
Into the Absurd edition
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brazilian edition


First for nazi metalheads fuck off

boring album

destroying me atm

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What's some good metal about pagan rituals, not satanism or wicca?

taking requests for numale/spurdo/whatever edits

There's a dude in some of my classes thats some sort of metalhead but its all like, Cannibal Corpse, Pantera, Meshuggah, and other "I've never ventured any farther than babies first extreme metal abums" kind of stuff

melodeath sucks

Death vs melodeath


At least he's not just into Metallica and Slipknot like most "metalheads."

Werian for sure

Based Varathron poster, have you listened to Shaytan yet?

Oh no he has worn Metallica and Slipknot merch too. I figured it was implied haha
He's also got a denim jacket with patched, but they are all iron on and its like, same shit, all lowest common denominator metal


Listening to Animist right now, pretty good so far.

you mean spurdo comic or something different?


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All My Sins

The comic

>new Blind Guardian song
>no one talking about it

It's not a new Blind Guardian song. It's a Blind Guardian's Twilight Orchestra song.

>Lyrical themes:
Women's Rights, Veganism, Self-empowerment

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Aaaaach, I feel so good after working out!

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Fucking love this album

feel like pure shit just want him back...

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>Lyrical themes:
Women's Rights, Veganism, Self-empowerment
Picked up


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Still havent heard it, is it any good?
Does it have the band aswell, or just the orchestra?

>Carpet Bombing Nazareth

Sounds like a potential yikes. Unless it's about traveling 2000 years into the past and carpet bombing Jesus' birthplace, of course, then it's holy fucking based

Been wondering what happened to your blog.

cringe and fedorapilled

like clockwork

Mgla is boring. None of their riffs are memorable. If I asked you in real life to pantomime or hum a Mgla riff, I guarantee you would hesitate for least 3-4 seconds before being able to recall one from memory. The only counter-argument your pea brains could come up with would be, "Why would I entertain some internet autist by humming a riff?" The other big talking point is saying, "Oh if you hate Mgla, then you must like these poser raw black metal bands." Your pathetic minds are so perplexed by someone disliking your sacred cow band that you have resulted to just throwing a random laundry list of bands that fetch high prices on discogs in order to make your tastes somehow seem more valid or legitimate. Also, the people they choose to work or associate with does not somehow make the music better. At least try to back up their music by talking about the actual music.

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Oh right, I'm supposed to shit on Mgla now that they've released a new album recently.


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pretty much the definition of shaman metal haha
also check out Exuvia by Ruins of Beverast if you haven't already

screw is good


Not nearly as good as Bálsýn but pretty enjoyable, also that riff at 3:19 is just glorious.


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typical bm tremolo is "just glorious" to you?

Listen to Shaman Metal.

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Listen to the melody, ape.


It's pretty common for bm and not at all what I'd consider to be "glorious".



Listen to Tyrants Blood you faggots.


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Samhain is dope

what are some good labels to follow on bandcamp?

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I listen to Dragon Metal exclusively.

going to see Mgla today and there's nothing you can do about it seething incel

Great for playing Skyrim

Stormspell Records

Listen to Marduk.

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Who is this absolute Chad?


Good job user, keep it up

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ok but not that great
thx anyway

gonna see Nile at the end of the month




What's it feel like to be supporting fascists?

>when you troll reality

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There's a dude on my Chinese basket weaving forum who's too insecure to to enjoy more mainstream metal bands and is always like "I'm seeking validation from a bunch of neckbeard trannies online".


>mfw nbbmn soon
u ready brehs

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Imagine being this fucking retarded
>hurr durr dox yourself!!

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symphonic anything

Simple as.

Thoughts on this absolute mædlad?

love that guy
can't wait to hear what he has to say

if there is something or someone you can call true, its jon.

It's you, isn't it?

I like doing it, but the /nbbmn/ threads tend to be pretty horrible desu. /metal/ is dead and that place tends to be full of insecure tourists. I usually just go there, find some albums I haven't listened to and fuck off.

Grind is pure.

How do I get a metal bf lads

so this guy got trolled by a teenager and made a video about it?

Are you a man or woman?

first two weeks are fun tbqhwy. just ignore tripfags

why does it matter are you perhaps a bigot?

the only redeeming factor these last years has been doxanon

n1 la.


No, I'm gay.
Not interested.

no, I just love how he makes a total ass of himself

Oranssi Pazuzu playin in Toronto in a month, should I see them?

is that you Angel

Are they doing anything from Syntheosis?

The part at 3:30 is probably the heaviest thing I've ever heard in my entire life, despite the fact that I've been listening to nothing but slam and industrial black for the last few months.

