>tfw my face looks way too ugly to get a gf
>tfw not even ugly women would want me
music for this feel?
>tfw my face looks way too ugly to get a gf
>tfw not even ugly women would want me
music for this feel?
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Girls, on average, don't care about your looks. It's more about your energy and charisma....unless you're a zoomer fuck who expects to find a relationship with whores on dating apps in which case God help you, your generation and all who think that way is doomed.
Post a picture so we can see if it's true or if it's in your head
The only difference between coming off as weird and coming off as eccentrically attractive is confidence. It's all about the way you carry yourself. Once you embrace this idea, you'll be shocked at how frequently women will start showing an interest in you, and celebrate the traits that make you stand out.
I'm a fucking weirdo on levels most would consider red flags for a total creep, and am not even that attractive....but I don't give a shit and just be myself, the women who like me like me and there have been plenty and plenty of them have been good looking.
yeah girls dont care about looks says the handsome guy
they do give a shit ton about looks, you just have to be good looking enough
if you dont have looks you need to feed money to these babylon whores
Going to need a picture please, anonymous
>Girls, on average, don't care about your looks.
I am not very handsome, I have a charm...there is a huge difference.
My teeth are jacked, I have a crooked nose, and I'm 5'7 with an alcoholic's body aka very skinny cause I don't eat enough but with a bloated fat face and gut. Not a very attractive picture right? Doesn't matter, I know some girls who are still in love with me and they are great cute girls.
You are skinny, nowdays you are more attractive than about 50% of people if you are skinny and can talk and dont have disease in your face, lot of girls like drinkers.
Im 20kg over weight, beer gut, semi-acne, old clothes mostly, i smell often cos i forget deodorant or shower before leaving, i only like weird shit cos im internet addicted loser and live my life thru videos. There isnt that much common with some thots nor normal social media addicted or tinder whores
What if you’re short skinny and look 14 years old in your 20s? No one takes you seriously.
thats true, but do you get pussy?
last time i got a fat tinder slut (polyamoria and all that shit) was 2 years ago, it wasnt good
No, if anything I only get looks from high school girls but no.
go talk to em
The good news is that everything you mentioned is under your control
No officer
Well man, I can tell you two things.
1. If you don't want to work on your self image and body there is only one other thing to rely on, your personality, which leads me to...
2. No girl likes a guy with no confidence whatsoever, even if you're ugly or fat or whatever, if you don't want to try to change that any way you can the best thing you can do aside from that is be proud of who you are which you don't seem to be at all
Just have confidence, bro.
Can you define confidence? There's a big difference between staring at the floor afraid of people and walking with proper posture while just avoiding conversation. If you're playing the "I don't give a shit" angle, does confidence even play a role?
ooo i love my ugly boy~
I'm a fat 300lb fuck and even I managed to get a 5/10 only slightly over weight gf
Just stop being a fag, watching porn and get hobbies outside of just consuming media (Vidya, music, movies etc)
This is so naive.
Girls like looks just as much as men.
No, its actually biological why men and women care and dont care about looks. Men are only designed to look for the most physically fit mate for survival reasons. Women look for sustainable mates. Aka good personality = desirable mate
Just listen to Pinkerton