Where is /gg/?

Where is /gg/?

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hopefully dead in a ditch with sambo

needed money, sold guitars


for the love of god let it die already

What does this fella give you tone wise, that you won't get from a standard Tele?


Do any pro players use CAGED or is it just for beginners?

pro players don't give a shit and just write songs independently from tuning presets. it's limiting you in your creativity

I've got a MIA Strat which is great, but I want something with a darker tone to play harder stuff with.
What specs should be on my checklist?


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You can get any tone out of any guitar

Something with humbuckers,
PRS S2's are currently my favorite, affordable, MIA HH style guitars.

it got drenched in a liquid kakafart

if you've ever pictured the amount of sharty ass-kaka that gets caked into those with asshairs' buttcracks (eric clapton, puff daddy, jerry garcia, etc...), then you have some idea.

hopefully dead. that general was about everything but guitars, just shitposting general

mahogany body. just got one and the tone is a bit darker and the sustain is out of this world


Don't bother with that shit. Only learn 3 note per string scales. You can't shred with caged

Just EQ it, much cheaper than dropping money on a new guitar.

This. It's been dead for years.

Get an hss strat and learn to use the tone knob

Its diddy bitch

You get to sound like a toy guitar

Why am I so ugly

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as a guitarist i consider /gg/ more often than not, a total embarrassment.
its full of gearfags, shillers and continual arguments
if you want to learn, go find a decent teacher, otherwise learn off the sadness on youtube & stfu or go the fuck away

Why would you need CAGED once you know where every note is on the fretboard indepently?

You shouldn't be memorizing shapes, learn the notes and scale degrees

All they do is talk about gear, because that's all uneducated, musically illiterate people can talk about.
Rather than being able to convey musical ideas quickly through a correct understanding of music theory and just reading music in the first place, they have to through this painful process where they collectively guess as to what a chord could be, like a bunch of retards flailing about aimlessly until someone educated informs them what they're looking at, then they argue with the informant.

>but a barre chord is impossible maaan, like what the f dude, that shit is so difficult, someone help
>i have $500, what amp to buy, music for feel

Literally only a few retarded newfags.

zoomers dont want to practive desu, they want instant gratification.
they think picking up an instrument is like buying a new smartphone, which takes them a few days to master, so too should guitar

Recently checked out /prod/ and there were people asking where they can download loops and samples instead of creating that stuff themselves. DAWs are rotting the brains of the new generation.

This. Discussion in /gg/ is more about your equipment than anything of substance. Reminds me of /fa/.

It’s not guitar lesson general and most people(likely you) are too retarded to look at the OP for resources. I seriously hope you don’t come to Yea Forums to “learn”

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I come to 4channel to learn.

When was the last time you saw someone actually post something they were working on in /gg/? I don't give a fuck about your gear. Yea Forums is a 'creative' board according to the site, it's like no one here creates anything.

this is disgusting. especially when I look at this picture.. just imagine... picture it...

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Sam does post sounds almost every day. You probably don't care for /gg/s music either


Sam. A single poster out of how many?
>You probably don't care for /gg/s music either
I might if I ever saw it.

No one with actually decent ideas needs to post his playing to get help from /gg/ of all places and the same goes for the funny clips on /prod/. /gg/ is a shitposting general in my eyes. You can have a little fun there and act out of character.

This is so full of malagoli samboes


Pink Suhr
>inb4 roman’s sock puppet.
I’m sorry you don’t have good enough gear to not get bullied lol

Did you buy your Malagoli yet?

I was thinking it would be more for suggestions on how to improve shitty ideas, but that might lead to a lot of theft, now that I think about it.
>/gg/ is a shitposting general in my eyes
It is in everyone's eyes apparently.

>muh gear

>I was thinking it would be more for suggestions on how to improve shitty ideas
>muh gear
So you’re too poor for a teacher and you’re too poor for decent gear?

