Feel free to cringe
Green Day new album cover
based and punkpilled
Honestly, I'm a fan
it's cover art for the single, not album
Love it, let the mainstream niggers and art hoes cringe
So quirky and ironic xD my 16 year old cousin will LOVE THIIIIIS
They said that for tool as well
it looks like what gen x would come up with to appeal to zoomers
40+ year old punk rockers singing about how angst ridden they are. Cant wait!
Honestly the single isn't bad, minus that dreadful filter over the vocals which seems to have gotten worse on every release singe American Idiot.
kek it sucks
It's cringe but simultaneously based for making zoomers cringe, the song is pretty good, the new Fall Out Boy song that dropped at the same time was fine but the rapping killed it.
I thought Green Day was an art hoe band. Aren't all art hoes about breaking boundaries for the industry and redefining the status quo?
I like the song but I would never have guessed it was Green Day
>Fall Out Boy
Yep, now's about time for FOB to break up. I'd rather Patrick Stump do more shitty New Wave than this bullshit.
It's not actually Patrick rapping, it's yet another awful feature, the exact same thing that ruined Mighty Fall on Save Rock and Roll and Sunshine Riptide on Mania, hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come for their next album.
Honestly most punk ROCK song they released since Insomniac.
Now if that's good or bad depends on you, I can already hear the basedcucks and teen girls seething
Yeah, as a Zoomer myself, I will say that this new sound will take some getting used to. Kinda reminds me of Sucker by the Jonas Bros, except with somehow even worse voice modulation.
Then again, I was always more fond of their more Hardcore and Emo influenced sounds like on Nimrod and 21st Century Breakdown and despised the trilogy. Who knows, hopefully this will grow on me.
Furthermore, am I the only one who actually likes Warning? Every time I bring up this album I see looks of disgust.
I love Warning. This new song... it barely sounds like them, its pretty generic commercial rock, paint by the numbers. I used the be the worlds biggest Green Day fan, but everything changes.
Song is pretty decent, has a lot more energy than they've had in a while. The album art and title are cringe as fuck but I'm not very shocked at that fact. I don't care if they're being cringy 40 year old's as long as each song is at least this quality.
Deviantards (or even CWC) could do anything better than this.
>its pretty generic commercial rock
As opposed to regular Green Day?
Dude this is a pretty anti "generic commercial rock" song, actually sounds like a good undiscovered indie punk band.
It doesn't sound like a regular Green Day or Blink 182 radio song
Someone obviously doesn't listen to a lot of rock or alternative radio.
what did they mean by this?
Oh my god did they let a 12 year old design this LMAO holy SHIT
Yeah, (you)
They were going for the vandalized American Idiot logo to show how PUNK they are.
Nice concept, terrible execution
I absolutely hate the drum trigger samples in the new song. sound like a shitty splice dnb pack, especially the snare and the clap transients fuck it's bad
I liked the claps.
Did you like the rest of the song, I'm genuinely very interested in Yea Forums's opinion on this, it seems like something Yea Forums would like
This strikes me as Billy Joe looking at the cover of Black Flag's "What The..." and being profoundly inspired.
It would be fine if it was just an arm and not the heart grenade arm. Just leave AI alone its damn near a perfect album.
This is better lets be real, Black Flag's actually looks like it's drawn by a 7 year old in 2003
Shit song, shit album cover, shit band.
Seriously, they should have stopped after 21st CB.
Song's ok
We mid-2000's British indie rock now.
it was ok, just unmemorable. nothing really to hook into, kind of uninspired. doesn't help that the vocals are buried under filters
BJ can't sing anymore that's why he has to hide behind the vocal processing. They never could play very well and just keep pushing the same over produced garbage album after album after album since american idiot.
Punk is fucking cringe if this is punk and also fuck you loser you’re not punk
>7th February
Why do you put out a meh single nearly 6 months before the release of the album ?
this record is The New!
soul, Motown, glam and manic anthemic. Punks, freaks and punishers!
The Dirty messy . The Stink. ,
The lyrics are like a party and lifestyle of not giving a fuck. The life AND death of the party. Not political. Surviving in chaos. The real shit.
Me mike and Tre of the Green Day cut through the bullshit. That’s how it’s always been for us. Everything else is fake. Frauds I tell ya!!
Rock has lost its balls. We’re gonna teabag all these mother fuckers. The baddest rock band on the planet that gives a shit.
“Glorious” or “glorious anarchy” seems to be the word that keeps coming up that reflects
Dangerous songs for dangerous kids!
Our motto??
“Nothing says fuck you like a unicorn”
Love And kisses
green gay must be in their 50s or 60s already. why are they still pretending to be 14 years old?
32 year old boomer here. American Idiot came out my senior year of highschool and even then I thought those guys were old as fuck tryhards trying to be relevant again. Haven't heard anything by green day since then, wtf are they even still doing now
pick one
Punk is a sub-genre of pop
No, (You)
t. not the guy you're quoting
It was also done better in the past
im glad im not the only one that saw that
Well, it all makes sense now.
They said this was the last album on Warner and they'll release more music before the tour with Weezer. So it wouldn't be a surprise if this is just a joke album to end their contract and release a real album next year.
I mean, look at the art, the single, and the full thing is just 26 minutes long. There's no way they want us to take this 'album' seriously.
>Billie is doing this shit while Based Gerard Way is making money from Comics
I guess MCR was the true winner
>47 years old
Nimrod is a GREAT record. Love the variety and it gets thrown under the bus for Good Riddance.
what happened with the last 5 albums
lol its like that black flag cover thats shitty, so i guess its 'traditional'
Man, now that I look back at it, Green Day isn't such a bad band
thats what i always say, but i still never listen to them.
new song sounds p gud
>tfw joke album is better than previous 5 "real" albums
I always hated them and had the elitist mentality of "OH THEY AIN'T PUNK THIS IS PUNK" and just shit on them.
But they are actually pretty good, who cares if you don't think that they aren't punk, even if they aren't if they label themselves like that you will get more people listening to "real" punk.
Also they've been relevant for 30 years, that's hard to achieve.
And last thing they haven't fully fallen into the pop punk sinkhole Blink fell into, those 3 albums in one year showed signs of that but now that I listened to 2016 album and this song it seems like they pulled out.