New to production? Check it:
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
Post WIP's on
DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels
last thread
New to production? Check it:
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
Post WIP's on
DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels
last thread
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I found this video I think is really helpful. Gonna try to implement some of these techniques.
thats nice
Forgot the video.
What gear do I need to get if I want to play shows using my laptop? Like what kind of amplification do you use?
What kind of mixer or interface do i need to run my shit through guitar pedals?
What are the options for wireless DACs so i can sit across the room on my laptop in a comfy chair while i program bloops?
What are good hardware synths to get or ideas for noise making hardware?
I am getting a job soon and I'm trying my best to make a list of gear to save money for so that I won't buy drugs, so I appreciate any ideas or recs people have. I'm into a lot of electronic music my favorites are The Orb, Merzbow, and Autechre. I've made a lot of plunderphonics in Renoise, I'm intergrating Ableton to my workflow and learning Supercollider and Csound. Besides my Squire strat and bass and practice amps my only gear is a small Axiom MIDI keyboard. So far on my to buy gear list is just the general idea of a new laptop and if I ever write guitar music to perform a bigger guitar amp, maybe a saxophone and a turntable I can scratch on.
digital hardcore for that other user
like 10 mins in audacity
Where should I start with making music in Mario Paint Composer?
I know nothing about music theory, etc. I just want to be able to make simple game-style music.
wow audacity? that's crazy that was really cool
this is my thing I'm this guy
>wow audacity?
I'm kidding.
It's like 6 in the morning where I live, I have to give that a listen tomorrow m8.
>Where should I start with making music in Mario Paint Composer?
Download some early 90's midi sounds/keyboard vsts and you're good to go.
Most daws have cheap ass sounding midi sounds stock which will give you that 90's n64/ps1 sound and a far greater potential compositional reach than Mario Paint Composer will ever give you.
Think "the next toby fox" or something.
>yeah but some guy worked hard to code it
You can manage to save 100 dollars in 2-3 months.
Cubase, Logic, Ableton, FL. All have essentials deals which is basicly just the daw without all the fancy plugins, just the bare minimum of eq's, compressors and limiters and stuff.
Most of them have 30 days demos as well.
Audacity is just way to slow in terms of workflow.
are there resources to learn about metal or rock style production? I feel like I'm missing a lot of knowledge. Or it's actually retard tier simple and I just haven't figured it out yet because I'm a brainlet? All I ever find are basic videos about how to play guitar ABC's or some shit. I wanna learn more than just that.
is it kind of known and accepted that ableton is trash for handling stems and recording?
Yeah. Really Live is just for fucking around and making weird quirky be bo beep boop electronic stuff. If you're serious, get Pro Tools.
It needs a solo in the middle, but I don't know what it should sound like
very nice, I only come here because 1 out of 10 clips people make actually sound like music
Wow nice music you no talent piece of shit. You can fuck off with your dumbass questions you aren't going to amount to anything and ur waiting everyone's time with this fucking garbage.
I'm here from the previous thread asking about collaborators. I can give you my Discord or something if you want
duuuuude please accept me on discord it's been months
Bruhs I can't come up with lyrics to save my life and anything coherent that I write sounds like woe is me crap. I'm finding it incredibly hard to express myself. Does someone know any exercises to practice writing lyrics or atleast something that help me open up?
write write write, no matter what. write everything you think. recognize what about other artist's work resonates with you and try to emulate that and build your own style from there.
I’m recording some sample based hip hop in ableton live 10, for some reason, the sample doesn’t seem to really flow with the beat how I’d like it too even though it’s the right length in terms of bars and It’s repitched to the key I’m in.
Is it possible the sample has a different BPM, and if a sample does have different BPM than the song I’m making, how do I correct that? Thanks in advance
Can I hear it? You probably just need to stretch it to time
There's no harmonic movement. Other than that, it is fine.
To the user who made that cool broken bass out of one of my samples, that's really nice dude. How did you process it? Which one did you use? "Broken bass" was a really good way to describe it.
I honestly can’t remember which one... I think it was... not anything fm.
Basically just overloaded serums high/notch filter with a sub into that diode distortion. The “screech” of it comes from a duplicated oscillator a few octaves higher. Pretty standard bass stuff desu, your sound just happened to pop out a good table :p
Damn that is a lot of distortion. I really need to get into using more filter types, I tend to just default to low pass or comb.
Post plugins that brought your production to the next level:
im gonna do it guys im gonna be a great composer
WIP for a remix competition thing. FYI second verse is pretty scuffed cause I just blocked that out a couple hours ago. Only assets from the original used are the vocals, so mostly wondering what steps others take when mixing vocals. Will post feedback in the morning on other posts, tired as fuck
How can I become as great as Earl, Tyler and Frank? Thank you.
I've never made angry vocals before. Can someone just yell over this beat for reference?
autistic shite, no good music will come from robotically implementing variations
can someone tell me what sucks about this beat
and how i can make it better
>inb4 soundcloud
clyp said it was too big
>clyp said it was too big
Convert to mp3 before uploading.
You're supposed to be a producer, you should know that.
i thought these threads were for "producers" of any stage
i downloaded ableton about 2 months ago
started seriously learning about 2 weeks ago,
im an amateur at best.
this is actually my first official beat and i was hoping for some advice
Alright, sorry.
Upload it to clyp and I'll listen to it.
here you go sir, also just out of curiosity, why the instance on clyp versus SC? its serving literally the same purpose
>why the instance on clyp versus SC? its serving literally the same purpose
Because a lot of producers don't care about getting feedback and just want to increase their SC plays, so if we allowed it everyone from the SC thread would crosspost their shit here for exposure ruining the thread and we would waste time giving them feedback when they wouldn't even want it.
