Is this Yea Forumscore?

Is this Yea Forumscore?

Attached: 1565414627303.png (795x744, 710K)

i hope not, i still like ween

ween honestly is one of the worst bands of all time


they're the epitome of using gimmicks and quirkshit to hide the absence of songwriting ability. every release of theirs is the musical equivalent of a low-effort shitpost on here

I'm more particular to 12 Golden Country Greats, but still a good album.

>not recognizing the genius songwriting hidden behind the gimmickry

are you delusional? they are unable to write even a single good song, and even their choice of gimmicks betraws it, as they can't even pull those off convinginly either

Pre Mollusk Ween is garbage for sure

What is this? Chocolate Cheese demos?
I've never seen this cover before

It's the queen of Yea Forums.

lmfao i cant belive somebody actually saved my shitty charlotte satire photoshop from her thread a month ago.

I get it. Who's Charlotte?

pornstar and my personal favourite.

It was a very slow week where she was the most popular meme.

a pornstar Yea Forums worshipped for the matter of about 2 days

Attached: weezer with charolotte.png (220x220, 80K)

Nice. Thanks for filing me in

Ok this is based

We need to bring it back!

Attached: 1565409516208.png (354x354, 87K)

You're no fun

the first time i saw this image posted, i thought it was the actual cover for the album

Explain The Pod

Attached: OHNOCARLY.png (354x354, 118K)