damn, this was pretty good wasn't it?
Damn, this was pretty good wasn't it?
Actually the worst album I've ever fucking heard and I didn't even listen to it
Hip hop as a genre is a fucking joke. Literally spoken word, middle school level poetry inspired by the lack of a good father figure in their life and "sampling" other songs to make beats because they sound good and hip hop artists lack the talent to write anything better, let alone play it themselves on an instrument.
Note, I know not all beats are sampled and I respect producers that make their own. But most are sampled and are complete rip offs.
"good" as in boring enough for pitchfork to like.
I turned it off on the second track because it sounded like cliche radio garbage.
t. underage
Pretentious. The album.
Underage kids are the ones who listen to this garbage retard. Good one though.
I listened to it yesterday and yes, it is legit. I was expecting another run of the mill rap album but this isn’t even hip hop
t. Underage
"Written, produced and arranged" like it's not shitty rap music. Lol
That's all you got kiddo?
You sound mad
Baby's first experimental album.
fun guy
This album was made for trendy teenyboppers who think Twitter is an accurate reflection of the real world
god. i sure hope nobody actually thinks this is experimental.
I understand not loving it but it's way too inoffensive to hate
i had huge expectations cuz flower boy was pretty good
but it's kinda boring
Wolf > Igor > Flower Boy = Cherry Bomb > Goblin > Bastard
Igorrr > Igor tbqh
muh muh sampling bad muh muh cant even play instrument
this album and era aging horribly
flower boy was much better, but Igor is ok
Hands down the worst album Child, the Molester has released in the entire history of his discography. Pure unadulterated trash pandered to the lowest common denominator of music consumers. The singing is off-key and overproduced garbage, the mixing is atrocious with examples like Kanye West's vocals being wasted into the background, the composition is nuclear levels of autism and sounds like Tyler is being musically castrated by a pack of wild North Korean soldiers. Cherry Bomb > Goblin > Flower Boy > Bastard > Wolf > Igor.
1/10, no favorites and I am not listening to this fucking trash again. Complete embarrassment to the music industry and this complete jackass should jump off the highest skyscraper with no shoes like a Japanese schoolgirl.
this is correct
All of those albums are garbage and the only good songs TBoogie has ever put out are Are We Still Friends, Rusty, Answer, Garden Shed and Inglorious.
not really
It's AOTY. Tyler can do no wrong.
There isn't a single rhyme in this entire release that doesn't make me cringe like I'm constipated.
Some things are so bad they actually end up being funny. Not this. Zero redeeming qualities, zero moments that bring a smile to the listener's face - unless they happen to be completely insane.
This is by far the worst music I have heard in all of 2019, and in the top ten personal worst of all-time. It's literally so bad, it has to be a joke.
I don't like this album. No one in my house likes this album. My wife made me watch, "The Notebook", with her for making her hear it.
The next night she went out and got drunk with her friends at some Chippendales type place. That was her revenge and I'm fortunate it was relatively mild.
My friends all hate this album and now they all laugh at me for being such a sucker and dropping twenty bucks on it.
They told me that I should have just downloaded it illegally and I should have.
There's a laundry list of all the people who no longer feel I have any credibility when it comes to selecting cool music.
There's no redemption in hating it either; I actually bought it and that makes me an idiot now.
I have tried different methods of getting rid of them as well and the one which I thought would work best, was to take them into a local used CD store and just leave it there on one of the racks.
I thought, "How could that possibly go wrong?" Somehow, it did.
As I was leaving the store, the alarm went off like I was leaving without paying for something. The owner darted across the store,
past the CD rack I left it in, quickly grabbed it and aggressively shoved it into my chest.
"Don't you ever try to dump something like THIS in my store again!!!"
So where are they now? Bottom of the catbox. Safest damn place they could ever possibly be!
It sucks that the albums before Savage Sinusoid were removed from Spotify
objectively correct
this reads like a copy pasta
>Dracula, Dracula, Dracula. Suck me first I might get back at ya'
this would be a good copypasta if the last three lines were better
maybe something like "i tried to throw it away in so many places yada yada yada it follows me it haunts me for the rest of my life"
nj user, the autism factor here is easily high enough for mid tier pasta