Nobody cares about clyp so there's no risk of people posting their music from there for exposure, so this thread stays about music production discussion.
Up to a month or two ago we used to use, which is even better than clyp because it doesn't display any username, but sadly it closed down and we got back to clyp (which we originally left because certain posters became too recognizable and it would create discussions that would derail the threads).
oh that actually makes perfect sense
yeah i was mostly just looking for advice and criticism.
fuck crossposters
Does anyone ever get into this shitty headspace where you have writers block and it feels like you don't know anything about music and never did? It eventually passes but it's the worst thing in the world before it does. Is this normal? What are some ways to get out of this?
It's like every decision I make is the bad one and every musical idea is fucking shit, more so than usual.
What's with the long silence at the start?
Those four snippets at the start are way too degraded, even accounting for the effect. It just sounds bad, so I'd dial it down a bit.
When they stop there's a pause between them. It doesn't sound good when it's total silence.
Usually people leave some ambience or background noise.
Right now it just sounds like a soloed stem or something where there's supposed to be something else that you're not hearing.
There's also a high-ish frequency that plays with them (may be just a resonance generated by the effects) close to a D note that sounds cool with the notes they're playing, but when the other instrumentation comes in at 0:29 it clashes too much, to the point of sounding like two different songs playing on top of each other.
The guitar-sounding riff is too repetitive.
The stuff at 0:52 is even more dissonant and makes it sound like three songs now.
The hihats are way too loud.
When the vocal samples stop coming in at 1:14 it feels too empty, and when they come back at 1:23 it's too abrupt.
The "drop" at 1:39 is too chaotic (see above) and way too abrupt.
Look into the concept of tention and release in music.
The rest of the song has basically the same problems as above.
Your first priority right now should be to learn the very basics of music theory (YouTube has a million "beginner music theory in Ableton" videos) and arrangement (load up a song into Ableton and make new empty tracks to note where all the sections and elements start/end, and pay attention to the effect they have on the track).
Why people regret being Baritones so often? I can sing from G1 to Bb4, and will get higher as I keep training. How can being a tenor can be superior, except that it doesn't take as much effort to sing on the high range?
wow awesome
thanks for all the legit criticism
im going for something kind of lo fi like (dont laugh) early 90s memphis, specifically tommy wright iii, and DJ pauls early stuff
i got the initial sample off a Tommy Wright song, and i did do some EQ and shit to it, but i dont really know what the hell im doing lmao so i probably did fuck it up. but all in all this was just a prototype, just to get comfortable with making music, session view and arrangement view.
honestly i can gut the shit and scrap the guitar, im just having trouble figuring out how to get dark sounds and syncopate samples up with the beat effectively.
also the long pause at the start is intended for a vocal intro
any personal tips on creativity or workflow?
Here is my first techno set, it would be nice when you listen it, like it and share / repost
And give me a feedback
Thank you very much
Hör dir Es ist Techno im Haus von Luke Ligget an auf #SoundCloud
>m going for something kind of lo fi like (dont laugh) early 90s memphis, specifically tommy wright iii, and DJ pauls early stuff
I don't know any of those artists, but if you're serious about becoming actually good, don't focus on making lo-fi as a beginner. Focus instead on understanding how everything works and to make songs where you apply what you learn.
If you shoot for cool lo-fi songs from the start while ignoring the principles that go into making them sound good, you'll never actually make lo-fi, just lo-quality.
If you're just making music for fun to pass the time, then just do whatever you feel like (it will take less time and effort but you'll also get worse results).
>honestly i can gut the shit and scrap the guitar
Or you can try pitching it up and down a little to see if it fits.
>im just having trouble figuring out how to get dark sounds and syncopate samples up with the beat effectively
That comes with practice.
>any personal tips on creativity or workflow?
That's the most personal and subjective side of music production.
The only thing I can recommend is to try different kinds of workflows and seeing what works best for you.
I personally like splitting creative activities and technical activities into separate sessions.
When I'm composing I just use basic sounds to get the "score" right, and after everything sounds good this way I start producing it and replacing sounds and whatnot.
This way I'm not fooled into thinking I'm making good music when it's actually shit music with cool sounds.
But obviously this doesn't work for everybody, so you have to choose something that works well with your genre/s and the way your brain works.
Tell Chantal she's too hot for you.
Too hot for me haha
Best joke I've ever heard
Most definitely.
How tall are you?
I can't write lyrics because my mind is a pit of confusion and rushed thoughts
We've all been there.
Wow... you stalker
That's what you get for posting a soundcloud link in a thread where the OP tells you not to, and right after it was explained why you shouldn't.
Ok ok
Jerk Off to my Wife in your 1 room apartment, all good...
You are a hero !
I thought here are normal people but nope
So bye ;-)
>Jerk Off to my Wife in your 1 room apartment, all good...
Lmao I'm a 36yo neet still living with my mother. Nice of you to think I have my own apartment.
>You are a hero !
I know.
>I thought here are normal people but nope
I thought here are literate people but nope
>So bye ;-)
Nooo please stay friend.
whoah bigshot here flexing his two-bedroom apartment on us one-bedroom amartment dwelling paesants
How to fix it?
Pic is unironically me
Address the source of your problems.
There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It entirely depends on your situation.
Find what's making you like this and do what you can to reduce it.
same desu
just be warned only the lowest version will let you run without the dongle plugged in and you cant trial the bigger versions without buying one
>im going for something kind of lo fi like (dont laugh) early 90s memphis, specifically tommy wright iii, and DJ pauls early stuff
Weeeeeew how original
who care not me
AHAHA I waited years for the samplemodeling strings to come out and be as amazing as their brass libraries are and they finally get here and sound like 90s romplers JESUS CHRIST
at least embertone will always be there for me
ableton is not trash at handling stems at all, infact its literally one of the best.
recording it fucking sucks though yes i agree but still miles ahead of any of the others except for reaper/tools
>God is just a shitposter
Gee who'd'a thunk it...
