Albums like this but more accessible? Trying to get some normie friends into the genre

Albums like this but more accessible? Trying to get some normie friends into the genre

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>having (normie) friends

>Trying to get some normie friends into the genre
into 90s post-hardcore? idk try some Fugazi or At the Drive In

Unwound- New Plastic Ideas


rodan - rusty


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hey it's better than no friends, I'm slowly trying to turn them less normie. finally got my friend who claimed to love rap into GKMC and MBDTF instead of fucking Lil ___ / Yung ___ / etc

>like i know what normie fucks are looking for in music

this is actually the best answer

13 Songs is a good accessible start

thats a garbage album though
nothing like what the genre became

It’s not more accessible than Slint though, is it?

Honestly, Battles would probably appeal to normies the most. I’ve known a lot of people who aren’t really into math rock who like them

this is probably the most accessible album in the genre

play em gold dust by duster

This kinda sounds like Slint and is a great accesible album as well

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someone just have stuff that is similar to Slint, regardless of accessibility?
I love Spiderland but am not really familiar with the genre ohterwise.

dont mind me just being norwegian black metal spiderland

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Try this, it's basically if slint made a smooth jazz album.

Attached: ThisBedIsIntheOceanCover.jpg (300x300, 25K)

normies aren't going to get into post-hardcore, try rap or pop instead

These guys are basically a Slint knockoff.

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kill yrself

doing gods work user

What do you mean "genre"? Do you mean to tell me that 4 amateur musicians singing low budget songs about vampires is a genre?

i havent heard anything like slint either maybe mogwai young team

There are a lot of emo/screamo albums that sound similar to Spiderland, stuff like
Maximillian Colby - Discography
Sleepytime Trio - Memory-Minus
Saetia - A Retrospective
Off Minor - The Heat Death of the Universe
Funeral Diner - Funeral Diner... is Dead