Commits suicide the day before he's supposed to fly to America for his band's tour

>commits suicide the day before he's supposed to fly to America for his band's tour
Why are Americans so repulsive that people would rather kill themselves than be near them?

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I always wonder if Joy Division would have veered into making synth-pop stuff if Curtis hadn't died.

most likely

they probably would've went into a more punk route than what closer was

if Ian was never depressed they would've been the next Sex Pistols, you can see that in their earlier stuff

literally 1 or 2 of their releases is good

that's little to do with Ian Curtis and a lot more with Martin Hannett, the producer of unknown pleasures and the biggest reason for their sound. the band supposedly hated the record because they wanted something more like sex pistols but were happier with the sound when the album started to be positively reviwed

Peter Hook called Movement "Joy Division songs with New Order vocals," so maybe not as poppy as new order got but probably.

Yes, Peter Hook has said they were going to make an album that sounded like Power Corruption and Lies regardless whether Curtis was still in the band

It's a Bong thing, you wouldn't understand.

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god save the queen

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Guess US made Manchester look like a kiddie play ground

He probably would of died from the mother of all seizures in that plain ride anyway I guess hanging yourself is a slightly better way to go then choking on your own tongue

He went to America, lads ;)

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Everything would have remained pretty much exactly the same.
The earliest New Order stuff still has that Joy Division sound, and there is even a few synthpop tracks on the last Joy Divsion album that vaguely hint at the direction that New Order would eventually go in.

What is about Yea Forums that makes so many posters want to make hyperbolic or random straw man statements?

Is there any writing or videos that cover the psychology of posting on Yea Forums? I would be genuinely curious in exploring that topic.

You have to go back

based, class

Your canned response is a perfect example actually. I wonder what drives people like you spam automated responses in an attempt to show how much they disregard someone's argument, It's a bit ironic when posters like you refer to detractors as NPCs despite display the same behavior they attempt to criticize. Is it a lack of self awareness?

Also a hint of human tribalism too.

>I wonder what drives people like you spam automated responses in an attempt to show how much they disregard someone's argument
If you want a serious answer: anonymity. You don't have to stand behind what you say when you're essentially a ghost.

to answer your question I made this post for the purpose of satire. Obviously Ian Curtis didn't kill himself because of his repulsion to Americans and it was a number of factors that contributed to his suicide.

imagine ian over blue monday god damn bros

Joy Division sounds really funny at the wrong speed.

Because it baits replies? Is it really that hard to tell that you need a psychology study or some shit?

>Because it baits replies?
Thank you captain obvious.
knowing it's bait does not answer that question. How do you not understand that?


they would just have been New Order with a slightly better singer

>Kill self
>Becomes more famous than his band after they renamed his band

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Americans are obsessed with People dying young.

Maybe he's on to something.

Why are Europeans such pussies they kill themselves?
>reee I'm in a moderately successful rock band but I'm saaaaaaaaad