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>Where's /gg/
Hopefully as dead and buried in kaka as Sambo's dad

As your dad will be one day also
Unless you don't even know who he is lmao

>It is in everyone's eyes apparently.
Well there's still decent posts here and there and I give serious answers at times aswell but there's simply also a lot of fun to be had in an enviroment like this. Meme like gibsonposting, trannies, sammy, wheelbarrow or the allure of the single pickup just won't happen in real life. It feels more like some dorks at guitar centre gathering round and I like that. I reserve the serious parts about playing and improving to real life. On the other hand I couldn't ever have the same fun there by trashing orange amps or getting people into buying a jazzmaster when they really want a flying v.

Absolutely brutal

Of course not. I've been tutored and my gear is serviceable, yet tasteful.

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I'm Sam what serious tips you have for me to improve

Lace Sensors are all you need, guys

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on poppers and lube

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How's the transition?

>As your dad will be
My dad's buried in a family mausoleum, only the poor sambos bury their dads in kaka

Do you guys think kakaposting was the downfall of /gg/? It seems to be around the time of kakaposting that /gg/ started to go downhill.



Pursue your black metal project and sell tapes in american dollars because those convert to a lot of brazil dollars. Then focus on playing neosoul guitar and bassline requests on fiverr. Also stop repairing and modifying guitars in any shape or form now and in the future.

At this point he might as well have become into kaka himself

No I hate the kaka posting

>Where is /gg/?
Where's the sheet music?

>i was thinking it would be more for suggestions on how to improve shitty ideas
>muh gear
The evidence is against you, pal.

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Kakaposting was a slowburn for me. The more I saw it the funnier it got but only because it wasn't spammed heavily and always got expanded upon in a subtle manner that avoided it becoming stale.

Thanks. Should I actually sell tapes

We all know you started kakaposting sambo, only brasilians care about kaka

How so, friend?

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You don't care about kaka that's why you used to throw it on the streets by middle age

Its always been /geargeneral/ how newfag are (you)'s
>t. gearspammer

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Did you guys know that eating kaka has the same guitar-skill benefit per log as mushing it into your fretboard?

Said the kaka-throwing macaco from the favela

Only when you annoy me on my zoo cage

post japanese prs girls

This isn't the anime or hentai board

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That black metal track was a meme tho

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Sams dad must be the best guitarist
Why are you always greasy

I had literally just come out of a shower, fuck off

Anyone here using the hummingbird picking technique? I looks incredibly useful


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looks like he's flickin the bean

his playing is shit anyway

He's currently the fastest guitarist on the planet (17 nps). Nobody has topped Shawn Lane yet (18 nps)

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how much kaka gets farted out of each of their butts? please let me know

You guys should keep trash talking orange amps. It'll bring the used market prices down eventually.

Orange amps sound great. Why the hate?

Orange amps are fantastic, even their solid state stuff rocks.


so a meme posting anime board is "creative" ??
sounds more like that comment about people wanting others to provide them with loops, samples & riffs so they can produce mediocre garbage quickly & just look talented

Opinions on Wizard amps? They're made in Canada so I don't know how faggy they are.

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Hey guys, I decided to start learning the bass guitar coming from no musical background. I’m really interested in rhythm and I love the deep rumbling notes of the bass. Some of my more musically talented friends told me to learn how to play the guitar before switching to bass because I can improve my musical ability by knowing chords and what not and I don’t mind really but I don’t know if it’s a good idea to waste time on an instrument that admittedly I wouldn’t mind learning but not something that really care for. What do you guys think I should do?

I would practice singing scales. Start with major
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do

Then do the modes

Play the instrument you want to play. Most bassists know more about the notes on the fretboard and how chords are built than the average guitarist.

>Some of my more musically talented friends told me to learn how to play the guitar before switching to bass because I can improve my musical ability by knowing chords
While it is true that learning chords will improve your ability, it might be detrimental to the role of the bass if you are a beginner. You are better off learning how to groove with a drummer and hold down root notes. Once you can do that, learn your scales. Once you can figure out how to use scales to connect root notes of chord changes, then worry about chord construction.