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seconded, what do you guys like in women

Unlikely, but I love their shit without the orchestra more desu

What's the /Metal/ equivalent of this?

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I'll settle for anything 2bh

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Do you have any idea how annoying a bad gf is

No matter if you're right or leftwing, or center or whatever, this album will probably leave you questioning your political position and make you very uncomfortable.

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I have a theory that every single metal musician is secretly Dan Swanö. Opinions?

Destroying nu-queer-faggocore.

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Judging from reddit "metal girls", fitness

Are you a twink?

>reddit "metal girls"
This is a thing? I'm gonna need to research this.


While researching, post some Backgroundcore

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Daily reminder that homosexuality is the only truly metal orientation as it's fundamentally opposed to the teachings of all Abrahamic religions

Anyone know some psychedelic funk metal? Think early Funkadelic (Especially Standing on the Verge) meets Venom/Motorhead

based and ghaal attentionwhorepilled

Guess I'll work out

You say that like it's a bad thing (mentioning reddit)
Fitness is super important. Self improvement is metal

I mean, he actually is the most metal person of all time

heh, nothing personnel fascists...

What about zoophilia?


nah what I meant was that they're all fat fucks masquerading as alt girls whereas if they were attractive they would all be stacies instead

If you didn't know gaahl praised nazis


not breathing is also fundamentally opposed to the teachings of all Abrahamic religions, you should try it


Wanna come to my place and listen to the new Mgła?

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no thanks

Primus is the closest thing I can think of, but it's not "technically" metal.

Don’t really like the new mgła album desu sorry honey you’re out of luck

is bölzerposting a meme now

It's just one shill. Quite a few anons have been posting the same album every thread now actually. That's a common issue with generals, everyone's a comedian forcing their epic joke all the time.

still better than that comedian who posted his charts

Haha that's ok Chad just told me he's free after all. He's bringing his Groza vinyl too :)

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daily reminder that you're a numale bugman if you don't listen to power metal

good luck finding a metal gf with no piercings bra

>metal gf
why would anyone want that?

Why do they do this? It looks horrible.

Have been listening to a lot of Incantation lately. What's their best album bros?

there are no girls gthat actually like metal, there are just gfs who act like they are into what their bf is into

when was the last time you met an actual metalhead girl who knows her shit?

i think they want to change themselves via their appearance (i.e. hair dye, makeup, tattoos), metal for a lot of people is about aesthetic as much as it is about the music / energy

I know one, autistic as fuck but hey so are we

This. Wanna hang out at my place and listen to the new Twilight Force? It's so much fun.

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>metal for a lot of people is about aesthetic as much as it is about the music / energy
That's because it is. Remove distortion and effects and play it at a normal pace and it's completely uninteresting. Metal is strictly superficial, at least roasties got that right.

>remove texture out of music and it will lose a certain amount of appeal
Woah dude holy shit no way wow you are so smart, very insightful for your age.

Instead of playing your guitar, dice some onions. Instead of playing drums, cut some tomatoes. Instead of screaming, add some oil on top. Now instead of metal you have a fucking salad.
See? Metal is superficial

Relatable-ass quints.

Instead of playing Beethoven's 5th on a grand piano with an entire orchestra giving backing ambience play it slowly on a uke now do you see how shallow and superficial Beethoven's stuff is?

>distortion is so central to music if you remove it it stops being music altogether
this is your brain on power chords

plenty of people do that and it still sounds good because it's genuinely good music are you fucking retarded lol

wtf I never realised how superficial classical music is. Until now.

>Did you guys know that if you do something differently, then something different will happen?

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do girls that listen to metal really like it or are they just pretending

>messiah complex
>into mysticism
>doesn't deny having totalitarian tendencies
>obsessed with hierarchy and discipline
>wants to use music as a brainwashing tool to instill his values into the masses
>cherrypicks Nietzschean concepts to suit his ideology
>wants to control capitalism through state power

is our boy HHH... you know....
a nazi?

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What is the most evil black metal album?

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it's a lullaby it's basically how it was always meant to be played

pretty based

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the ones with floofy hair aren't pretending

in b4 sacred son


Sacred Son

Isolating melodies and playing them in a soft and simple manner is in no way bad music. It's actually the root of all music people make.

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Nazbol black metal? Who knew.

it's pretty good

Nazi-antifa black metal fucking when?

Dark Descent and 20 Buck Spin, of course.