>Jerk Off to my Wife in your 1 room apartment, all good...
thank god you're ok with this I almost felt guilty
someone said my song didnt have bass so i had to double check. he was wrong (assuming male pronoun bc no woman would be so stupid)
if u care about comfy synths
garbage fit lmao
just announcing that something really bad will happen again today
What was the last one? I remember seeing that post
Also pirating software is okay and helps the companies more than it hurts them
I don't know why, but I really want to get this, feel it out, and if it's wack just sell it to some dumb kid in the scene.
ask yourself
>can you spare the cash
>will you make use of it
>will it go up in value
>do you really care about the "analog" quality
>its just an 808 who really cares
then decide if you want one desu
Would using a file server for projects cause too much lag when saving and loading? I can’t think of many seamless ways to share files. Has anyone saved projects to the cloud?
Aren't they saved locally first and then syncronized with the server as soon as the software detects a change/addition?
In that case it would be no different than having everything local.
In fact, a lot of producers do something like this, by putting their entire music production folder inside their Dropbox/GoogleDrive/whatever directory.
>In fact, a lot of producers do something like this
name 3
Me, my friend Kevin, and my other friend Michael.
skrillex invented dropbox
Here's the DJ/producer trio Point Point:
How can the Korg Volcas be seen as real instruments when they use a fucking 1/8 audio output? No real synth would use a fucking headphone jack lmao.
who cares desu, they are great especially for the price. and if you can get one second hand cheap they will rise in value, because korg
They’re toys for people who don’t really into synths but want hardware
“Great for price”
This is a lie every time people repeatedly have to say that about gear
If you care about the sound there are hundreds of better synths, and even free ones out do it. Nothing wrong within enjoying it but don’t bs other people about it
yeah sure there are hundreds of better synths, but are there hundreds of better synths that are the same size as a phone? no. and as i said before, if you get them second hand they are cheap
>the same size as a phone
i do feedback or reaction tell me what you want, link goes in chat
thats not a phone that's a cancer machine!
Hey guys, I'm new to this and would like to know how I can improve. Making ambient music in ableton but still learning the tools. Been a lot of fun!
no sc links.
dumb music theory question:
if it goes 1-2-3-1-2-3-4 is that still 7/8?
need more context
For instance is just 1-2-3-4-4 but it's still 5/4
Wait, 7/8, or 7/4?
where are demarcus and sammy???
Why are you posting this unrelated?
Sorry! Would upload to clyp but the file is too large. I'll make sure to upload to clyp for next time. Not trying to get clout at all, honestly just making music for me and my friends.
Not sure if I even know what harmonic movement is, but thanks
Concert to mp3 you fucking brainlet
It's ok, but if we don't nag people who post SC links, they'll end up being posted all the time.
I mean, it happened 3 times ITT already. Imagine if we didn't care.
Have you tried converting to mp3 before uploading?
Why not?
>no one replies to my inquiries
>no one critiques my clypt
I guess I'm on my own. Kinda like those motorcycles in insurance commercials I guess.
>Linkedin Park
I did silly
I completely understand and I'll make sure to use for next time. Unfortunately the track is still bigger than 25mb in mp3 form cause it's like 13 minutes!
What are the lines under some of the names supposed to mean?
>name jeff :3 chuck tesla
>packing wheat
>terf supersoaker
>909 worldwide
>gmt +8
>activia bends
>minecraft funny moments
>king & quing
>dubstep emoji
>the street juice
>block bandits
>lizzo maguire
>2001 ford ranger xlt
>linkedin park
>mine your own business
>feat. rylee
>lewis grant
>fractal fantasy
Pretty sure it’s for the more known artists but don’t quote me
The entire piece is written within the confines of a single scale, but the harmonics are all of the same chord (or at least very similar chords) even when the melody moves.
Baritones and Basses can learn to sing like tenors. Tenors can't sing like a Hass.
What's "it"?
What are those things I quoted supposed to mean?
Are they just random jokes?
Yes they actually can, they just need to be a little off center from the listener.
can i have some thoughts on this track? i made it for a sample challenge
i would like some feedback on the mixing especially on the last part
>but the harmonics are all of the same chord (or at least very similar chords) even when the melody moves.
I think I get what you're saying now. I was trying to do a thing where I use the same chord, changing a different note each time.
What do you mean
You made a typo and wrote Hass instead of Bass, so I made a joke that assumed that you meant Haas, as in the Haas effect where something sounds panned left or right based on how sooner it hits one ear relative to the other.
o i am laffin
easy now mate, went to bed and been working all day.
I made pretty much just to see if I could, I dont have much interest in the genre as a whole other than potential for some fancy sound design. So I dont know how much interest I can muster for a project like this, unless you have something worthwhile idea for it. Dont have a discord, but could make a throw away email, not to keen on doxxing myself on Yea Forums. 10 years of this place have thought me better.
there are no doxxers here m8
were all friends
Are you looking at the curve after rendering / are you trying to read attributes of the sound from the curve? This is ca. 9:20 long.
Are you using automation of single parameters of stereo imaging and reverb plugins? Do you sometimes EQ a mix in a way that a normally undesirable frequence would sound better than expected in a case? Here the normally almost muted out lower mids (that shallow sounding sound somewhat higher than regular bass and somehere around the lower mids) wouldn't has been accented slightly.
Is this what happens to people who consider themselves producers and sound designers?
I said don’t @ me
It could have been worse actually, I mostly don't proof read what I'm writing and the misplaced "wouldnt" probably is part of an expression I would have started to form without having finishing it after having formulated the content of the brackets.
