WTF *saves 2019*
WTF *saves 2019*
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here is the actual savior of 2019, and the entire decade really
ya just gonna post this without a MEGA?
It's Girl with a Basket of Fruit all over again
their songwriting is so good but their production sucks so bad. Really upsetting
listening rn
i'm on salmon of knowledge
shit's great so far
makes me sad that daughters is so big and these guys aren't
holding hands with jamie was really good too
holy fuck prefab castle is so good
just finished
Prefab Castle
Oh shit, thanks for alerting me.
Ahh thank you so much, about to be a 10/10 evening.
this is actually really good so far but why is every track (except for track 2) either 6:00 or 6:12 min in length ?
make your own thread
link me to the girl band album, only track 3 is on slsk for some reason
cmon m8
here is an explanation of the albums concept:
All song titles follow the form, 'month, tempo, key,' with all 12 tracks together being considered a year. Each month is also expressed with a fixed tempo and key.
The length of each track is fixed. Months with 31 days are 6 minutes and 12 seconds long, months with 30 days are 6 minutes long. February is considered to be a leap year in this work, and is 5 minutes and 48 seconds as it has 29 days.
Each second within this album is counted, similar to a metronome. The words said each second are the 12 names of the Zodiac signs. Though, depending on the song, it may be skipped, delayed, filtered etc. After each 12 signs (12 seconds) are said, the date within the album's 'year' is reported, though it is usually not exact to the second, and rather adapted to the song containing it. This explains each tracks length, which can be simplified as 12 seconds multiplied by the amount of days the month has.
Each track is not exactly 1 song. Each track contains various songs, be it previously released songs in 3776's 歳時記 series, warabe-uta (traditional Japanese songs, like nursery rhymes), classical movements like Debussy's Clair de lune as well as other unreleased 3776 songs. So, while the album has 12 tracks, the total amount of songs is 31, combined into one continuous piece of music, in a way not unlike a DJ mix.
Song keys are standardized so that when multiple songs are mixed, they are harmonious rather than dissonant. One year is 12 months, and one octave is 12 semitones, thus a fixed key can be assigned to each month. The first track is in F major, meaning every song contained is F major, and with each track, the key increases by one semitone.
As previously mentioned, each track has a time signature in the title. This doesn't mean each track is in that time signature, but at least contains a segment that is in that time. The tracks start at one, and count up to twelve.
bitch i just downloaded it from slsk
Listening to Going Norway, interested for sure.
sounds boring as hell lmbo
well, to be fair that's just the general idea behind the album, it doesn't say anything about the actual music
they already posted the link useless retard
you left out the good part about a parallel universe almost identical to our own, the difference being that dinosaurs are still alive and they rule as overt lizard overlords, and this man kills the king lizard and then undergoes deep suicidal depression as the saurian society collapses, ruining his own culture and civilization in the process.