>Never have 85k to buy a 54' Strat from Fender
Why even bother living.

Make better choices in life and you can buy guitars like that

Now that's true tonewood. They don't grow 'em like that no more.


Buying a guitar like that isn't a good life choice

With Malagoli, any guitar is good enough

friendly reminder that only a Gibson™ is good enough

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With Malagoli, any guitar is good enough

r8 the conversion I want to do

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Gibsons are boomer tier. Boomer trannies don't actually transition, they just cross-dress and expect everyone to call them by their preferred pronouns.

>gibson is as good as 250$ chinese guitar

Condor: At Least We Aren’t Dean!

>2.81mb shit pic
I'm not downloading that crap on my GPRS plan

1/10 use quarters to block it


>he needs to gimp his guitar's functionality because he's too stupid to setup a floating trem guitar so it stays in tune

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probably bait

but why would you buy a floating tremolo bridge to begin with?

That's what we understand watching that video

Thoughts on John Sykes?

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Why does /gg/ hate Jazzmasters so much and why did it recommend one to a guy who wanted a Flying V?

Did you listen to my video?

>can build a CNC machine
>can program said CNC machine to make perfectly fitting blocks of wood to fill the cavities with next gen epoxy composites
>"too stupid to setup a floating trem!"
I just don't want one

Because I was 17 at the time


just sell it then, and get a guitar with a hard tail. no sense in mutilating a guitar for being made the way it was designed. especially if you don't have any experience with wood work

Check it then

>no sense in mutilating a guitar for being made the way it was designed
Says the tranny wanting surgery

>I just don't want one
>translation: I suck too much to properly utilize one
You'd want the expressive functionality of a floating trem if you didn't suck ass at guitar.

I don't want to sell it because just changing the worn out frets is going to cost more than it, I'd have to give it away for free, plus the body is really ergonomic.

Having a "floating trem" serves no purpose in music.

trannies aren't people, who cares what they think

what guitar is it?

>Having a "floating trem" serves no purpose in music.

Just cut the plug, put it in place and fill the voids with epoxy resin, which will also serve as a permanent adhesive. Very simple.

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>what guitar is it?
2007 Cort Viva

Why didn't you just set it so it stays fixed and only goes up

Because I don't want a floating bridge.

What's a good ear training?

I too filled the trem cavity on my guitar!

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not a bad guitar, charlie. its a damn shame you're going to mutilate it.

That way it wouldn't be floating you fuckin retard

I'm not going to mutilate it, but to repair the damage that was done by the factory

It still sounds like shit

Not sure Yea Forums enjoys the same influential prowess as some boards

It's your fault then


gibson humbucker sounds better, but split it sounds too tinny.

memphis sounds better split, because i prefer a warmer, fat, tone.

Do other boards actually have any influence in the economy? Do you have proof?

Yes, for not getting a fixed bridge in first place

Gibson is the one with slightly more bass when not splitted. And that is the only difference in sound.

Does it sound like it costs 10 times as much? Does it sound like you'd be able to tell either apart in a mix, with other instruments playing?

You're a fucking idiot for ruining a perfectly fine guitar and I hope you come to regret your actions, faggot.

in a mix, no my ears are ruined thanks to not wearing earpro at work and playing music too loudly. i'm sure someone in that line of work could easily point it out and say that the memphis sucks and doesn'f fit in the mix, but that's just my speculation

Awesome. Thanks

1- the floating trem posts are crooked, so it would need repair either way. The bridge never really stayed in tune because of that, no matter how well the spring tension was balanced.

2- it's just an OBJECT. I could toss it in a furnace and reduce it to ashes and metal slag, it wouldn't make a difference.

Guitars are just t-h-i-n-g-s. In related news, I'm about to 3d print a prototype for my hardtail conversion. If it looks and feels good on a chinese guitar I have lying around, I'll buy a new chinese guitar just to fill the trem cavity (because it's not musical) and bolt the Tone Pro Hard Bridge in its place.