>Are you looking at the curve after rendering?
Only to spot amplitude problems, spikes, etc
>are you trying to read attributes of the sound from the curve
like how, it's just amplitude, not frequency information. Even if I was watching a spectrum analyser with the sound off, I wouldnt know what the fuck I was supposed to hear because music very harmonically complex. Unless you're just jerking off with 2 or 3 sine waves in which case it's probably shit.
The only thing I look for is if the curve of the music diverts from the generally acceptable norms or if it just goes fuck the fletcher–munson curve (too much information below 25 hz or too much above 16khz)
>Are you using automation of single parameters of stereo imaging and reverb plugins?
Only for effect.
>Do you sometimes EQ a mix in a way that a normally undesirable frequence would sound better than expected in a case? Here the normally almost muted out lower mids (that shallow sounding sound somewhat higher than regular bass and somehere around the lower mids) wouldn't has been accented slightly.
What are harmonic overtones?
You know, it's fucking fun to just write riff after riff and see how far you get.
Screw conventional song structures, my adhd brains just wants sick riffs.
Been working on this since saturday. Originally wrote it for guitar but I made a bleep bloop version for shits and giggles which turned out to be pretty awesome if you ask me. But then again I made it so of course I like it.
Does it sound finished or might it need some more work?
How do people get that chiptuney sound where it's like a tremolo on a square wave or something? My GBA used to make tones like that all the time
you mean ring modulation?
Posted this before, but I changed alot of the automation and levelling
It's just a really fast arpeggiator jumping up and down an octave.
Just take a square or sine wave, apply an LFO to it, make it a step (not a wave) and just ramp up the rate and apply it to the pitch of the wave and set it to an octave higher.
Then it will make that sound.
I can throw together a template patch for massive if you have it, then you can fuck around it at your own leisure
Reading the curve correctly can help determining if additional compression would be needed or if the track would need more dynamic range or detail - A track being alternately louder on each the left and the right channel for instance would indicate movement, for instance.
I wouldn't want to instantly critique the creative composition here because I personally don't listen to music like that (I find it boring) but sound-wise it sounds very good except for a narrow spectrum of highs which could need some more attack time and some of the vibrating sounding parts would need more definition and control of attack and release as well (mids). The character of the melodic elements transports an interesting ambiance and the synth is processed in a way that would resemble vintage vintage mixing.
Have you tried using master bus reverb? It helps to put the whole mix in the same context and needs to be barely audible. Works best if put just before the limiter and in this case it would make the tambourin sounds and such less out of place.
no youtube you stupid faggot
this thread isn't for you to seek validation for your random ass noises
Right now I'm using placeholder reverb, so I could see how you would think the highs are a bit overwhelming. I wanted something between room level reverb and ambient reverb. Right now, the only thing I have on master is a bandpass and the limiter, but I haven't thought of using master reverb. Do you think it is expanded or compressed in any ways?
I have boomer taste in music, so naturally, I mix and master in an oldschool style, so when its combined with modern tech and plugins, they sometimes don't gel, but other times make magic.
Why would you want to believe to be able to influence others permanently through written prayers defined and used as "magic spells"?
why have these threads become so cringe?
Do you have the tambourin sounds sounding this stock on purpose?
I haven't really tinkered with the percussion sonically. I do tend to make percussion a bit drier than most, though.
because we enable attention whoring memeproducers.
How are we to discern between attention seeking and people looking for peer review / feedback? Isn't garnering attention to your work inherent to receiving feedback?
na, people posting clyps arent the problem, its the weak discussion in between.
Do you sometimes feel like random noises would compose themselves automatically and would interprete their own actions as a part of something that would adress you indirectly and you would find it very important? Do you currently believe to write down prayers which would influence the future of music production?
If you think it's shit, dont bother to respond, even if that "oh this poor guy dont know what he's doing but he's trying so hard" thought crawls into the back of your head.
Even the most inexperienced producers will have some musicality to their work even if the mixes are underproduced, poorly balanced, cheap midi instruments etc. If you open a clyp and it's obvious that who's ever making it is either tone deaf or taking a piss, just dont bother to respond because
1. you're in for a never ending shitflinging contest because some have nothing better to do that getting rise out of people on the internet because daddy didnt hug them enough when they were a kid.
2. If it's that bad to begin with, they wont improve no matter what tips you give them. It's like trying to teach someone with cerebral palsy how to ride a bike.
If you think there some merit to it, give feedback.
How did Native Instruments become so shit?
Why would you not want to get feedback on your intentions?
For the same reason we dont allow soundclouds or youtube links in these threads. We are not here to affirm your ego with plays and praises. We're here to give constructive feedback.
That's all I have to say on the matter.
as if this thread couldn't get more cringe
Peinlicher Bastard, dieses Englisch und typisch deutsche passivaggressive Rumscheißen
>why is no one replying to my shitposts/shitbeats
bump I guess
you all suck though
wanna collab?
drop some bars and I'll put a beat to it
nah I can't record anything my familys gonna be home all week
What FX/filters/whatever should I apply if I want to get a post-punk 80s sounding bass?
post an example.
its punk bro do everything raw
Chorus on a jazz bass and play with a pick. Optionally play high up the neck.
They were on top for like 10 years, so didn’t innovate. Christ shit they made fucking ages ago like kontakt are still top quality.
Problem with them now is they are still pissing around and haven’t realised that other companies are moving in on what used to be there territory.
They need to update absynth and fm8 imo, then stop with the whole blocky reaktor shit and start making actual decent plug ins again.
I meant what to use on a bass plug-in in my DAW. Just Chorus?
just sounds like a chorus effect, plus new strings.
