James Rolfe likes the new TOOL album.
James Rolfe likes Tool
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He has horrible taste in everything so of course he does.
I like James and Cinemassacre, but I'm not really interested in what he thinks about music.
I’d rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear than listen to Tool
I'd rather eat out the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk, than ever listen to the new Tool album with its special little screen and shit
His (self declared)favorite band is Witchfinder General. Not terrible, but also nobody I'd go to for music recommendations.
James listen to Altars of Madness
Consume shit you retards.
Tool is normie-tier, of course he does. So does your wife's son.
Literally Who?
It makes me angry because it's a white male in his 30s who enjoys guitar music. He should be cancelled. I also didn't forget that he ruined the new Ghostbusters' reputation because of being mysoginist.
The inventor of the cuck meme, of course. The original cuck
TOOL? Damn right, they're a bunch of tools. Yeah. Give him all the tools he wants, even Tim Allen couldn't fix this steaming pile of FLAMINGO DROPPINGS! A real stinkfest. And what the hell does "Inoculum" mean? Sounds like the apparatus with which they empty elderly persons' bowels in the hospital. Ugh, I hate this shitty GAME!
Why do people insist on the AVGN cuck meme? There are many other actually cuckold people who are youtubers. Remember Anthony Burch? (thank god I'm not him)
He might not be the greatest, but he was the first
It's not even real, there are other ecelebs who are actually cucks IRL which would be funnier to make fun of.
Also the AVGN cuck memes became passé when James made SJWs seethe with the Ghostbusters thing and then he ignored the screeching.
Zombie Nostalgia Critic is better than slowly dying AVGN. You know it's true. This angry gamer's colostomy bag of shit jokes is as good as empty.
>James made SJWs seethe with the Ghostbusters thing and then he ignored the screeching.
Not only that, but that whole drama made him gain even more subs rather than ruin his channel.
This video explains how James is different from most other ecelebs:
What the fuck, since when does anybody hate AVGN? He's like the only decent e-celeb
I MEAN WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? Fear Inoculum is one of the worst pieces of donkey diarrhea I've ever listened to in my entire life. I'd rather have an AIDS infested dog take a runny infected down straight down my throat than listen to one more second of this putrid garbage. I'd rather force a ten pound kidney stone out of my dick. I'd rather have a live turkey vomit into my gaping rotten asshole. Maynard James Keenan and the rest of those shitheads in the band can go suck a fucking shit covered dick.
Caddicarus raises his wife's kids LMAO
Dear inoculum is good. Fight me.
It goes back to when he made the AVGN movie.
Firstly, his wife made a blog entry in cinemassacre (afaik, the only time she ever appeared online), saying that Cinemassacre is a "white sausage fest", in a joking manner. In context, this was because he was giving a female perspective about the nerd and stuff. She didn't even said anything bad though, just that the cinemassacre crew was all male, and white. So, the white part made a lot of people raise their eyebrows, it was indeed weird. Probably influenced by american media though, so not really all that weird.
Second, the AVGN movie had a sidekick character who was black, and ends up winning the chick in the end, which honestly seemed shoehorned and not necessary.
A lot of people connected the dots and started the whole "avgn is a cuck meme", thinking the fact the black actor on the movie was because James' wife made him to, and the girl character supposed to represent James' wife. Which is not true btw. My personal view is that the black sidekick character was actually James' idea, because he wanted a black-white duo like in Lethal Weapon and that sort of movies. Seems more like a James idea, rather than his wife's.
So yeah it all escalated from there. But, when he made the ghostbuster no-review video, Yea Forums and Yea Forums proclaimed James as "uncucked".
To be honest, it's more likely that James is the one cucking his wife. She's busy with 2 of his children to take care of, while James gets to tour the country meeting a lot of attractive female fans, so...
Based. I didn't know that. I thought it was Iron Maiden (who are also based).
>admits to unironically liking nostalgia critic and thinks his opinion is worth something
Based AVGN fucking redpilled horseshit tasteniggas BTFO'd
I’m glad Maynard is enjoying his old age and not pushing himself too hard.
James just wanted to make a joke about love interests since the Nerd should be asexual, not any cuck shit.
Yeah, I got that. But the kiss scene was still unnecessary. Kiss scenes at the end of a movie is one of the most overused clichés though, James probably did it on purpose to make fun of that cliché, but the precedent of his wife making that one blog post made people go crazy and related that scene to it.
I didn't say that. I stated the objective fact that current NC reigns supreme over current AVGN, an accurate description of the state of existence entirely divorced from my feelings towards one or the other party.
That's actually based as fuck what are you talking about retard?
TOOL. They’ve been around for a while user, singer cross dresses and makes wine or something.
Objective? What makes him objectively good? Ratings? Video viewings? Channel Awesome went down the shitter in April 2018 so its none of those. His shtick is to dress like the world's most stereotypical redditor and screech in a falsetto that would make Axl Rose blush, mostly over children's cartoons.
