Feminism WILL win in the end

>feminism WILL win in the end
music for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Boys for Pele

Ego is shit, men are nice

you'll never be a woman faggot



you're already more of a woman than OP


Boys for Pele, idk how but I fucking love that album.

But yeah feminism should win, and I'm talking about original feminism, not this extremist shit some people are into these days. But I guess original feminism is just called equality now a days... Idk dude

Something imaginary

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2nd wave feminism is based and should make a comeback

Everyone should listen to Boys for Pele

"Original" feminism was bad, too. It's all the same shit.

this was definitely posted by a tranny

>Women shouldn't be allowed to vote

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hmm... what are some songs about the complete and utter collapse of society, resulting in mass death on an unforeseen scale?

this but unironically

>incels mad that women won't fuck them in TYOOL 2k19
>wistful for bygone era where they good beat around their wives after a particularly bad day at the box factory
slurp slurp boys

Attached: incelpolice.jpg (570x570, 23K)

Blood Roses

you know the muslims are invading everywhere, right? women beating may be the past, but it's also the future

replace nigger with feminist

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Usagi is freaking cute

I know you're a girl so what I'm about to tell you is gross and weird, but I have cummed to pictures of usagi a few times. I don't fap to anime girls too often but I was marathoning the series and just couldn't help it.

Also dreaming of crystal forest is a 10/10 song. SM OST is basically goat

ehh climate change is gonna kill us
let women deal with it

>still hasn't figured out it's geo engineering

al gore told me florida would be underwater by now, and all of the left believed it (and the funny thing is, they still do). fucking doomsday theorists

Sup roastie

bro climate change is a liberal meme haven't you heard donald mutt?

You’ll never be a pretty girl or a popular girl or have a good relationship with your father :)

5/10 bait

Maybe for a short time but gynocentric societies never last

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t. Butthurt purple haired dyke

>people caring about what ideology will when in then end when they were all created by idiots who were raised in cultures that encouraged separation which would lead to their forces being weakned
The human race will die out and be replaced by robots ruled over by the elites in a future not too far away but you idiots are too focused on your meaningless bullshit

Attached: mha fags asking for plot development.gif (176x172, 1.86M)

shut up whore

okay joe rogan

Behold the master race, overran by billions of Muslims.
So much for the herrenvolk
Sup webcuck
You'll never know what its like to have a woman genuinely love you. Even your mother does so only out of pity.
Written by someone with the bone density of a snap pea
Fellas is it gay to not destroy the Earth

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shuttup tranny

>tfw you realize that the Aryan race were beaten by the Slavic untermensch
>tfw you gotta appeal to some pan-European/whiteness ideal because you got smashed last time
>tfw yet again, the master race is gonna get beaten down by the tides of history
>tfw when the most effort you'll put into stopping it is posting "shut up tranny" on a music board
All your ancestors would be really proud to see the culmination of their genes cry-posting up and down this thread

why are you being so political we just think youre annoying as fuck

>feminism WILL win in the end
and it will bring the whole world down with it.

>You'll never know what its like to have a woman genuinely love you.
No woman genuinely loves any man, retard.

shuttup tranny

Dilate. Have sex

based retard

Male Tears is a slang term for cum. You're saying that you drink cum.