Just chorus and shitty mixing. Probably a tape emulator as well but don’t go too hard with it
this and all of the songs with it just one thing
If we all followed your advice DeMarcus would probably have killed himself already.
(I like the way you think.)
this isn't that bad if you just started producing. is that a resonator on the vocal sample tho? it sounds fucking horrible, especially with the flange. reverb/delay or both on that sample would be a lot more effective
tuning is fucked and it ruins any sort of vibe
feels like separate tracks; transitions are poor. mixing sounds okay, but in the last section the vocals feel detached or isolated from the rest of the arrangement. frankly tho you should worry a lot more about writing and arrangement than mixing
needs more texture. the melody is cute but the rhythm is really dull and plodding
what part of
>DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels
didnt you get?
oh I really like this I've seen it before. mad funny how people will go out of their way to tell you to fuck off for posting the wrong link while they completely ignore legitimate links.
nobody is going to listen to your shit mate, stop samefagging
Why is Ableton's piano roll so bad, holy shit
which poster do you think I am? cause im not samefagging at all I'm just salty no one said shit about my clypt
anyone use LANDR?
boost mids
Recommend me some creative "spacializing" plugins. Like reverbs, pan tools or whatever, but more on the sound design side than in mixing and mastering.
For instance, I know of Dust, which is a granular synth on a binaural space with a convolution reverb (basically letting you chop audio and place it in these binaural spaces) and R0Verb, which is a kind of decomposes a reverb into multiple delay lines that you can place manually on a "pan space" (pic related, cool UI, but it kind of sounds like shit). One thing I also like to do is using random noisy sounds (water, rain, wind) as IRs.
It’s really not that bad.
Fl studio literally only has one good thing which is the piano roll, yet their users always complain about other daws being shit
Kiss me
Buying all the klevgr plug ins was the worst ting I ever did, they all have great Uis but fuck me the plugins are absolute trash.
But for your answer the eventide plugins are good they go on sale for cheap quite often, like the space and the other reverb one
If you are using ableton there’s a really cool max for live plug in for like $10 I forget the name but it has something to do with space
Yeah, they plugins tend to have a cheap metallic sound. Is the Max for Live device Outer Spaces? It was the first one I found on Google, seems to be pretty cool.
Looking for a cheap mic to do basic mono recording of me playing classical guitar and maybe piano for practice purposes. It'll be used with a laptop and an Apogee One. I'm basically looking for something better than the built in mic on the interface. These are my current options on craigslist,
Should I pick one up of them? Is there anything I should look out for?
you can spend a lot of money on a plugin or just learn about the haas effect. if you delay on channel (left or right) verses the other itll make the sound super wide, you just have to find the sweet spot where it won't create phasing issues but also won't make the sound fall out of tempo
why the fuck does FL studio ignore my automation clips?
i just steal from cool music when i don't feel anything
What is the sonic difference when I jump from freeware to paid vsts and plugins?
did you record an automation using edison have you refreshed the music?
I've been trying to figure out how to compose a song that sounds like it would be from the 80s, but it just always sounds modern to me. any tips?
>did you record an automation using edison have you refreshed the music?
No. I went to Tools>Last Tweaked on Serum FX, but in general it tends to ignore my autiomations. some time back, I tried to automate a LPF on the stock parametric EQ 2, and it ignored it unless I clicked it, and it only went to the part it was at that I clicked, and stopped it there wasn't gradually going up the peaks
it's your song structure / writing, learn how they wrote chords in the 80's
You want
>Gated reverb
>Analog synths
>FM synths should be stock patches of popular synths
>Linn LM1 and Fairlight CMI sound
>80s soft rock, Jeff Lynne
>80s hard rock, Eddie Van Halen
Based on your clip, I think your problem as the other user mentioned is that older music, before alt rock, was heavily harmonic based, so you have to have strong harmonic movements. Go around the circle of fifths or go around the numbers. The best way to think of it is play positive chords in a minor key.
>What is the sonic difference when I jump from freeware to paid vsts and plugins?
for synths it's huge
Second hand sm57.
Will God forgive my wretched soul? I can't stop making trap beats.
I'm starting to feel like Justicefag, caught between wanting to make something modern and mainstream but also something anachronistic and antiquated. I can't figure out what I want to be, who I want to be. Tyler the Creator? Kero Kero Bonito? Kanye? Beach House? SOPHIE? Thom Yorke? Myself? Who is my self? How do I communicate that self?
I don't think there's anything there. I don't know why I'm still even making music. Do I even enjoy this?
>being this desperate to sound smart and have something to say
shut the fuck up
uhhh how do I make cover art for an album
>[Clyp] SON OF SAM (embed)
what's a good ceiling for the master limiter? -1 dB?
Warum versuchen Sie zu suggerieren Deutsche wären schlechtere Menschen? Glauben Sie es wäre eine gute Idee Menschen auf ihrer Herkunft basierend pauschalisierend Attribute zuzusprechen, über welche diese generell nicht verfügen? Waren Sie schon einmal in Deutschland und wurden Sie einmal darauf hingewiesen etwas falsch gemacht zu haben und haben Sie dieses Ereignis als verletzend aufgefasst und verstanden?
Also, why would you want to tell others about how you would feel about recent developements of things that would have changed your self-image completely and would it be a problem to you to write down another magical prayer which would change things? Why would you want to think that relativizing terms would be a legitimate part of magic and has this something to do with Judaism and taking it too seriously and understanding it how it's not while not being a Jew yourself? Do you sometimes feel embarassed by opinions of other people about things you would do without noticing that these things might be wrong or embarassing and why would you want to suggest not to be prone to the opinion of others having an influence on you while these clearly do? Why would you even assume that the phrase written down by you would represent anything and do you think that you can give magical commands defined as prayers which one would have to be written down on Yea Forums?