On the other hand AVGN staged just about the greatest comeback video ever with his Earthbound review. If you watch that and don't like then you have objectively shit taste
Woah there, buddy. Just stating facts here. You can think all that if you want but AVGN is objectively nowhere as good as NC.
Doug Walker is the most unfunny motherfucker to ever become internet famous. Like, his content was mediocre a decade ago, but now-a-days it's genuinely insufferable. I'm absolutely convinced that he is unable to find something funny unless it's a direct parody of something else.
AVGN's comeback video was Mega Man DOS episode, though.
It's the one where he quits, goes on a spiritual journey, and then comes back as the nerd.
And now he's doing unfunny videos like that Black Tiger game, and is running out of shitjokes.
Quality is all over the place, I agree, but nothing is offensively bad. Compared to what a majority of other youtube creators put out, AVGN is still pedrigree.
He also gives up and coming musicians a chance.
Gotta respect that.
Avgn is a cool guy, my taste doesn't line up with his but always enjoyed his content
hang yourself
>can't handle the facts
I'm sure your white daughter can handle these facts.
Chink detected
What's the matter? Afraid your conservative white daughter could fall in love with that black actor guy from resurrected Nostalgia Critic?
james is a retard. who cares.
Bro I don't watch that shit
James has thousands of hot fan girls, you got exactly 0.
I'm literally john coltrane
Every youtuber except avgn and todd in the shadows are faggots
damn, that's his wife? good for him
Oh, I know. And I know why.
No, that's a fan.
Imagine not liking Tool
>literally who blue checkmark likes mainstream garbage
wow im shocked
You are so special, user. I bet your music taste is very original and good!
Because the nostalgia critic isn't funny?
Suck on my dick
Anyone ever watch the jekyl and hyde video for nostalgia? He was so fuckin young, that video made his career
Shit, Fear Inoculum being so boring made 10,000 Days seem like a masterpiece in retrospect
Tool is a funny band
>A lot of people connected the dots and started the whole "avgn is a cuck meme", thinking the fact the black actor on the movie was because James' wife made him to, and the girl character supposed to represent James' wife.
Wow that's retarded, Yea Forums memes are usually funny but that's reaching quite a bit. Thanks for clearing that up for me user
I've been watching season 1 AVGN lately.
You notice there's a lot of words he doesn't say anymore, like "retard" or "whore". I mean, not blaming him, it could get backlash nowadays.
They're both masterpieces, you filthy pleb
Is James also a necrophiliac?
>More Sex With The Dead
>(From July/Aug 1981 Issue)
>Dear WET,
>I read with sadness and some surprise your "Sex with the Dead" article in March/April 1981 WET. In 1976, I had access to a morgue and did a piece called Necrophilia.
>Perhaps John Duncan would not have had to put himself through the mental agony, had he seen that I had done the piece several years before.
>The necrophilia piece came to me after having a dream that I was fucking a seductive and beautiful living woman who rapidly aged and died as we were making love. She clamped her arms around me and the sides of the bed became a coffin enclosure.
>The dream was terrifying but I saw the Necrophilia piece as the ultimate resolution of polarities - Life/Death - if you could love death you could accept and love life more fully.
>After doing the morgue pieces I felt less afraid of death, but more afraid of the moral and karmic consequences of my actions. I was heavy into LSD at the time and had a few revelations about our immortality. In 1979 I hallucinated a trial of the souls who were involved. I met the soul of the woman that I had sex with. She was extremely angry and screamed at me saying - didn't I know I was violating her and that she was a person just as I was. I was so sorry, disgraced and disgusted with myself, I cried and begged her forgiveness. She did not forgive me, but I was put on a kind of probation by the judge and told to do good works, not harmful and negative works. A day has not gone by that I haven't thought of the necrophilia piece. I guess, during the past couple of years, I have come to regard the body as a sacred thing as well as a piece of meat.
>Alex Grey
As far as I recall there wasn't even a chick or a black sidekick in the movie and his wife pointed that out about the script or something too.
No, his wife never said anything about the movie script, she just made a joke about her being the only female in the cinemassacre crew.
>jamesposting on Yea Forums
>James Rolfe likes Tool
Mikeposting is the patrician choice.
t. Todd
This nigga birthed all the video creators you like he isnt a litwho
Matei is in a delicate situation.
James' fans never liked him, and ever since Screenwave forced the new crew to work with james, Mike has been relegated to only the JMM and his streaming channel.
He's going to have a new section soon, with video game rentals, but if it doesn't do good numbers, Ryan's gonna kick Mike's ass (which is something I feel he's been wanting to do for a while).
The good thing is, though, that when Mike finally gets kicked out of Cinemassacre and Erin dumps him, Mike will leak all the Erin nudes in revenge.
>all the unironic shit taste contrarians ITT