Attached: mijoonk.jpg (1280x1920, 288K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>One time somi was constipated for a while and when she finally pooped she was so happy that she showed it to bean
say sike rn

immaculate maiden thread it is then

Attached: Dispatch_46.jpg (2000x1334, 539K)

idk what's less classy; somi doing that or eunbin exposing her for it? either way those are some straight up roasties

Twice-antis are mentally ill. Do not respond to them.

Attached: 1499128510589.webm (636x800, 2.42M)

I bet you like zimzalazimbabwe

Attached: IMG_20190910_144012.jpg (319x695, 41K)

seulgi :3

i thought she was talking about pubes

Attached: 1546215939195.png (582x74, 40K)

peasant girls are actually the best, easier to please

1. fuck you
2. it would have kept concept consistency for the group and their momentum at least overseas anyway

gidle is basically all basedeon

Where are You is a very good purepop song but it's a complete reversal from their previous comeback and during the time it came out there was a glut of purepop so it didn't stand out at all.

Being the group that can do any concept might've worked for SNSD but definitely not CLC. They also waited too long to push Yeeun as center.

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Rosie :)

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zzb, rbb, and umpah are god awful songs
RV's best songs in their last 3 comebacks have all been their rnb b sides

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we wanted momo thread

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>twice saving both kpop and jpop with the same song

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oh great red velvet are in europe again...

Obligatory Eunha post

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where? i swear if they're in my country i will stalk them

breakthrough should have been a korean single all along

You can tell by Somi's demeanor that it's true and she's mortified. Bean autist levels of unaware to be putting her on blast like that to the whole nation, right at her debut. That's the type of shit that ruins friendships
It's pretty clear they aren't

any once in

Attached: 60222576_599638090520093_4655953400238702592_n.jpg (640x960, 160K)

>ywn facetime with somi and watch her moan as she struggles to take a massive shit
why even live bros

is the full ep subbed somewhere

I have a scat fetish so I guess I like Somi now?


word. that song was way too good for the japs

eunbin is a scatbro confirmed

look at seulgi's instagram, looks like london but idk. her and wendy were at the airport like yesterday. idk what they're doing, maybe battle trip again or something

Attached: DWYG8zVVwAAKeDa.jpg (1800x3200, 543K)

gowon get out of the thread ya fag

Yeah I'm on my phone or I'd link it, I'm pretty sure I found a mega on discord. The whole ep is translated very well and I quite enjoyed it dbh

eunbin gives off bitch vibes in that show. she's not autistic at all

who are the real scatmen, yejibros or somichads?

Now that the dust has settled.
Thoughts on this song.

eunbin needs to start teaching somi some poledancing, useless bitch

best kpop song ever

it's pretty clear that somi is quite trashy
why the surprise?


Attached: 89733450-FFB9-4538-92FE-5A0C285A0CB1.jpg (720x899, 76K)

It's their best Japanese title to date by far and although not as good as Violeta or LVER, it's a very good title


are you ready for her teaser

Attached: 1561259771638.jpg (1296x1929, 594K)

the truth is most chicks are like that lowkey

its shit but not as shit as Buenos Aires

Jo "Bushanne" Yuri

Attached: EEFKUt1UEAYmLPZ.jpg (1067x1600, 235K)

somi discord or what?


Attached: 8_488Ud018svco1z7nhe3ic6x_ckck1h.jpg (800x1200, 150K)


i heard girls talk about all kinds of nasty shit together and there's those stories of girl bathrooms always being warzones

Attached: 1554018660917.jpg (1200x1508, 321K)

post her peaches

To tell that story on TV you have to either

A: have a serious desire to hurt someone

B: be totally clueless about the difference between appropriate public behavior and private behavior between close friends

I think bean is just autistic here, I believe they're actually close friends and I don't think bean meant to hurt her

this snaps

most people are uneducated so yes, you're right in this sense
i mean, look at matthew and how he behaves, how come a guy like him would be able to properly educate children? he was busy showing his daughter off to get fame

this shit is usually scripted anyway

what do you dudes think about ioi reunion?

