Hip-Hop is literally a fucking joke. An absolute joke.
Hip-Hop is literally a fucking joke. An absolute joke
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>twitter and why you should care:
Are you brain damaged? Learn2Contextualize before throwing judgement, you dumb bitch.
Adam Levine said rock music is nowhere and dead, hip-hop is where all the innovation is
>don't judge
>makes judgement in OP
Wew lad
wagner made all his shit with a pen and some paper and then told other people to interpret it. what a fucking joke
>Adam Levine said
nigger, adam levine's dead. he's locked up in my basement
>listening to hip hop or metal in 2019
Have sex incels
But he right doe
this jew has no opinions of his own. the rock music is where it's always been, at the kickback with the bros
You need to go back.
hildegard of bingen made all of her beats with god's love. how pathetic
lol madlib only did this to copy dvd
Adam Levine is a pop artist not a rock artist, it supports his place to say that
>rap is innovative now
No it's not, and I can tell you this even though if I have to choose a side it's obviously rock and I'm a bigger advocate for rock music, I am still a hip hop fan and at times was heavier into it than rock (in the past when it was good)
Modern rap is not innovative, half of the shit people think is "oh so different" is literally just rehashing shit from the 90s and 00s that idiot new rap fans were never aware existed. Nothing is new innovative or rebellious about the current shit compared to what was going on before, the major difference is it's way more pussy and lame these days.
Like when post malone said rap isn't where he goes for deep lyrics. No motherfucker, YOU don't make good rock, that doesn't mean its dead.
>He actually belived that what he was doing could be considered rock music
Lmao. Sad
>wah wah wah if its easy to make its bad!!!!!!
Why is "innovation" held in such high regard among poptimists? It amounts to nothing more than fucking around and calling it art.
Because without "fucking around" there would be no change. Many discoveries were made by accident, not just in music
this shitpost so perfectly embodies the sheer ignorance of so many stupid hemorrhoid kumquats out there
worse yet that it's coming straight from this generation's greatest fucking sellout
i don't care about the danthony
Herr Lizst avec le Lizscht
i don't care about the madlib
i don't care about the matchbox 20 guy
jip jops aren't innovative just because there's fat girls rapping about having guys suck their gunky dirty pussy and it gets poasted on a conde nast website as if it were groundbreaking
rock music isn't innovative because people heard "Beirut" in 2010 and collectively kind of gave up on it
art is dead
the youtes hate art
pathological image aptitude
yikers my dykers
i'm going to screencap this for twitter and then post this on twitter
that'll teach em
they play at life because they are unable to live it
let's cry and watch she ra at the same time
leave it at the door
don't bring that shit here
It's official guys, avant-garde is DEAD
An ipad with software is probably more capable than the same amount of money spent on physical gear from say, the 90's.
I been thinkin about this sentiment in pic related lately, and that it may apply to some moosic.
Adam Levine is a homojew
>if it's around, no one's invited me to the party
Why would he be invited to the party when he's never written anything that can even remotly be considered rock?
who the fuck is he and why should I care nigger?
all the posts in this thread are all by one person. including this post. any attempt to prove this wrong is a photoshopped hoax. i am schizophrenic and fucking psycho
That's Yea Forums, not here, m8
Based Corey. I'm not a fan of his personally but am a fan of his standing up for hard rock music, and Slipknot while not my cup of tea is definitely a platform from which he deserves to speak about hard rock. They're probably the closest thing to extreme metal that has ever reached such mainstream heights. Maroon Five? No....you're not rock.
poster's trick
he played piano, like most composers
wow corey might be based
lol he's right
>taking anything adam levine says seriously
What innovation has hip hop been doing? It's just a race to the bottom of who can get away with the laziest beats and be the least coherent.
Who the hell cares what Adam Levine of all people has to say?
>innovation in hiphop
Yes. By incorporating elements of other genres it is more and more evolving into real music.
all the good hip hop, is just turning into rock.
>avant garde
yeah, rapping over the same store brand trap beat is truly revolutionary
Adam Levine is a fucking retard jew
I'm not completely sold on that Guénon quote applying to music. Musicians by-and-large isn't trying to expound some universal truth, and in fact from the onset of postmodernism have more often rejected the notion of such a universal truth altogether, making music completely irrelevant in this regards but, perhaps, as an outward symptom of our culture's state of affairs.
If there is any way for music to convey a universal truth, musicians haven't sought it since the renaissance.
Going off-topic though, I often worry about the mindset I've brought to reading authors like Guénon. I've read them largely because to me their writing seemed to imply some "system" or mechanism to how world history has worked, yet those same authors reject the notion - as Guénon did - of systems being of any value. The only way I can resolve it is to understand that their frameworks act as windows that can draw the reader's attention to one facet of world history, whilst accepting that to apply it like a strait-jacket would be reductionist.
Madlib's a drummer
When did we associate making music on an IPad as bad?
Do you retards think it’s not worthy?
>claims all of the innovation and incredible things happening music are in hip-hop
>also claims to be influenced by that innovation and explicitly attempting to redefine the way they write rock music, innovating rock music in the process
>literal kike thinks nigger-hop holds more "innovation" than white goyim music
tell us something we don't know, faggot.
This reads like a newfag trying to hard to be Yea Forums.
t. faggot
Pfff, there hasn't been any hip hop that's moved the genre in any way in at least 15 years
Kid, listen. I could break your neck if I wanted to. I could grab your entire body and slam it on a concrete slab.
you couldn't catch me you fat piece of shit.
