How do you go from this

how do you go from this

Attached: good.jpg (640x628, 173K)

to THIS?

Attached: bad.jpg (640x640, 41K)

well we're fucking waiting


I know, YOTS is one of their best albums so far. How do they keep innovating their sound after all this time? We'll never know.

YOTS isn't "bad.jpg".

fucking 12 year olds up in this joint
don't fucking bother

get out of my thread virgin


by sampling everything in between and regurgitating it back to you

too late
I already spoiled your virgin thread
my wet fat cock has been rubbed all around it

yots is their best aside from steroids you fucking spaz

how can you be this wrong? it's been downhill since the money store

>it's been downhill since the money store
pleb detected
they literally released their magnum opus, the powers that b, after the money store. oh and steroids is also a thing

YOTS > BP > TMS > TPTB > GP > ExMilitary > Steroids > NLDW

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>downhill since their most accessible album
kys pleb

you're saying as they get less "accessible" (recognizable as musical in any sense) they get better?
just tune a radio to static

Reverse this then its true.


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how the fuck is NLDW last wtf? this is clearly bait

It is clearly
Powers > NLDW > TMS > BP > YOTS > GP > EXM

This is literally the wrongest you could be

lets just agree that death grips is fucking shit overall

YOTS > TPTB > Steriods > GP > NLDW = BP = TMS > Death Classic > ExMil

to pimp the butterfly isn't a death grips album

>literally nobody:
>not a single soul, i assure you:
>mc ride: I GOT THE FEVER >:0


I visit Yea Forums for the first time in months and this is the first thing I see

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>ranking death grips albums as if any are actually bad

Shit never changes, user. It just gets smellier and smellier

EP ExMil TMS YOTS JD NLDW BP NOTM FashionWeek Steroids GP

Can we just agree that while GP is fine and has some great ass songs, it's far, far, FAR from making it to top 3?


two heavens, anne bonny, and birds are in the top 20 death grips songs no question

all I know is that Year of the Snitch is my least favourite album. Even Fashion Week I can listen to the whole way through. For me, their best is a toss up between The Money Store and Bottomless Pit.


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How the fuck do you go from releasing a mixtape to an album i don't get it either opie

These people never like dg what're you on about

imagine actually liking death grips
i can’t imagine being a smelly virgin