This isn't any worse/"superficial" than the ocarina cover. You're also retarded for dismissing texture as a legitimate tool in writing music.

my favorite song is Enter The Sandman by The Metallicas i love headbangign to it lol

Wow holy shit it is, really cool.

Post based album covers.

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Which one should I get?
The burzum s/t looks nice.

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>ocarina cover
can you please stop embarrassing yourself

Don't forget Maggot Stomp

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like all good metalheads, I am an ardent misogynist and celibate

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>he doesn't listen to surf metal

this but 100% unironically

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funeral time

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Link me a good nazi metal song because all ive heard is total shit and i'm a nazi

THIS is surf metal

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>i'm a nazi
massive yikes

Fuck off reddit

nice, have you read Mad Max's story?

>speaking like a cartoon character
jeepers creepers that sure is a zoinks from me

Based Chimera-poster
New Darkthrone, best thing they've released in years
Try a real man's instrument
Kinky, might listen to it
Funeral time it is

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Suggest me some DM bands with lyrics like Gorement


What does /metal/ think of Martial Industrial?

I have not


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>Pantera is trash

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>ride my bike
>some 10 yo scamps playing with toy laser guns and try to point them to my eye
>I give them an angry look then try to ignore them
>xddd are you a woman or a man
>I flip them off while not even turning around
>the scamps proceed to point the laser at my back trying to aim for my head but to no avail as I'm heading in the opposite direction

felt great

>18 8 98
Did women adopt this style in 1998?



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Give me Groove/Black metal.

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>narrated by James Hetfield

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seconding this

>not pop/rock

>The thread about us being nazis will reach bump limit faster than this one

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Post obscure, underrated shit
>my fucking face when that riff at 2:12 hits

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Do you happen to listen to Ares Kingdom?

No, but I probably should since it's the same guy who's behind the project.

Their latest sounds the most like Vulpecula
Their earlier stuff sounds like Deceased/Arghoslent

Maybe if you weren't acting like uncivilized retards in that thread it wouldn't even get close to limit

I'll check it out! Saw that it's the same guy that's behind Order From Chaos as well. Based dude.

>Thread full of shitposts reaches the bump limit faster
Who would have thought?
/meal/ sometimes has threads with more than 100 posters and they're kinda slow as well, but they're usually the comfiest ones.

This. Who fucking cares. Those bands are pretty sick desu. Most of my favorite new bands are deathcore but it doesn't mean I don't listen to Yea Forums approved death metal too.

Please listen to the Taake trilogy it's excellent norwegian black metal you've probably heard it before but if so please give it another try thanks in advance.

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Based Taake the only Norwegian band still making good music

Give me some metal for coping with the fact that Israel was involved in 9/11 and yet Jews dominate banking, media and finance the world over anyway.
It hurts.

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Make a Change... Kill Yourself

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>jews giving other jews awards for spreading jewish ideology means something

Nobel prizes are a Norwegian/Swedish foundation

>jews only live in Israel

Except the Nobel Assembly is run by Swedes

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>being jewish is a nationality

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Seeing as how Sweedes literally see it as an honor to be ethnically replaced by illiterate niggers, I'd honestly be happier if they dished out Nobel prizes from Tel-Aviv

what's the point of metal? aren't you supposed to grow out of teenage angst?

Why are you afraid

the teenage angst can't escape no matter how much i try

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Only fools have no fear.

Metal is required for deadlifting 600+ lbs
You seriously have no idea what it means to be a healthy adult male with fully functioning testicles and it shows.
I'm not kidding.
Beta male bugmen types do not posses the capacity to truly know what the mentality gap is between them and a healthy male.
It's why antifa is violent. They truly do not comprehend the sheer brutality in store for when they make real men angry enough to leave their jobs.

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Absolutely in love with pic related.
What else would I like ?

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Chads listen to top 40 music. Metal is for neckbeards.

probably mgla, mastodon, behemoth or some other gay mediocre shit

powerlifting is for neckbeards.
Chad was going to be Chad even if he never entered a gym and when he does it's for aesthetics.

have fun with your shriveled steroid dick.

Alright thanks for the recommendations faggot

its true

nigger, steroids are far more common among aesthetic oriented gym goers, ask /fit/. The average powerlifters are fat and strong and generally don't want steroids given that their looks don't matter to them anyway and just want to see what they can do. also, even if you fuck up steroids, they dont effect your cock size, just balls. If you need to cry about being an incomplete male, just go on Yea Forums

>they dont effect your cock size, just balls
yeah that's way better LOL


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industrial downtempo is kino

Umm... isn't he like, a racist???

taake is cool man, thanks for posting.

