Bloodhound Gang challenge

Day 4 of my Bloodhound Gang challenge.

The challenge is to only listen to bloodhound gang as often as possible for an entire week.

I think I’ll make it

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Bloodhound gang challenge or no balls.

If you’re like me (pre-BHGC), completing the challenge will actually make you grow a pair, so to speak.

Approved by the modern science institute of Hemtans

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sweat baby sweat baby

That's good mate but you should also this one to the rotation

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That’s an ok start but you gotta take the actual challenge, seriously

The testes I started growing haven’t fully developed yet, so I can’t do that one just yet

It'll make them grow faster, listen to this album now at least 3 times in a row.

I didn't realise you were serious about this OP.

Fuck it, I'll do it. I just gotta finish Hooray For Boobies first. But I'll do it

Never thought of myself as FtM but I guess that's what I am now

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Good. I'll be monitoring your progress through

Alright, I actually have it queued three times in a row now.
Kinda scared desu

p.s. not my cat

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You'll be fine, it's a great album.

Legend In My Spare Time is actually one of my favorite songs of theirs, it's just that I can't bare the rest of the album. Maybe I haven't listened to it enough but I just feel like it's too flat, too hip-hoppy, with little to no variety.

It just sorta feels like I'm listening to a completely different band. It's just very different from the other albums, that's it. I don't "haaate" it, it just feels slightly out of place.

They were pretty much a different band. Admittedly this album's a mixed bag but no variety ? You can't say that.
Also, dat Kim Wilde cover.

I get what you're saying. Well, I guess you should forget about growing that pair of balls, then.

You mean the cover SHE made? :-DD

Yea, I'm bad at words, it's not that it doesn't have variety at all, I just don't know how to explain what I don't like about it.

What good are balls if I don't have a dick. Unless you can rec me something that'll make me grow one.

>You mean the cover SHE made?
nm, I always thought the Kim Wilde song came out in 2006
This could do it.

Not yet.
I've still 3 days to go.
I must only listen to Bloodhound gang.

Why are you doing this?
Also my dad loves them

OK then. By the way you don't have to listen to this BHG album 3 times in a row if you don't enjoy it that much. Life is too short to waste it on stuff you don't like.
Good luck on your challenge.

I do this for science.
I think most people tend to either like them or not know about them.

Although I had this one English teacher at one point. He was pretty nice to everyone despite being kind of an SJW (if I recall correctly).
Anyway. So I after one of the lessons I asked him if he knew BHG (sadly the challenge hadn't been invented back then)
and the look he gave me was just...
He was so visibly disgusted, I didn't know what was gonna happen.
Then he just asked me how could I listen to something like that.
I said I thought they were fun.
He was like "ok".
Then we just said goodbye to each other and I left.

I'll try switching between Use Your Fingers and One Fierce Beer Coaster, That'll work for sure

why listen to bloodhound gang for a week when you could be listening to the crainium for a week

Disgust is the proper response to finding out someone listens to BHG, SJW or not.