* "[...] magical commands defined as prayers which would have to be written down on Yea Forums"
Why would you assume that something would work while it wouldn't and anything that would confirm the function would simply be autosuggestion?
why would you assume that something would work while it wouldn't and anything that would confirm the function would simply be autosuggestion?
>he uses a limiter
the tranny has a new moog vid
Do you compose over a metronome or drums? How “finished” are the instruments you use to write melodies?
I’m having trouble finding a balance between:
>sounds like shit because it’s a basic sine wave by itself
>sounds good but only because the patch and backing instruments sound good
actual magic in plugin form
ircam spat revolution for ambisonic autism.
sound particles for actual wor. if you know your way around a DCC it's even better since you can import animated 3d scenes and attach sounds to objects. it is standalone however, and can be a mostly offline rendered process so it might turn a lot of hobbyists off.
I never write with a metronome or drums. I'm simply not able to add anything onto a drumbeat. Once I have an idea though, the percussion elements are very clear to me. The second question is more difficult because the timbre is in my opinion the most important aspect about music and the same melody or chord progression can lead you in a very different direction depending on how the patch sounds. Designing sounds and composing is therefore usually linked for me. On the other hand it can be easy to get lost in that process when you add onto the basic structure which is why I have a set of basic synth patches and general MIDI sounds that cover the normal spectrum of instruments which I use as temporary placeholders to focus on the writing part. Throw any MIDI file of a classical composer into a toykeyboard and it will still sound good because it doesn't rely on gimmicks. Admittedly this doesn't work for all genres. Very modern ones that focus on sound design will probably not profit from it but that shows in the music. It's sterile and will sound dated in a few years. Never chase sounds.
if you're writing more traditional melody/harmony style music, the piano should be the go to instrument for composition. it is relatively neutral and has a range large enough to cover almost all scenarios.
if it doesn't sound good played on a piano, it's probably not good.
9/11 happened today
this is good and watch your profanity
how to create vocal harmonies? i sung the same thing on different octaves and it sounds like shit. do i just sing the 4th or the 5th alongside the main vocals?
you write them
>make the vocal line in midi
>add 2 more lines so it's a chord
>isolate them and sing your lyrics with each one of those lines
>Designing sounds and composing is therefore usually linked for me
This makes sense, so you develop them in parallel and refine both down as you go. I guess those basic patches have an impact on your end result. Good to know, thanks
>Piano is the go-to instrument
Thanks, that answers my question also. Could the same be said for guitar?
For me (God), it's the oboe.
>Could the same be said for guitar?
if it's the instrument you're most comfortable with, run with it.
is it a proper substitute for a piano? no.
Where is a good place to go to have discussions on mix engineering, composition, and synthesis?
>mfw you actually make it as an EDM producer
Thanks dude. That's good practical advice.
Any resource you could point me to where I could learn to write harmonies?
Google, DuckDuckGo, etc
>go around the numbers
>play positive chords in a minor key
I would like to know more.
What genre?
I'll never forget.
>download blender
>follow donut tutorial
>follow a bunch of other tutorials
>make account on CGPeers
>torrent some premade models
>load them in Blender and render a scene with them
>use MS Paint to put your name on the image
>don't profit
Google, DuckDuckGo, etc
I'm not 5 anymore, God.
Okay i'll keep that in mind Mr Google
In addition to what has been said already don't degrade the recording that much, that's very much a modern affectation, as is putting lots of pitch drift on your synths.
DCOs massively boosted pitch stability which was critical for analog polysynths, and as soon as digital synths started to hit the market they exploded in popularity because of how repeatable and precise they sounded (and they tended to be cheaper and lighter).
People were literally putting their analogue monos out for garbage pickup, shit that would cost you a couple grand today. It was a time of economic boom and hyper-consumerism.
>top 1% of artists make 77% of revenue and 80% of plays
>94% of iTunes tracks have less than 100 downloads
>Spotify pays record companies $20/user
>YouTube pays $1/user
>physical sales are down to 14%
Will the “winner takes all” effect just keep growing? How much is industry driven and how much is just human nature?
The barrier to entry keeps getting lower and lower, therefore the ratio of shitty music to good music grows proportionately.
it'd be interesting to see how listens/sales were distributed b/w artists prior to napster. i suspect it wasn't too different, but i'm guessing a little bit worse now.
streaming revenue is a joke for anyone not doing absurd numbers of plays - probably only makes sense at superstar and big label levels.
indies would rather you pirate their shit outright than stream it off spotify and pretend like you're doing them a favour. the only good streaming platforms do them is if they know a guy who knows a guy who can get them on a curated playlist so they can up their booking cost.
and honestly, the only winners here are the tech companies. everyone else lost, even the majors and dinosaur acts.
>how listens/plays were distributed before
In 1982, top 1% made 27% of concert revenue
In 2003, top 1% made 50% of concert revenue
Not sure about total sales but it looks like they were making 7 times as much from touring as CD sales in 2003
>everyone lost
Developing markets are growing though. And all music is easier to discover. What weirds me out is the idea that the capacity for mainstream artists is shrinking. If you think forward 100 years, we end up with like 0.5 artists able to exist on the top
What do I need to sync a sequencer to a DAW? Do I need an audio interface or some other hardware?
depends on the sequencer and how old it is
The korg volca synths, they use 5V 3mm ports
i think it would be misleading to attribute the growth of developing markets to just the streaming platforms though - i imagine someone could make a compelling argument that it's largely a side-effect of economic growth, particularly the expansion of the middle classes in those areas. but we are getting into alternate, 'what if the internet had never happened', territory there. it's hard to untangle.
