is this peak hip-hop culture?
Is this peak hip-hop culture?
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Shut up boomer
im 18 lol
lmao effeminate black man taking to social media to seethe
Nipsy was a thug and a jerk
What a nigger
>gets killed by a nigger in his own hometown
niggers gonna nig
actually based
if i paid for my seat on an airplane ill use it howevver i want, fuck boomers who try to tell me what to do just cuz they are on the same plane as me
>shortly after this incident, Poindexter pays another “old school nigga” to take out some trash for him
by that logic the boomer paid for his ticket and he can do whatever he wants as well, including telling the negro to shut the fuck up
Don’t TALK about Fight Club
Nigs gon nog.
Why do blacks like to fight so much?
i don't know but it's definitely not genetic
Whiteoids deserve to be treated like garbage
Close, but no.
good thread
I know who you people are now. Suck my cock, chink fuck
Quit licking boots and start licking my dick.
asians are less than human
And now he dead. Really makes you think.
based as hell
not only do they suck ass at freestyling, but they are fucking failures at murder too since the woman lived.
You paid for the seat, you didn't pay to blast your shitty music through your shitty cellphone speakers to penetrate the air above our seats.
Unironically buy a louder phone, it's fun to dab on soeakerfags with something that has dual front facing speakers