Does gorgeous really need to be 6 minutes long

does gorgeous really need to be 6 minutes long
does devil in a new dress really need to be 6 minutes long
does so appalled really need to be 7 minutes long
does blame game really need to be 8 minutes long

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I agree. Every Kanye track would be better if it were shorter

blame game proved to me that kanye is a hack

just remove Jay-Z and Swizz Beats and the album length would be perfect

Did john Lennon need to mercilessly beat his wife for 7 minutes?

oh my god lol

>does gorgeous really need to be 6 minutes long
>does devil in a new dress really need to be 6 minutes long

does so appalled really need to be 7 minutes long
does blame game really need to be 8 minutes long



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kanye's biggest flaw has always been how repetitive his music is. That's why his two short "albums" last year were so refreshing.


yes. yes they do


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No, they should all have remained 10 minutes long like in the original version of the album

Agree with the first two. So appalled should be one feature shorter. I'm fine with blame game's length but I think the skit should've been a separate track

notice how you have no qualm with how long runaway is

runaway is the best song of the decade.


Friendly reminder that anyone who thinks Rick Ross was good on devil in a new dress is mentally disabled, and deserves to be publicly executed.

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Cyhi the Prince literally snuck his 16-bar verse onto the album. He's exactly who should've been cut.

Blame Game sucks so much, it's just really repetitive musically. I don't know much about theory so I can't put my finger on exactly what's wrong with it, but it sounds really annoying to me. It almost ruins the album for me until "Lost in the World" comes along and saves it. The Chris Rock skit is easily the low point of the entire album. And it's not like you can just skip the track because then there's too much of a thematic jump between "Hell of a Life" and "Lost in the World". It's really a shame because I love every other track.