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Jo "Town Bike" Yuri

I am not ready

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i dont since they’re all ugly now

Attached: Ds8-RlJVYAABqm9.jpg (1555x1100, 267K)

ZETA SUKI TO IWA SETAI is their best nip title tho

expecting a cheap song and mv and two weeks of music shows


chaeyeon shitters

as long as doy and chungha are in, why not


hopefully good song and useful fancams
i don't expect much more thant that


Attached: countryrin.jpg (720x1280, 232K)

>girl autists still have friends and are socially accepted

post your group

do porn already


1 minute

>this shit
HA HA HA good one user

Attached: D5uU8v_UIAAFe33.jpg (2048x1544, 540K)

she's a nugu that got carried away being on tv. people act like assholes and go too far with their friends all the time, that doesn't mean they're autistic. they're just a little fucked and lacking empathy. again she came across like a cunt imo, in fact they both kinda did, but in somi's case it seemed like being around eunbin was having that effect because her mannerisms were like copying her it seemed

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I miss sohye and I'm excited for more content. She's super cute and adorkable

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cringe and coomerpilled

WTF is wrong with twitter? Why is it crawling with SEAs RPing as my oshi? Why do they have so much fucking free time in their life? I'm in serious need of a series of submarine earthquakes right now.

why is yooa pulling her own hair?


Attached: ywbttbsrldb31.jpg (640x981, 75K)


goddamn. best one by far so far


Boring teaser


Greatest character arc in the history of cinema

they talk about shit constantly on korean tv, even dramas often have a comedy bit about someone getting diarrhea

>yes, i love kpop, how could you tell?

Attached: coomer.jpg (800x450, 31K)

i liked jeongers more cause of the red contacts

bro. that fuckin hurt

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yeah i remember hello counselor, i think twice was on it, and the guy's problem was he farted too much. and just how casually they were all talking about farts for like 20 minutes was seriously like wtf

izone is so damn ugly

Remind that Korea still throws their toilet paper in a bin.

cool, didn't see the forehead coming

maybe she likes how it feels and is used to someone else doing it. im more concerned with binnie and her satanistic gang signs.

Hello Counselor is pretty fucked up. Sure let's put idols in the 20s on a show with some seriously mental individuals. Great idea

we're pure

teaser ratings so far


>CLC posting stops
>Anti IZONE posting starts

Attached: D8y3w21U8AEf6CF.jfif.jpg (408x408, 19K)

How bout that nabongs silent fart tutorial vid where she's spreading her ass cheek

>a-any sharkman in?

Why does this girl have permanently have the face of someone that just sharted


Attached: EEHI0ldU0AMwORx.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1364, 486K)

wrong, momo is best and it's also first bangless comeback since sixteen

Holy shit

big white male

you could've just asked for more clc

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no one cares uggoshitter

Attached: hyewon balloon.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

nice feet

i'll take anything better than buenos aires
it's good. hope the mv is good. suki to iwasetai mv and coat dancing made an impact dbh

Attached: 1567385222136.jpg (1478x1108, 352K)

that was funny af back in the day

or when yoojung talked about and drew a picture of her bloody stool

Attached: 1554003284688.jpg (520x1121, 141K)

it still is

Don't worry user. It's bedtime for CLCfags soon

Attached: 1559205996370.jpg (735x931, 140K)

MV looks high production unlike BA trash

Attached: 0wnKQJD.jpg (1280x1920, 284K)

i liked the full body shot but nayeon’s was just so regal

If he sleeps, who will watch over his albums?

It's the small brown apezilian CLCmonkey just ignore him

holy fuck

sucks being a chewychad and always having to wait the most for our turn

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There hasn't been enough HQ stuff coming out this comeback to make posting a bunch of CLC stuff worthwhile.

help clcchads are bullying me while i try and spam izshit uggos


serves you right for molesting your niece scumbag

Woah momo looks stunning

Attached: mo (2).jpg (723x630, 76K)

no bangs momo fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

can't unsee

Posting CLC was never worthwhile.
They are over the hill.
>A digital single

Attached: c_be3Ud018svc1c9fh9jqxrvgx_z96o41.jpg (1079x1304, 193K)


saving the best for last

The MV production this time was done in Korea.

Damn AKS japs fucking suck. They need korean choreo, korean MV production and soon they'll have koreans composing their songs.


