Why this drug make some artists into racists?

Why this drug make some artists into racists?

Attached: lines-of-cocaine.jpg (700x478, 38K)

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it accelerates your mind and makes you smart

Bullshit. If that were true everyone would do it.

it brings out the worst in you

I would have to unpack like twenty minutes worth of pharmacology and psychology research to explain to you exactly why your post is actually true. Gestalt; many CNS stimulants increase aversion to disgust related stimuli. This is associated with conscientiousness, which is associated with mistrust of foreigners and support for traditional values (borders, family structure etc.) However, if you do too many stimulants it will have an adverse effect on your conscientiousness. Tweakers aren't productive. But occasional usage of amphetamines or coke will boost your productivity and cleanliness. Being productive and clean is statistically related to distrusting minorities, for reasons I'll leave you to guess. Do some fucking research OP.

That's why it's illegal. The rich want the poor to remain stupid while they do all the coke and ascend into godhood.

Why would you want to be aware of being biased without doing anything about it

It also kills you

makes sense

>doing it in lines

Thats to much co caine at once. You probably will be dropping hard Rs

I have never used drugs in my life. Should I start? Cocaine seems based.

It accelerates your mind and makes you think that you're smart. If you are a dumbass when you take it, you will be an irrationally confident dumbass afterwards. Irrational confidence does have its uses.


I'm trying to figure out if you're trying to bait racism/classism, or if you are racist/classist lol.
Personally I think I'd go on a cleaning binge if I'd do methamphetamines by myself. Perhaps coke as well. Either that, or I'd spend at least half my paycheck on hookers. Guess we'll have to find that one out sooner or later.

That’s the Hollywood myth, the reality is you’ll switch back and forth between frantically shitposting and pacing around your room until you settle into jerking off for a few hours without cumming

only psychedelics are worth it

is that way, schizo

Oh man coke, doctors say it kills horses and men, they say it'll kill ya but they damn sure don't say when

objectively and biologically correct

reminder that leftism is caused by brain damage and we can replicate this effect with magnets

This is actually true if you've any psychological knowedge at all.

There's is absolutely nothing wrong with Cocaine or racism.

This but also qfter a few days the porn blends into how you think about reality and you think your gf was fucking another dude but it was really porn and then you realize you can never have enough batteries and flash drives and that the agency is after you and you need to take your backpack with all your digital files and your palm pilot and either run or hide. That's when you make the phone call and let her know that you know that she has been fucking around on you and then you hear a noise behind you and fucking dip out running.

you started out reasonable, I almost believed you had some knowledge

He's actually right.

t. wrote all my gfs psych papers through college

Based and cokepilled


it gives you an unnatural sense of self importance and confidence that whatever you think is right

Cocaine is cut to shit though with cattle delousing powders

What other artists had based coke phases besides Bowie?


depends on your personality. I'm an obsessive guy i either do stuff all the way or not at all ergo in this case im a drug addict. it can be really fun with a lot of interesting experiences if you can do them once in a while and then step away, but if you let it be your life it'll ruin you.

ZZ top
Fleetwood mac

this is the most insane wwii-era pseudoscience ive ever read

Nice. Coke racists of the world unite

Attached: B2E01A6FC680461E96AF8E0A3F2C79CD.png (1200x630, 427K)

he also sucked cock

ill just leave this here

Attached: warondrugs.jpg (600x251, 53K)

Yeah we know. War on drug users is based.


hitler did meth.

Attached: dwWZwPd.png (474x474, 355K)

No, if you think you're gonna like Cocaine it's probably a bad idea

I only got to do it once and i'm glad i'm too much of a loser to have easy access to it otherwise because I would 100% go ham on that shit until it kills me. Letting my doctor give me stimulants was already a mistake

the united states federal government props up the drug trade among other criminal enterprises

This pretty much why the left has no hope of creating their ideal society. There's always a way for the government to destroy these movements.

Identity politics didn't suddenly flood the public's mind because it was good for the country. That shit was pushed like a drug to destroy all cohesion that the left had a decade ago.

neither side has hope for their ideal society, neither side has a (real) plan to save the planet
one day the system will crash and we won't be able to start it back up again

There's a lot of virtue in left leaning politics but most people don't want to buy into them because the people leading the bandwagon right now don't have a plan beyond replacing one bureaucracy with another bureaucracy

There's definitely a case to be made for pernicious influence undermining the modern left but it still has a long history of sabotaging itself from the inside going as far back as the 60's. The most sensible thinkers are always too moderate for the people who are only interested in jacking off to cop murder.

Omg yes let's unpack this sis!!

I like your post

Everything can kill you dumbass

Cocaine kills you faster, dumbass

>haha identity politics is just a conspiracy being pushed
>everything bad lefties do is actually a conspiracy!
lmao you guys stand for nothing, and support chopping off dicks

This thread has no relation to Yea Forums and I dont like it at from top to toe,bad girl.
This thread is full of glow in dark niggers with instructions from the US department of perception control.