Turn the volume down before the volume turns you down

turn the volume down before the volume turns you down

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Headphone users should be rounded up and shot

Are you retarded? Lots of songs sound 10x better on headphones

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Tinnitus is, at worst, a nuisance. It's pretty clear he was never going to cut it anyway just from looking at his picture, not surprised he off'd himself.

LOL ok poorfag

Severe tinnitus can be pretty bad. I can hear mine over traffic and loud fans.


heh, I bet you can’t wear these SLICK buds can you pal? (me on the pic)

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wonder what kind of headphones he used and what kind of music

what speakers are good then, faggos?

music is meant to be heard in an open space, preferably with others

>tfw got tinnitus when I was 14 after going to a Rob Zombie & Marilyn Manson concert
Not even the heaviest shit around. It's complete bullshit how there isn't more concern and information on how loud and damaging live music can be.

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One less autistic faggot Yea Forumstant

I literally wear headphones 80% of the day, most of the time at max or slightly below max volume.

Tinnitus only happens when it's silent so just play more music bucko


The road of patricianship includes constant high volume and 150+ daily songs. One must not deceive plebfags but encourage them to nurture

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We're all gonna die anyway

Ah yes, let me blast music on my speakers so my neighbours can hear me through these paper thin walls
Cheers OP

t. nigger who blast his trash with no consideration for others

I give u recs if u give budget , not worth it usually below 150 if u don't already have an amp, not that you have to buy snake oil.

T. Baby Driver