packed with mixable shitforms, a new sub oshillator design, the famous wiper-sharter milkymoo farter, a super fast shartvelope, a stinkable LFO(loose fart oops), our new shet peequencher and a pootable mog matshrix, the micropoot is a landbrap

Attached: microPOOT.jpg (263x192, 11K)

Uh oh...

i-is this the comfy synth thread?

This is just bait so you can fuck with gearspammer some more and shit up another synth thread so I'm not even going to bother posting after this because what's the point? Assholes like you two pieces of shit are what's ruining Yea Forums and at this point even reddit is a better alternative than trying to have a conversation with autists like you two running around here unchecked. Fuck both of you enjoy your crab bucket

Attached: sage.png (350x300, 34K)


It’s just Gearspammer samefagging, idiot.

this. i reported every one of his posts in that last shitfest of a thread and mods didnt do shit

it’s always funny when his posts do get removed and you realize he was posting as six or seven different anons

it certainly is not. as far as i am concerned this whole site is shit now and i am going to start trying to find somewhere else to discuss topics i find interesting. which is a shame because all Yea Forums needs to do is put IDs on every board so you can see who is samefagging

yeah, and mods! more mods!

I hate newfags

>t. samefagger cancer


this post is pretty funny. don't see why everyone is so mad

phew, I was getting worried

Attached: E61C8E21-49DE-4415-B59E-CC0B2D4CFD89.jpg (4032x2749, 3.08M)

Lmao what's up trustfundspammer, you ready for my dick in your ass again?

so user, what’s your setup this morning?

Attached: 9C52957D-1B11-4FEE-8EE0-329CE866D616.jpg (3369x2712, 2.32M)

lol what's wrong my bitch? an hour? you didn't get the spam slapped out your mouth in the last couple of days did you?

what a letdown yesterday was, I’m terribly disappointed in your lackluster performance..I had hope your heart was in this

Attached: CB05AB64-2C5E-47FF-A72D-98C7326749B0.jpg (3049x1967, 1.41M)

i'm sorry i had to put my glasses, it was THREE hours lmao. by all means, proceed to seethe about how i've effectively revoked your Yea Forums privileges i await the salt

Phaser is such a cringe lord, just stop bruh. You’ve been playing this game for 7 year, and your music is still shit.

ITT more posers from /g/
Youre all fucking intolerable

OP-1 for me.

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Attached: microBRAP.jpg (269x187, 18K)

wait that’s not the wrong pic

Attached: D3E99035-4497-4C71-8D2D-74AEE0EF6D04.jpg (3474x3001, 2.25M)

>9 Posters
lmao look at him go

maybe if we use the name field to qualify that we aren't him we can all know who each other is??

It's a pretty cool feature actually why does noone use this

you know the number of posters can easily be faked upwards. this thread is all just gearspammer talking to himself. even this post is by gearspammer.

He must have pretty severe autism. Some user cracked on him about the price of his hipster modular gear and him not being able to write a real song in that original TE 440 thread the other day and he's been on a sperg rampage ever since

you guys are so obsessed about this guy samefagging, you probably would make pretty good jannies. I heard they're hiring so stop being whiny little babies and just fill out the application already!!!!!


lol you know for a faggot who's known for spamming your efforts here have been a tad anemic, haven't they? what, i lodged my dick so tight in your ass that your little cunt act's lost all it's appeal? lmao i'll bet, it sounds pretty distracting desu

Manu(re)factured by PajeeTech.

bumping for cool synth talks. anyone ever owned a matrixbrute? I think theyre funny as hell

fuck off retard

based dubs my friend. what synthesizers do you happen to own?

>checking dubs
lol cringe. newfags really do this to try to fit in


>based poster ending with a 3 and a 0
very cool friend, what synthesizers do you happen to own?

>11 Posters
lmao your comfy synth thread privileges have been revoked faggot, did you forget?

now this is pretty mean and that's alright, but what are your opinions on virtual analog synths? I think they're pretty cool

>I think
highly in doubt


here lads