVUAIxOvm.jpg (520x650, 51K)

hayoung exists

Jiheon's face: exists


word, me, my bf and his bf agree 100% with you

what is that thing behind Sakura?
I see those a lot

her parents left the la riots just in time to partake in desert storm

just us goddessman

Attached: 1545843132804.jpg (665x665, 108K)

wonyoung, its from taiwan

i like this one

Attached: 1560909669445.webm (640x960, 1.69M)

it's a funeral wreath

28, would be going by myself tho cause my only female friend who's into kpop doesn't have the money
Doesn't look too bad
Yeah that would be pretty gr8, but it's not like we're all from the same country so it won't happen

More like BRBoram.

Attached: boram.webm (968x540, 2.89M)

riots were after gulf war

i need all the information you have on this video and any others like it

Why Kuwait of all places though?

Her uncle is the founder of SM though so atleast she lucked out in that sense

post some thighs you fucking faggots


this on my face please

Attached: 1563716385171.jpg (1080x1350, 187K)

Attached: 1557687852789.webm (742x1860, 2.79M)

Attached: 1568056313521.jpg (1080x905, 56K)

Attached: wobbly thighs 5.webm (720x540, 1.31M)

her father is an oil baron

Attached: thighrin.webm (1080x1920, 1.37M)

>Why Kuwait of all places though?
we have already established they weren't smart. almost no one is dumb enough to move to the middle east yet here they are.


Attached: 25D7A507-E1A3-4EBC-9DA0-DC692492A2C0.jpg (2560x3840, 1.61M)

Attached: bora_0332.jpg (1333x2000, 259K)

her father is a sunni warmonger who threatened the nation of iraq

jews are

best body in kpop

Attached: 1567747419658.jpg (1200x1920, 349K)

sweet korean jesus, not recognizing the face though
who dis


Attached: 00122844880.jpg (2105x3157, 435K)

*property of bang chan


I honestly love bunny teeth, and dumb girl

Attached: 1568101284922.jpg (1000x1500, 220K)

On a journey to sample every group. NOIR has some good B-sides

>more chinks in Kpop than Taiwanese
this is bullshit

Facetuned past recognition

Attached: 1562164220149.webm (1160x1080, 2.75M)

taiwanese are just a type of chink

No wonder, that's Hana from Nugudan.

nice feet bitch

Attached: 1568013104077.jpg (2345x2176, 473K)

what is the cutoff point for a group being considered nugu?

talking about girlfriend simulators

Attached: gf simulator.webm (960x540, 2.58M)

they have some island abbo in the mix, would be like spaniards vs mexicans


Attached: fuck mnet 3.jpg (1154x557, 37K)

Based and 1chink pilled

Attached: 1565741137827.jpg (1280x1280, 260K)


Attached: 1566928690975.jpg (1242x1848, 215K)

he cute


Refer to this list of non nugus.

Attached: non nugus.jpg (1200x1200, 170K)

if it ain't big 3 it's nugu


Attached: F8846DBF-5DF5-40A7-855C-AE9C227E0648.jpg (1334x750, 367K)

half of those are nugus or disbanded

is this objectively ranked?

You can say the name of the band to a normal Korean human above age 20 and they don't say "누구?"

you're almost unbelievably retarded

Attached: 4634564.jpg (749x749, 74K)

it depends on if i like them or not

this is kinda dated

lol kys

Attached: 201908260703770500_5d6305ca9eb91.jpg (3066x4759, 2.58M)

so everyone except taeyeon, iu and bts?

based retarded newshit

thought this was seola for a second lol
song is actually not bad

>33 A+Daily
>34 CLC

CLC niggers on life support

Literally who tf is a-daily

>in the mix
island abbos are a completely different nation living amongst them. taiwanese are just regular han chinese


so bts, iu and, with luck, twice?

>#8 Stellar

Attached: cxwhat.webm (1120x800, 1.09M)

Bringing in a revenue of 1 trillion Won within the first year of their debut.

nobody older than 14 in korea knows who twice is

there are genetic studies about that, even the ones that don't identify as aboriginals are mixed, it was something like 90 something %

Basically, yeah. And Momoland for about 3 months total last year

she looks so good in the teaser...

Attached: 245426356.jpg (1331x2226, 733K)

Attached: ia_200004085.jpg (1200x1696, 703K)

where are all those deep voiced fan chants coming from then?

i want to have gross rough sex with bunny

momo's dad

this but i want to die

My 38 year old non-kpop-listening Korean woman friend knows BTS, EXO, and Big Bang and that's it


which group had the best debut in terms of sales and were quickest to get nationally recognized?

aisha's legs

Minx Dami is fucking adorable, why did she have to turn into a butch carpet munching dyke?

Attached: CMjn-U2UYAA_2et.jpg (800x1200, 162K)

Eunbi mommy

Attached: EEHMHXHUYAMgaUS.jpg (1412x2048, 654K)

Still waiting on that sauce bros

I know one of you wizchads has it

After School.


