Ratings Inflation

Why does he give 10/10 scores to mediocre albums? Nobody legitimately believes that Kanye West, Death Grips and Daughters have achieved musical perfection, do they?

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Heres a 10/10 for you!

>Ohhhhhh, quintessential post-hardcore

>This stuff is HEAVY





Attached: fantanny.jpg (594x412, 62K)

>Nobody legitimately believes that Kanye West, Death Grips and Daughters have achieved musical perfection, do they?
This clown does. Good job, you learned he's a clown

Nobody in their right mind believes something like “musical perfection” exists. Personal enjoyment does, though.

There is no objective perfection, but there are albums which one may subjectively feel cannot be improved.

I just wanna ask something. Why are 4channers always looking to put people down?
>inb4 reddit

Any examples? I personally don’t know any album that I find absolutely flawless.

Isn’t shitposting the primary reason for the existence of this website?

Trout Mask Replica, every moment on that record is very important and cutting or adding anything would denigrate it's perfection.

I think The Strokes' debut album 'Is This It' basically executes its own sound flawlessly.

That's one dude's opinion on the internet.

Why does this album get memed so much here? I don't think it's that bad...

I mean he really enjoyed it. Kids See Ghosts was his only 10 that I was (and still am) skeptical about, the rest I can see why would he think they're great albums.

i don't think death grips achieved musical perfection, but exmilitary was pretty close. the money store is not nearly as good and fantano has poor taste
great album, but it has a few weak spots. trying your luck is mediocre and new york city cops (if you're listening to the UK edition) isn't great.

Emergency & I

For me Trying Your Luck is one of the strongest songs on the album. NYCC is perhaps the weakest song on the album and yet it still works kinda perfectly.

his reviews are catered to ppl who only like music as a fashion accessory

>Gay ass indie shit that only hipsters who watch blacked enjoyed


B12 deficiency rots his brain

>musical perfection
Fagtano has never claimed to give reviews as an objective measure of musical quality. He rates albums based on his personal enjoyment of them.

Beethoven's Sixth, Dvorak's Ninth, Ys, cLOUDDEAD, Down Colorful Hill, the list goes on

unironically ITAOTS

dudes a shill clearly

It’s just his opinion, you retarded faggot. Stop posting about him, he forgot Yea Forums even exists. Sage

Stevie Wonder’s classic period albums, and arguably some of his later ones.

>Down Fucking Colorful Fucking Hill
jesus fucking christ dude lmao you're just as bad as the fantandrones

I hate Fantano, but this.

Remain in Light
Spirit of Eden
Laughing Stock


the people arguing over the inherent subjective value of these records to ascertain their level of SUBJECTIVE perfection are retarded

Tell me what exactly is wrong with any one of those

he's just memeing by listing scaruffi-core don't get riled up