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I like to think of his life as a cautionary warning.

print a whole 3d GUITAR!!!
they do em now

Just look at what the Yea Forums autist did to the wow servers this weekend.

Obviously too stupid to CNC a guitar without a cavity.

What happened? Didn't see anything about that.


If it doesn't then why do brands pay shills here?

just put these on. i should have bought these years ago, the standard fender saddles are shit compared to these.

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Are those DIY kits a good intro into guitar building? I might be too old now (26) but I'd fucking love to get into building. I don't intend to ever hit a professional level but I'd love to give it a craic as a hobby.

Sounds like you have an answer yourself

How much?

Yes but you need a pillar drill or else you won't drill a single vertical hole

I can phonate G1 consistently

Yeah fuck it they're cheap. I might give it a craic
I don't own one but the hardware shop I used to work at would give me a staff discount on one.

Then go ahead
Get an orbital sander while you're at it

>How much?
i got the chrome graph tech saddles for around $65 from amazon, there are cheaper ones on there. just make sure you know what your string spacing is

Trying to be more melodic in my solos


What are the tiny inserts made of?


>and they're still at it...

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Doesn't look like it, maybe graphite-molybdenum-disulfide blend? Teflon is white


No thanks

I think your phrasing is nice.

i think the little pamphlet that came with it said teflon but i could just be an idiot, its probably graphite considering the company is called graph tech

Pure graphite will destroy your strings, plus teflon can be ordered in any blend you want. My guess is that it's a blend like that. You could order a sample of bronze/PTFE blend and call it a miracle nut material. I think I'll go with straight brass saddles. Small details like nut material, saddle material make more of a difference than changing pIcKuPz

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Give us the keys to the Lamborghini

I like brass saddles and brass nut

Isn't piezo a much better system than magnetic pickups?

>pick each string individually, with all the frequencies
>process with onboard DSP
>stream it over to amp sim with every string on a different channel
>make it sound like whatever

Line6 should have a kit for doing that

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I don't understand

Piezo mics are honky, quacky pieces of shit in my experience. Certainly not good for classical guitars anyway, can't imagine them being better for steel strings.

Show the way to be that good
You sound fluent and fast

Bassfag here. Got a Ibanez SR800 because they had no Thunderbird in stock. It does it's job and I like it enough to want to learn playing it properly. Planning to buy a fuzz pedal to play those horrible droning noises and saw that the SF300 is said to be a decent clone. Is it worth the 21 euros?

Sounds pretty good to me


Nah, can still hear that buzzy, honky sound upon attacking the note.
It's almost like the signal is too hot and causes breaking up.

Super compressed, everything sounds very mushed together

>It's almost like the signal is too hot and causes breaking up.
Your volume is just set too high and it's clipping

Oh thanks, I just try to lift a lot of Gary Moore's stuff. Alt picking pentatonics

>but it's buzzing
Yes because it's a steel string guitar

Sad but true. Zoomers don't play guitar and Yea Forums is for 16-21 year olds

It's just the quality that piezo mics have, honky, accenting the initial attack, hot signal.
I'd much rather mic up using a pair of condenser mics because the quality of the sound is so greatly improved. Just have to be mindful of feedback.

As opposed to magnetic pickups that muffle everything

I'm not a fan of pickups either, but I don't really play electric guitar. Everything I do is classical or solo jazz(stuff like Walter Rodriguez Jr.) in nature.


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Post vocaroo

Has anyone here connected their guitar to a computer and used digital effects instead of real pedals?
How's it like?

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nobody but you cares

what about combining magnetic with piezo

This hurts on all levels but physical.

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Bubcha dumbfucks


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It didn't sound like dumb pentatonics

deng jroach you spent the whole day at the construction site huh

THAT'S what I'm talkin about

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Why when I sing my voice it goes from strong tone to shit tone on high notes?

bass guitars are for faggots

Where do I start?

Because you're shit

It's a tenor guitar, it's tuned like a banjo