Attached: r0sA1Sr.jpg (1200x1800, 273K)

funny hime sama

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bang less Momo looks so different...I like it...

hwasa is qt on queendom tho

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very kissable body

when are they gonna drop the Feel Special Teaser Mina?

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OTR just needs to take over controls for the entire show

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me at the left

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Attached: exidhaniisveryhonest.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Watch her be the last because to JYP, any tragedy is an opportunity.

which teaser is coming out tomorrow? i need to make sure to skip the jihyo one

Next is sana then Jihyo then mina

Attached: ac0d6de.jpg (1365x2048, 551K)


dios mio, es la goblina

I can't wait to see Mina's CGI flat belly.

literal human


based cooper too afraid to stand up to the loona army

momo's momos

fancy and this one look pretty high quality, yoy looked so cheap

Attached: 1563924703294.webm (874x1112, 2.85M)

it's going from oldest to youngest. mina is the 4th youngest

Attached: DguUj1nXUAYSSE9.jpg (1365x2048, 179K)

if i ever find out who attacked her with a frying pan he will be very sorry

no one is afraid of LA trannies

stop raping chuu

i want more
i felt so disappointed when the drop didn't come even though i know it's a teaser

Definitely pre ordering now just because of that momo teaser

Attached: momo yellow.webm (542x962, 1.73M)

He did a better job than Dr Kim

I don't care for CLC but Elkie is really hot

if they have mina photocards in the album preview then her teasers must have gotten filmed

wasn't she the one that attacked

Attached: c_49iUd018svc1245s0nuf5xck_j320f.gif (550x309, 2.27M)

god I wish that were me

Attached: dkxpDwz.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

Don't they normally go in age order from oldest to youngest? Normally it's Sana, Jihyo then Mina and finally the Maknae line

my tight little moguri...

i love momo

Attached: 1567313725427.webm (972x1080, 2.57M)

twice did it for the gays

fucking body is not ready

Attached: 1554494148600.jpg (525x525, 57K)


Don't talk to me about how good IZ*ONE's MV looks unless it looks this badass

imagine if on mina’s teaser day they just skip over her and go straight to dubus

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Attached: lxDxeEn.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

can't wait for blondebu teaser

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momobros winning again

Attached: wgde7z8yc7g31.jpg (1080x1346, 99K)

based japanese imperial army

twice did it for the alt-right
kpop like this?


very nice legs and cute face

nobangsmomo almost looks like a different person

if dubu isn’t wearing something like her golden dress from WIL im gonna be disappointed


twice did it for the nookie

Attached: 1561843569976.webm (300x300, 303K)

Flop. Also MV is blatant shameless copy of this

Attached: Momo5.webm (563x1000, 2.98M)

JYP can go AKB route with Mina CGI

Attached: bandicam-2018-12-13-22-27-34-433.jpg (1466x825, 455K)

I'll bet momo eats ass she looks like she dgaf

Attached: momo pits.webm (1920x1080, 2.56M)

that itself is copying other shit

Attached: WhimsicalDelayedHuman.webm (810x1440, 2.9M)


momo's forehead finally sees the light

don't really like CLC but it's a little different as the setups all have payoffs, there aren't any in RR

someone do it to momo with me

Attached: momo stretching.webm (654x700, 2.94M)

Very shapely pits Thx for the vid friend

Just when Jeongyeon wants it

Attached: momo-fy.webm (1920x1080, 1.82M)

just do what they did for moeka and only show the face

these are full of juice

Attached: blast.webm (664x1080, 2.44M)

Attached: EBiFTZ9VUAA5uVV.jpg (1334x1334, 556K)

momo more like moomoo

damn she looks different...a lot more elegant here
Best Jap DBSK song desu


Attached: EEBHZiRUwAA4SLy.jpg (4096x2731, 1.13M)

somebody post hani summoning flames with her crotch

Attached: 1568129149018.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: FlakyWiltedAustrianpinscher.webm (940x1070, 2.97M)

fuck she’s gorgeous

or when dubu doesn't really want it but is too nice to say no

Attached: 1558129227509.webm (378x900, 1.44M)

Attached: PleasedImpeccableGermanwirehairedpointer.webm (1498x1080, 2.95M)

>ywn kiss that titmole
why live

why did jeongyeon have red contacts but no one else does

I guess they are going ladypop since full girlcrush would be too much

Attached: EEGzoO7U0AUSE-f-orig.jpg (4096x2731, 1.1M)

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>Call yourself Vampire
>Sucks semen instead of blood
Errr OTR?


