His most emotionally honest album desu

his most emotionally honest album desu

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too bad it sucks

agree with both op and fp

sad and pathetic if true

And nothing hurts anymore I feel kind of free :(

The first song is almost good. Almost.. shame they had that fag orgasming on it though...

That's not 808s and Hearbreak though

You mean Late Registration?

808s and Heartbreak is his best album and hands down his most emotional work.

You are correct.

You are wrong. But for some reason LR is always overlooked. It had a ton of great tracks though.

>808s and Heartbreak is his best album
fuck no. just because it was innovative doesn't mean it was good
late registration and mbdtf are way better

>late registration and mbdtf are way better
But they aren't though. MBDTF is definitely in his Top 3 best albums though but none of his albums are better than 808s. I had high hopes for Yhandi before it got scrapped though.

you are just wrong

it is, but the problem here is that it's also his worst album. all of that "emotional honesty" doesn't mean anything when the music is so bad.

Imagine your most 'emotionally honest' album being ghostwritten lmao

Don’t respond to tripfags.

his absolute worst album

U mad nigger?

you lose something faggot?

>he's actually mad

sure kid, you successfully trolled someone finally
now go get some celebratory chicken from mum

>he's still replying
I've never seen someone this fanny flustered before in my life.

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yer mum when she looks at you

>literally wasnt written by him
i like this album but he barely had anything to do with the songwriting

>he's so assblasted he has to resort to "your mom" jokes
>in 2019

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no user i was serious
she is very upset about you

>he's STILL replying

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i once rated each song on its own and the average for the album was like a 7.7
a "high seven" was actually what i thought the album was before that, so yeah. cool
pretty good

reading this exchange made me sad