The force of her kick could send me into a coma, not that I would really mind.

are you dumb? half of them evacuated from the mainland two generations ago. how is that even mathematically possible without forced race mixing policies? you must have misunderstood what you've read.

like 10% are from recent mainlander refugee heritage, the rest came from fujian since the 1600s and mixed with the natives


post the slutiest arins you got

what's going on in this pic

they don't exist

miss a maybe, bggg was a big hit at debut and their next few songs did well
they never had much physical sales though

please support jisun

Attached: 1539390026767.webm (1920x1080, 947K)

>the new Cheng Xiao
lmaoing right now
Even Nana has better thighs
hell, even fucking Haggy has better thighs than THIS

Attached: cheng xiao.jpg (1440x2160, 1.63M)

> by 1940 the population had grown to 5.87 million, and by the end of World War II in 1946 it numbered 6.09 million.

i have busted many a nut in solidarity


Attached: BD3E2802-A24B-42B1-9E06-75F252FCD471.jpg (660x995, 105K)

Based X1 faggot

Attached: boram 5.webm (720x1280, 2.86M)

fuck you, stop posting china cx, it makes me suicidal

yeah loa looked like it did just ok at 1st but it climbed back up the charts and then tzuyugate made sure everyone in korea heard about them

this is so hard to watch

hitler dubs confirm jisun is for marriage


Attached: 1564477152517.jpg (2048x2048, 434K)

need to kidnap her and fatten her up

Squeezing my head

can someone post the cheng xiao flip webms

he looks like he’s 7 years old what da fuck

keep going

can someone post jisun's jisuns

can someone post bonafide bona

Where the kfake threads at? /trash/? Yea Forums? /hr/? /s/? Where else am I not looking?

isn't this just an instagram post?

reddit probably

on reddit, cumbrain

Attached: Dg2W6TiUcAAbtXz.jpg (1024x768, 141K)


Attached: 1525389161151.webm (406x720, 2.86M)

so this fanemeet happened
Meanwhile betas pay 500 bucks for 0.5 of hi touch.

Attached: fanmeet.webm (729x720, 2.39M)


wtf he's so girly and cute

Attached: c3b43c45683264095e1bb5e8b0a240403e526cc5.jpg (1333x2000, 597K)

what freaking group is that lol

itzy covering twice is my favorite thing

Well shit, I must have gotten confused. Thanks for clearing it up for me broseph

who tf is this?

Attached: 1545348754116.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Yes but where specifically? The fake subreddit seem cleared out. I'm not talking kpopfap bullshit, I'm talking straight cumshopped pits is what I need right now

our freakin girls

Attached: 1545487270623.jpg (1024x682, 113K)

now this is fanservice

Lisa :) Jizoo :) Jennie :) Rose :

freakin yuck

Attached: 1553988143041.webm (1000x2026, 2.95M)

they needed to travel through their ankles in rice paddies for 4 hours to find the 12 year old pre debut thai boy who is now know as bp lisa

Attached: ECZXoY0UEAAFAzX.jpg (1334x1334, 331K)

don't do that to rosie either

yuck yourself loser

thread saved you mean

Attached: 1555339249578.jpg (2515x4096, 1.15M)

link to this fancam pls
how cute is this they love jisoo

Attached: 1550954580353.jpg (1080x1350, 125K)

Attached: I U a slut.webm (640x610, 1.55M)

i don't have it, sorry

Attached: 1545345839694.webm (768x800, 2.92M)

i don't like when groups cover twice because they all sound like shit
feel the same way with snsd covers

Mommy Jisun

Attached: FarflungRevolvingLadybug-mobile.webm (2048x1330, 2.47M)

nice gap

because twice is shit

please kill yourself
for the good of humankind just end your life

>he's here

Attached: takingaction.webm (1920x1080, 864K)

Attached: IMG_1313.jpg (1001x1500, 203K)

Attached: haha don't look.webm (570x1012, 2.95M)
poor lisa

stop looking idiot

you do that and leave all of us alone

Attached: 1550143776703.jpg (2516x4096, 1.03M)

getting a job is the worst thing that's ever happened to me
i used to think people who complained about working in an office being soul crushing were being dramatic but it's true

what is this style called?

>i don't like when groups cover twice because they all sound like shit
naturally if they're singing twice songs

Jisoo is camel toe QUEEN.

I want a Korean idol mommy to spoon feed me kimchi

Attached: b241b4d27276e6a3a358104854f8c3bf16a7c6.jpg (1181x1766, 267K)

she was born for it

Attached: jizzoo.jpg (1024x683, 163K)

i screenshotted your post
i run into a lot of situations every day where i need an anecdote of wage cucks who just hate it

Attached: EBrTr5pVAAAGJYR.jpg (1078x1914, 211K)

gosh i wanna make love to her, i wanna sorn her so much

Wait till you start getting bullied lmao
I'm on a fake sick leave at the moment cause I can't take it anymore ha ha

We want a cumbrain thread next

i was there

i miss old gook shows


she's just a regular queen shut up

Attached: 1547968695395.jpg (1280x1920, 454K)


>cripple is obsessed with yeeun from clc now

bullied by whom

they're just as boring these days

go back to /trash/

star golden bell was great



sponsor-nim broke her arm for being too loud during sex