Is she the GOAT?

Is she the GOAT?

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Is Cara Delavingne a musician now?

Yes, new tracks when??

she's a human being

This a tranny?

fuck off TERF

lol imagine being a "woman" who just looks like fucking Jay Retard

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Yeah hes pretty good

ah yes the renowned radical feminists of Yea Forums


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>baiting this hard with a tranny


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What’s his name

Oh OP. I know Yea Forums is generally retarded as fuck but we're not retarded enough to let this ridiculous Tranny fad go without being ridiculed

I dont care if hes a tranny.
I like his music.

Remix album is AOTY

is that andrew vanwyngarden?


Lmao a tranny is better at making music than f*moids.


Samuel Long

sophie is a woman

Samuel Long is a man playing dressup.

imagine being so fat you care about someone's gender identity. Just get laid virgins

naturally. men are smarter

found the tranny

sophie is a woman

what you gonna do now

laugh heartily


sophie is a woman

dömp it


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