Alright user, since you asked nicely I'll blast it right now

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Who cares

post underrated masterpieces

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You're not non-white, are you?

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I see you learned from the Burzum hate thread, please keep this attitude in the future


whoever did your lobotomy

wow ok dude that wasn't very cool of you to say

>national suicide prevention week
what should I listen to before sweet, sweet release

The guy from And End... actually did it

Based cuck

unironically this

respond to me you fucking bully motherfucker i have a bone to pick with your fag ass

Rip david

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>christian black metal
batushka is fucking gay
>lol dude it's up to you to decide if we are anti black metal or black metal

>t. low iq poseur

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According to this chart, Sigh is very high IQ

Sigh isn't black metal

Scorn Defeat is

is this accurate?


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>elite musicianship
>war metal

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>high iq
>transylvanian hunger
>panzer division marduk
>low iq
something is VERY wrong here

Anyone seen Max and Iggor performing the Beneath/Arise material? Worth seeing or are they too washed up now?

Anyone know anything about Morbid Saint's "2nd album" Destruction System? I'm aware that it's a demo, but the finished version was released in limited quantities in 2015 (for some strange reason.) iTunes has a compilation of Spectrum of Death and Destruction System, but I'm not sure if it's the old demo or the finished version.

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When was the problem of metal music solved?
I'd say somewhere around 1993 with 1998 being an arguable absolute cut-off

>When was the problem of metal music solved?
Why do you phrase questions like a snarky limp-wristed soiboy?

You got that impression from 8 words?

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How could you not?

Yeah, I wasn't aware that there was a metal problem. If you weren't a hipster mongoloid, you could have wrote "which year did metal hit it's peak?."

Darkthrone and Marduk are not only rifflet but they are also not very intelligent people or original and are very much part of the "trve black metal" hivemind, and besides they're just near the middle in the chart

I'm not a soiboy or a former soiboy so I wouldn't know.

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>or a former soiboy
that's an extremely specific thing to say

>I'm not a soiboy or a former soiboy so I wouldn't know.

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Fenriz is pretty obviously the most based and aware BM figure

doesn't mean he's high IQ and doesn't negate how uncreative Darkthrone's music is

How are you guys so knowledgeable on what a soiboy says? Even detecting one through such short vague sentences? It's either you spend your day around them or you are one yourself.

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Fenriz is a skinnyfat loser who cried like a bitch for getting kicked off a public bus for having drugs

nice brain gymnastics you greasy dweeb

Okay nu male. Seen any good blacked videos lately?

> Even detecting one through such short vague sentences?

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>Y-You're the soiboy NOT ME!!!!

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This but unironically.

oof sweetie, this is a lot to unpack, yikes! bruh what even

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This right here is the closest I've ever come to finding the epitome of "fat girlfriend whose pussy goes SPLOOSH-SPLOOSH-SPLOOSH-core"

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cringe, shut up faggot ill tear out your god damn spine

You can barely wipe your own ass, let alone perform such an invasive surgery.

post music actually suitable for people over 20

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*rapes you*

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>playing D&D over the age of 16
>listening to flower metal over the age of 13

Hating women is a sign of
>low IQ
>low testosterone
>no social skills
>bad hygiene
>poser taste
>t. 18 years old

Attached: Electricwizard_LizBuckingham.jpg (1127x1129, 1.19M)

>"Hey guys which one is funnier flower metal or ghoul metal?"

Posting shit like this is a sign of
>no life experiences
>being naive

how does it feel to not have friends?

>White Skull - The Dark Age
Nice album art

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this ain't it, chief. Who hurt you?

I felt that

It was solved in 1970 with Paranoid.

Hating women is a sign of
>Mensa level IQ
>high testosterone
>alpha social skills
>pristine hygiene
>based taste

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>you promised you wouldn't wear your Goatwhore shirt tonight
wat do

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Does that one hit close to home, Starbucks thot?

Saw Taphos and Superstition tonight, AMA

Taphos-- played decent but kinda cringe antics (Europeans)
Superstition-- based (Americans), would recommend


What are some BM shirts that will trigger soiboys? Pic related

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Manager: How much soiboy tears do you want
Darker than black records: yes

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Have fun getting beaten up at shows with that one on

Is this just Origin if they were good? youtube.com/watch?v=lrIggbCnDfA


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wear my goatwhore shirt

Deathspell Omega maybe the Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice album, Behemoth but specifically The Satanist

Wouldn't want to get pelted with a tiny soft pillow-fist, now would we?

Imagine posting on an anime board about a band you don’t like. Imagine the seethe.

How is this album so fucking good?

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it's the racist riffs