>all music is easier to discover
aye, but it's not an even playing field. advertising dollars still buy you views and bot-dollars will literally buy you plays. having a decent label, even indie, will get you pr and press access and that still bring the clicks. most self-released acts tend to get lost in the sea of music and are at the mercy of recommendation algorithms. there are exceptions of course. global reach is technically more accessible now, that's true.
re: concentration of power in a few top acts, i'm not so sure it'll get worse. it depends, again imo, a great deal on the tech companies and their recommendation algorithms.
which daw? because ableton is basically plug and play. you can go straight out of the volcas jack into your PC, or into an interface if you have one of those 3.5mm to 1/4inch converters.
Has anyone messed with non-audio output? Like lights or haptic feedback that go with the music. Besides in-daw tools or visualizers, I think seeing/feeling the audio would give you a different experience
Just buy an old Res Trance Vibrator and sit on it. They're also very easy to mod with a prostate stimulator.
Jokes aside no I haven't but check out Look Mum No Computer that's pretty much his whole shtick.
As opposed to a condenser like the at2020?
That reminds me of how Sylvia Massy said she runs signals through cheese and fucking pickles for saturation
>That reminds me of how Sylvia Massy said she runs signals through cheese and fucking pickles for saturation
Holy fuck that's lowkey genius
It would be interesting to experiment with passing the signal through all sorts of things to see the different ways it degrades.
yeah, I have a friend into video synthesis. Has a nice eurorack setup, cameras, projectors, tvs, lasers.
its really no different than modular synthesis for audio, can use all the same cv and gates
Volca's have a midi in right? use that to sync to midi clock, you'll need a midi cable and a midi interface for your computer.
Would it be wise to get a AKG P220 or save up and get the 636?
whats wrong with that
Moo moo-MOO-moo-MOO-moo-moo MOO MOO moo moo.
But you are justicefag tho
Stayin' Alive
Stayin' Alive
everything i make is just terrible
nothing meshes well what can i do?
>supposedly successful producer
>Pirates $50 plugin
>posts evidence on YouTube for the world to see
>team air
l o l
>I cant paint, what can I do?
You need to be a fair bit more specific than that
I miss team air. it was a simpler time
why would I be justicefag
what's some good hardware for making music in bed?
A skin flute and a booty bass.
>writers block for two weeks
I AM A N G E R Y (sad)
I am taking EXTREME measures:
no more grid! i have to play everything by hand and play instruments D:
.... sacrifices must be made to break out of this rut! im j dilla today bros (except no sampling because i guitar)
i tried switching the adapter of an fx pedal i thought has been broken for over a year and it turns out it's.... not broken. so guitar is fun again
>no more grid! i have to play everything by hand and play instruments
You should have been doing this anyway unless you were making techno.
How do you know when your song is finished? I've listening to demos like this recently to get an idea of what to do when I hit a wall or my song is lacking
writers block doesn't exist, you just reached your skill cap and what you can create with your limited skills doesn't satisfy you.
but i do make techno!
bruh that was clearly a joke. i don't just click shit in or not not fuck with it when i do
god i hate this fucking general
no song is finished, just abandoned
>god i hate this fucking general
what's so about about getting advice from someone who makes a living selling beats?
writers block does not exist. you can always write music. writers block literally just means you can't achieve anything that seems worth it.
why can't you create such a thing? well, you lack skills and inspiration and creativity. why? because that's just the way it is.
you either accept it or you keep searching for answers that don't exist.
bro i actually agree with you but you're being a massive faggot. nobody asked for some self-imporant life lesson
>be having fun writing music all day
>quickly skim /prod/
>mood ruined
idk why i still come here, shit's a weird addiction
When you abandon a song, it's finished. It can't survive on its own
>writers block doesn't exist
>you just lack inspiration and creativity
that's the same thing idiot
>from someone who makes a living selling beats?
Besides kudos for actually making money of music, but get off your fucking high horse. You're making dime of dozen trap beats than any kid with 1 years worth of experience in fl studios and 40 youtube tutorials can make. Your line of work isnt especially creatively demanding. You're whole stick is essentially making mockups of shit that is hot shit right now. The only thing that probably differentiates you and all the thousand cashmoneyAP wannabees out there is that you probably now how to mix the shit, while everyone else just smash it with a soundgoodizer.
>idk why i still come here, shit's a weird addiction
Maybe hoping to find like minded individuals in a chill place? Quite the rarity on crab ass art boards. Let me hear some of your cool shit
nobody asked or gives a fuck that you sell beats
you shouldn't have to qualify yourself like that; your words should stand on their own, that's the whole point of being anonymous.
also fuck off, nobody wants a faggot like you here
>finally come up with a cool idea for electro-rock beat
>its just Pussy by Rammstein
why the fuck do i try
Don't give a fuck what you sound like compared to other people unless there's a legal issue
welcome to the life of every composer ever. Now what you do is change a chord or two, change the structure a bit, throw in some different instrumentation and voila. New song.
>hoping to find like minded individuals in a chill place
this place is the opposite of chill but probably since i have 0 friends lmao
1 of you has been pretty cool to me at least. i've actually talked to a handful of people with some closely aligned interests, which was nice, but whether it'll worth reading through thousands of negative and shitty posts remains to be seen
Man, Richard Devine is in every single preset library in existence, isn't he?
Anyone can make music. I don't say that to demean talented musicians, but don't knock the art form.
Is Kyma really some next level shit? I've never seen anyone using it.
Could I please get some feedback? Is it terrible? Just okay? Competent? I feel like its an improvement but I also feel like I'm not improving.
What are the essential tools to make trap beats? I know 808 drums or whatever but what else? What about boom bap? I have ableton but wouldn't be above reinstalling FL studio if i have to. I just want the easier way to make some hip hop beats that sound normal enough for my friends to rap on when i move out and can reconnect with people who smoke pot. in a few months. I wanna have like decent 25 beats. Where can I find the easiest guide and formulas to utilize? I normally make wacky artsy bullshit that nobody likes and now i wanna do something normal I don't care if it's generic.
