Itt: music people pretend to like for social approval

itt: music people pretend to like for social approval

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>music people pretend to like for social approval
All music except for Bloodhound Gang

itt: op doesn't understand that people like music that he doesn't and thinks everyone else is just pretending to like it

yes because there’s really any social approval to gain from listening to merzbow people totally won’t think you’re an autistic poser

>itt: op doesn't understand that people like music that he doesn't and thinks everyone else is just pretending to like it

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>>>itt: op doesn't understand that people like music that he doesn't and thinks everyone else is just pretending to like it

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That never prevented throngs of gullible idiots from pretending to like it to gain social approval

I'm on your side OP!
You're so good at winning arguments!
Like, all you do is post the same exact wojak pic and it works every. single. time. You totally showed that dumbass user who thinks people can have different tastes.
Way to go OP. I'm so proud of you :з

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Are you this cuck?

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Listen to Use Your Fingers now

nah i don't actually like noise/endurance core, but i wont shit on other people for enjoying it.

we aren't talking about people who enjoy it though we're talking about those who pretend that they do

how could you possibly tell if someone is pretending or not, also why the fuck would you care so much.

i don't want the social approval of merzbow fans

>how could you possibly tell if someone is pretending or not
there's no need to identify each and every person who pretends to like Merzbow, the mere fact that they have a huge following despite being pretty shitty music that also lacks pop appeal is enough to conclude that 90% of their fanbase are merely pretending.

And here's an example of how you can tell that someone in particular is merely pretending to like it: praising it in front of a bunch of college professors while also getting obvious facts wrong about the noise scene.

>so much
wow, so much as to make a few posts about it on an imageboard? Gee guess the stoics were right, we should only talk when it's vitally necessary.

Anyone who listens to noise knows Pulse Demon is trash.

I don't think you'd get anyone's approval by listening to noise. People don't even know that genre exist. If people pretended to like it, I think it'd be to not feel so bad about themselves having no personality.

I don't think a single person has gotten social approval from saying they like harsh noise.
you sound like that person who says they "ttly likes all music" but when you encounter music you don't like you make up a reason for it to be "not music" so you can keep pretending you "ttly like all music".
but you're the worse type of "I like all music" pleb in the sense that you get angered when you encounter music you don't like and feel the need to insult the people who like it (by either calling them idiots or pseuds) to keep convincing yourself that you're the bastion of good taste in music, when in reality you are most likely a turbopleb normie

you need to kill yourself


t. Pretending to like "harsh noise"

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who doesn't?

Nobody has ever had their prayers answered by jesus and that doesn't prevent billions of idiots from praying

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>assuming more than like 20 people are aware of Merzbow