He has become more meme than man, truly legendary

He has become more meme than man, truly legendary

Attached: danzig.jpg (368x447, 20K)

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Attached: danzig.jpg (823x1151, 95K)

Danzig is a gift from god

based Danzig he ain't no goddamn son of a bitch

You don't go in the bathroom with him


My sides

what a boomer lol

It's fake though funny

After The Misfits, you don't need any more Danzig

The Misfits were awful, Danzig and Samhain were far better and they were still pretty bad

Funny as fuck really

I respectfully disagree.

Im not memeing here you really should kill yourself. Be responsible.

>I don't eat hot dogs!

Glad you cleared that up glenn


Triggered as fuck Hot Topic customers

seriously, everyone knows jerry only is the prankster of the band. He did it.

I never met a mallgoth who was seriously into any of this shit, maybe they knew a couple Misfits songs and "Mother" but that is it.

Danzig 2 is one of the best albums of all time.

daily reminder:

Dan Zig is a talentless hack.