Attached: MadPoorIridescentshark.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I feel this way about chimpy's legmole

momo looks like a million bucks

tsundere contacts

perfect and very useful lips

She's even hotter now

Attached: my precious.jpg (1273x712, 119K)

Attached: wtgmeRKN.jpg (1280x1920, 380K)

i got you

Attached: momomomos.webm (608x1080, 2.89M)

This but Wony's cheek mole

i would love a whiff of that dubungus

Vampire theme out of nowhere

Attached: jeongyeon-fy.webm (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Attached: FoolishGlassGuineafowl.webm (542x962, 2.78M)


Attached: CiYF_HDU4AIFpju.jpg (1365x2048, 537K)

If you have a thing for crack smoking whore bags
yass queen

Attached: GraveElectricHydra.webm (542x962, 1.83M)

she’d be a 10/10 if she just kept her hair long

Attached: SecretSelfassuredArcherfish.webm (542x962, 1.38M)

she gets pretty good views

really hoping there’s a mall fanmeet this comeback, those ones are the best and the last one was for dance the night away

She's the edgy character who is supposed to be cool and aloof and apparently tsundere

Attached: ClearcutTerrificCurassow.webm (720x1252, 1.04M)

Momo looks so bad!

there it is. you know she spends time on english twitter and shit

that's a very unpopular opinion

i thought that was cub

Post momo's momos

she probably spends time here once in a while

The one on Sakura's nose~

sixteen/debut momo with bangs looked different overall

Attached: 4575675765.jpg (1024x650, 66K)

it's not the first time she's done one of these

absolute regal goddess

this thread is full of them dude just look up

if you're reading this i love you sorn,
I don't understand why anyone would think it's okay to tell this story on national television unless they were purposefully trying to make her look bad

chaeng bangs

momorehead unleashed

Attached: 1568060989690.webm (640x1280, 1M)

her forehead finally healed from the wall injury

females aren't actually friends with each other. they secretly hate each other and are in constant competition. eunbin uses somi for clout but deep down resents her for her popularity and seeks to destroy her

we want momo thread.

Attached: 1560529059626.jpg (2731x4096, 714K)

Momo hates Japanese
She is self hating Japanese

Attached: JPEG_20190830_235743.png (183x275, 64K)

why do shitskins smell like deodorant is a foreign concept to them

>momo head
yes please


Attached: Very_Fast_Momo.webm (620x664, 544K)

that's next thread friend

Attached: w9v7os2ue3g31.jpg (2976x2976, 678K)

Momo has nice assets

Attached: 1567319294556.jpg (1200x1800, 746K)

Her arms are big
She can beat the shit out of kpg

wording this

Attached: ED7v3urUUAAXlhe.jpg (1364x2048, 191K)

make it a kim minju thread

This is gonna be the best twice comeback since WIL momo looks so good wow

Attached: 281BD303-8ABD-4B1A-A5BB-F096ACECCDA8.jpg (750x936, 466K)

i dont think so friend

i'm 6'1 185 lbs, i'd pin her down pretty easily

Oh yeah CLC and Everglow were on the show together. Sorn and EU better have taken a picture together.

nerd momo vs expensive momo

EU is what Sorn would look like if her genes weren't tainted by jungle asians

typical twice thread 305/102

Fancy was better

Oh you'd rather hit the image limit at 180 like sluggy shartman threads?

nothing to say, same spam and circlejerk

it was a great thread dbh

is nerd momo cheap? where can i get one?

i meant it in a good way bro

Reminder KPG
You're my star
Yah UR

Attached: EEGC8P_UYAAl0-b-orig.jpg (999x1191, 199K)

who is this granny?

Based. My fav Tae track

who is this?


your idol's idol

Looks like Somi


oh NOW you fags don’t want to make a new thread?

