Why is Japanese music so shit
Why is Japanese music so shit
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What the fuck did you just say you little bitch youtube.com
you have shit taste, they're the last culture to give a semblance of a shit about noisy and abrasive music genres
Fuck off
The Japanese experimental scene is great, but god the live scene sucks. Everything is overpriced, shows are limited to Tokyo and maybe Kyoto/Osaka.
they had two nukes dropped on their country do you really expect anything good from them after that
nukes makes best culture
Path of a music genre
>blacks invent it
>whites popularize it
>japanese perfect it
>back to whites that run it to the ground
Japanese perfect it? What music do they even make other than Jpop and a really cringey version of metal?
perfected noise, shoegaze, jazz, classical, pretty much everything
A lot of Japanese rock sounds too clean. Riffs sound really cheesy.
> classical
gooks haven't composed anything good because they are soulless insectoids
just look at kpop
>black people invented classical
>black people invented shoegaze
>blacks invent it
Never mind the fact that all popular genres uses European octal notation, chord structures and rhythmic notation
Weebs are so embarrassing.
i looked at kpop once
now i cant stop fapping
It's not?
listen to async and then fuck off
what are some good artists
>doesn’t like based Jap psychedelia
because you are a cunt
Melt-Banana, Midori, 385, and Mass of Fermenting Dregs are pretty good. Going from noisiest to least noisy.
This track saved Japan from their plunge into depression. Godtier.
fuck, thats sad. thought japan didnt have enough space to limit itself only to main cities.
nips in tokyo make more money elswhere, fuck this. thought every inhc of the nation was important, this is worse than racism fuck.
The 80's funk/soul/R&B music is fucking great. Here's just a few I have bookmarked
Except it isn't
Happy Japan.
>a fucking anime soundtrack
anime ja nai, pleb
I listened to it twice.
the fuck you on about. even the noodle adverts are better than most western shit these days.
>implying this isn't one of the greatest bands of all time, Jap or otherwise.
I'll never fall for the disingenuous switch between european and white ever again. There's a reason why you said european and not white.
excuse me
The truth.
Sabbat > metal
youtube recommendation core
Holy shit you are stupid
based and redpilled
This shit got spammed on Yea Forums a decade ago because of the titties in the album cover no surprise it became something YouTube recommends.
>blacks invented Music
*Pioneers synthpop behind you*
Nothing personnel, kodomo
front two have great facial structure
Actually Shoegaze was invented by both black and white people. AR Kane (More specifically they created Dream-Pop which is derived from shoegaze).
So what?
I hate Japan so goddamn much.
Acid Mothers Temple
>black Europeans invented western harmony
What the fuck are you even going on about
jrap is pretty nice too
give me a better album to listen to and maybe i willl
>AR Kane (More specifically they created Dream-Pop which is derived from shoegaze)
So, not shoegaze then?
congrats, you have the worst taste on Yea Forums
If it was good they would have recorded the vocals in English so people in the first world could understand it.
>no midori
>no endo
>weak onkyo
>no WEG
other than that, a very good list
it literally is not and marty friedman is here to explain why
keiji haino is a meme and doesn't belong here
rofl @ u
Because japanese language is not good sounding
Braindead weeb alert
>Japanese have small cocks, short legs, you know? Yellow monkeys.
What did they mean by this?
shut up weeb
Shit language. Shit culture. Thankfully they're living the real life equivalent of Children of Men so they'll die out in a generation or two.
Midori is derivative of James Chance
WEG is kitsch
the lads
>Screaming Japanese harpy followed by retarded jazz sounds and uninventive punk sounds.
Midori is straight up garbage. Thank god they broke up.
>Getting by on the frail novelty of "le wacky xD" music video and not on the music.
>Said music is also just a shitty ripoff of the YMCA.