>when you discover the tape saturation knob
jesus christ how many times are you going to post this?
that repeating arp is too off kilter for my tastes. the ending its phrase sounds too open
This is only the third iteration and I've been working on it all day so I thought I'd share. Also no one really commented on it except one guy in the last thread.
Do you have sand in your vagina?
get random samples or instrument vsts. Play some riff. usually dark riffs are the norm but you can use anything. thats really all you need if you're not asking about theory or specific production tricks
I think this place is pretty chill. Everyone says everything is awful so I don't feel bad posting my music because nobody will criticize me harder than any other retard.
It's like the bar is set impossibly high so you just jump like a spaz because it's fun, not because you expect to get over.
yeah it's been me who's been replying every single time. Contra comment and on how to achieve the fast arpeggiation on the lead.
If nobody else is replying, that means it probably doesnt garner as much interest as you think it should.
But here's some cues.
Nice soundwork, sounds nice and fat, but from a musical standpoint, it gets old really fast. You never change the instrumentation, it's always synth bass and lead going at it. You never change chord with exception of some brief flurishes in the bass and maybe a third here and there. And there is no dynamics to it at all. Which all culminates that it gets quite tedious after the 3 minute mark and I just zone out. It's pretty much 5 and a half minutes of very samey riffs that never leads anywhere. It's all 100% all the time. You never work towards something, a musical climax, a chorus, a re occuring musical idea, a bridge or a proper finish.
Here's what I would do, some might differ. Come up with a re occuring music idea. Something that grounds the piece, home base if you will. It's easier to keep the listeners attention if you're going on a noodling extravaganza if they have something they recognise tying it all together.
Secondly, change up the instrumentation. Listen to some classical pieces, the lead line is usually shared between various sections for variety because 5 minutes of string wanking or horn blasting gets old and tiresome really fast.
All in all, cool idea, but not so cool that I would listen to almost 6 minutes of it. Not in it's current state.
based poster.
>Listen to some classical pieces, the lead line is usually shared between various sections for variety because 5 minutes of string wanking or horn blasting gets old and tiresome really fast.
How does solo piano music not get old and tiresome really fast?
Taking a break was the greatest thing to ever happen to me brehs
Because a good piano player uses alot of dynamics in both tempo, volume and feel.
Take any classical piano piece you like and download a midi version of it. Load it into your daw and set the velocity of all the notes to 127 and quantize it 100%.
It will get tiresome really fast.
theory might help if there are any formulas for building chord progressions basslines or melodies
Its not an arp but yeah, I see what you're saying, thank you! I'm not gonna fix it but I'll keep that in mind for next time. Does the 808 sound alright?
Nah people generally respond pretty well when I post music, they’ve been quite helpful to me.
Not talking about the feedback aspect though, I mean the general baiting and antagonizing shitposts that make up the majority of the thread.
It has decent periods but those have been farther and farther in between the past year or so
Breaks scare me o_o
there really aren't general formulas. you want a dark progression or melody, use minor and tense chords/scale degrees/intervals. want something sweet, focus on 7ths. you can follow general rules for bass or you can literally do whatever you want. trap guys usually aren't too heavy on theory and even if they are, they dont flex their skills bc they make sparse ass songs
lol i have really shitty opinions on 808s. i think you can't really mess up anything but the volume and release. it sounds fine to me
Does anyone know a good "homogeneous" MIDI controller? In the sense that the position for any given interval is the same across all the entire instrument. I'm dyslexic and the piano layout confuses me because I'm very slow to discern notes based on their absolute position. When I played the guitar, I would need only to figure out the root of a chord, for instance, and the other notes of whatever extensions came to me naturally because their shape was always the same. With the piano, even very simple intervals like major thirds can get very confusing.
I really want one of these, but they are expensive and out of stock now. I'm thinking about getting a matrix controller, but I need one that is good for live performance. Absolute need for velocity sensitivity, preferably with something like aftertouch.
thanks again!
>Breaks scare me o_o
Breaks are just boring. I've tried to take a break so many times but then I think "I should be making a beat" or I'll hear ANYTHING and immediately want to make a beat, no matter what.
I have the opposite problem, The only note I can memorize on a guitar is E
How hard is to make rock music solely on a daw? Without knowing any instruments (like guitar, bass, drums). I have a digital piano to I can probably connect it. Not much piano skills.
Besides VST4FREE where else can you get free vst effects? I want to make noise and im thinking i should get as many distortion plugins as I can, also maybe some synths. anyone have recs?
It's doable, but then you get two different possible sounds. One is Nickelback. The other is pure magic.
When you draw your drums, draw them freehand with no snapping, and get them just a tiny bit off center of the beat
same for guitar, and when playing chords on the guitar, make sure you never do two notes at once, because thats not how guitars are played
Not yet.
No we’re not you spazz
>making rock
>can’t play instruments
300 replies is the limit you dumb fuck and you can make rock without playing instruments do you even know what a computer does and what music is you narrow minded stupid fuck
Is Doom's soundtrack metal? There's your answer.
It’s 310 on Yea Forums
You *can* and it will be shit.
You are being a brainlet, learn to play an instrument you lazy faggot
are you the arbiter of good music?
No, that'd be God.
I know links are not allowed, but I just got done fucking with my 808 and wanted an opinion on how it sounds. thanks
>have absolutely no ideas for this first album because I'm saving all of my ideas for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th albums
wat do
just skip the first album then and move straight to the second one :^)
sounds kinda like raw / clean 808 drums. Might sound cooler if u saturated the whole output of that thing.