>blocks your path
because they're too busy making excellent spit fetish femdom porn
The only accurate part of that is noise. And that wasn’t invented by black people.
because you either can't accept that some japs have made good music or you are such a pussy that you think if you like anything Japanese youll be called a weeb
all those bands are old
OH FUCK YES! This went viral like fifteen years ago, totally forgot about it.
Thanks for Dir en grey.
Old good. New bad. Such is the story of humanity.
This is also good
Also pretty much all from Yuji Ohno, but this OST is something else, specially Cesca's Emergency
""""city pop"" is all the proof you need that japanposters are fucking retarded, its just japanese pop music but you have to throw some other retarded title on it to elevate wanting to listen to asian qts sing but dont want to admit there is very little different from them and fukin nightcore listeners
ive liked taj mahal travellers, fishmans was ok, les rallizes denudes was kind of fun but all of these groups are suronded by this mysticla japan shit that is pathetic. fukin every time in /chart/ and i see some faggot writing some shit in kanji i want to off myself, krautrock fans don't pretend that germany is the best nation of all time in every genre but japanqueers its all encompassing and takes over their whole existence
Not to mention they probably jerk off to fukin self-racist pale asisns wth eyelid surgery instead of the actually hot tan working class ones
Come again? youtu.be
They're not American negroes.
>Not listening to the based sounds of Dune by L'arc~en~Ciel
>Not to mention they probably jerk off to fukin self-racist pale asisns wth eyelid surgery instead of the actually hot tan working class ones
yikes, not reading the rest of your post, go back to /int/
Yikes, imagine actually believing this.
But youtube.com
Pretty much all Asian pop is shit for the simple reason that it was never about the music. Pop in the west grew out of the post WW boom, with boomers having more leisure time and money then anyone before them people were able to make their own music with friends at home, perform locally for fun, and even record their own tracks even if they were just hobbyists. Then if they became popular enough the radio would expand their reach.
Pop in Asia came with the TV and high production TV shows, so from the get go it had nothing but selling a look and lifestyle designed in some corporate boardroom at its core. All pop is like that now but when it’s literally all your pop culture has it is very obnoxious
Good thing music is more than pop.
Yes but pop always dominates the market which is why op might think all gook tunes are shit, faggot
Fair enough. There's good pop but like 98% is soulless idol groups or singers just selling their brand and praying to god they aren't stabbed by a fan. Even smaller outfits and independent groups/singers have lost their touch and the old boomer pop artists haven't made a good record in decades.
fucking retard, have you ever walked into a japanese restaurant and looked at the wall?
why do all the art works prior to european contact show pale white women?
Literally every good art pop album that isn't made by Brian Wilson or Van Dyke Parks came from Japan
Why is music so shit anyway?
You are the most brainlet faggot if you genuinely believe this.
Because you're listening to it passively and not actually taking the time to analyze and understand it.
But it's true. Name one good Japanese record.
Oshare TV - おしゃれテレビ
REOL - 事実上
It's shit.
Yasuaki Shimizu - Music for Commercials
Sounds like some of the noises of the people who my grandfathered carpet bombed made.
Whites will be gone within a century or two so I wouldn't be acting so cocky.
what about hosono house mah nigga?
>someone photoshop haruomi hosono and feels guy i shall be eternally grateful
When the last whites are aging and clinging on to this terrible existence, they'l smile at knowing they lasted longer than the Japanese.
in the meantime we will be stealing your azn waifus uploading it for you to fap to on pornhub
Japan's birth rate will rebound because the small portion of Japs who are Christian will take over. Meanwhile the high fertility rate whites will still be subject to Sharia Law
>whites will call for a race war under the guise of a caliphate slaughtering any non white...ironically of course
Old list but it's something.
>I'll get you back by race mixing hehehe that'll teach them
you're just helping in the demise of your own race, go for it.
Shit recs. Try-hard image name. Do better.
What a dismissive try hard.
where going out anyway. america and europe are permanently cucked and bringing in mass of people who pop out 5 kids for every 1 white
*blocks your path*