Jesus Christ you're for sure a newfaggot.
Fuck outta here! Go to r/music shitlicker.
just mad cause he didnt get invited
go cry to your rabbi fag
Are hip hop shows even worth going to? The music is all about the production. It's just something one guy puts together so another guy can rap over it. How can that be translated into a live setting and sound anywhere near as good?
A rock band in a live setting can do so much more with their songs because it's all put together on the spot with individual instruments played by different people. They can transform their songs into something longer, slower, faster, shorter, noisier, or quieter than what they normally are. Something that only sounds good on record can become a monstrous powerhouse during a live show.
in hip hop shows the rappers dont even sing and the audiance just use their phones and talk about game of thrones like a youtube comment section.
Last one I went to had a backing band and some neat stage stuff going on which really added to it.
Like any show, if the crowd is lame it can really detract from it.
It was always a joke, it just happen to appeal to a huge crossection of people.
Pop music in all its various forms has been evolving to be simpler and simpler while retaining, or growing, its listener base.
You have to be brain-dead levels of retarded to listen to any of it, you're the lowest common denominator if you do. You're the record companies' target audience.
You sound stupid.
Listen to Pet Sounds.
How the fuck did Maroon 5 go from actually listenable shit like Moves like Jagger to their modern shit
if it's so easy then why aren't you a successful producer
I don't listen to trash.
No wonder you have shit taste.
keep reading kid, you will find it (maybe)
/pol/, Have you considered the fact that an iPad contains extremely advanced technology that is actually far beyond what studio musicians of the past had access to?
Rock musicians used to record music, then they'd play it out of speakers, and then they'd record that through a microphone. Fucking primitive. An absolute joke.
I'm sorry your musically boring and simple songs don't appeal to some who prefer music with substance that wasn't created just to sell records.
The only impressive thing the beach boys have ever had was their vocal harmonies, but any Choir does it better while singing more harmonically complex music.
yeah but they're relegated to crappy choir songs usually. nothing like god only knows
based ipad beat maker
I miss my ipad so much it hurts
The Roots were good live, but they actually play instruments.
but besides them, no. hip hop sucks live and I doubt there’s a way to change this fact
>hip hop is figuratively a fucking joke
You'll probably enjoy this.
It's not that I haven't listened to the Beach Boys' music, but I don't see the allure.
God this is the kind of stuff I would watch all day when first learning guitar when I was 12
I miss my old acoustic
apple bad
I don't get it either way he's using logic..actual weird flex quas
Doug Niedt is the Guitar Professor at the University of Kansas City.
I was taught by a Doctorate-holding Former-Student of his at another University and a fascinating thing occurs when I read through Doug's arrangements, who I've never actually met, I can see the influence of his teaching upon my interpretations and arrangements of music. We'll do hinge barres and other techniques at the same places before I've even realized he's indicated it.
Rocks been 'dead' for a while guys
I don't know, man. Metal is as alive as it gets. And not only that, it runs not on some metapolitical black emancipation hype but on the astounding musical ability of the people involved.
there's absolutely nothing surprising or confusing about an iPad being sufficient to make a backing track, especially when samples are used, because an iPad has everything that was used to make backing tracks in the past – the ability to sample, a synthesizer, drum machines, and more
it's not the best at any of those roles but it's portable, lightweight, and can do okay at all of them
can someone explain why this ipad tweet is such a big deal i dont get it
you guys are acting like there has actually been anything ground breaking or worthy while in rock in the past decade or so when there has been absolutely nothing
you're pretending there isn't because you want (you)s and will respond "it's shit lol" to literally any examples posted so there's no point responding further
everyone under this line, therefore, is gay
go on prove me wrong then faglord I actually want to hear it. No genre in the past decade has done anything ground breaking within their usual conventions and sound
hes kind of right though. what new has there been in rock music? sure there have been some great records, but what new shit has been offered?
Rock isn't about "new", it's about finding different ways to write the same songs.
>Madlib makes a classic on an ipad
>something OP has access to and is easy to use but OPs beats are still ass
HiP hOp Is A jOkEeeeeeee
Expand on what you mean by ground breaking.
>I have autism and constantly need completely novel stimuli, if anything sounds even vaguely like something from the past I can't listen to it
>oh but hip hop is NEW and INNOVATIVE despite literally being defined by a single vocal style and "sampling" older music constantly
Haha u likey eat da poopy xD
Metal is where the innovation is, people only ironically play rock to say they were in a rockband to their grandkids. So Rock is like Country, its very ritualized and conservative, they play what people imagine rock to be.
Innovation right now is in, dark, death, grindcore, deathcore, and new genres that keep coming out every year. Bands like Whitechapel are reinventing metal sounds right now.
Hip Hop has a illusion of innovation because its such a whores musical form, it takes from everything and does so without always understanding it, just as a musical cookie or excuse for a hook.
Like I love Post Malone but his best "hip hop" song was just rhyming over some lame beat while Ozzy came in sung and BTFO everyone then Zakk Wylde had the guitar solo of the year, it was literally just rock.
the oh sees are literally a retro band no different than wolfmother good one there
then what about all the times that people were writing new and radical music within the limits of rock music?
>I define all rock music as reto btw
>hip hop that's literally rock with a nigger mumbling is innovative btw
this is why your opinion is worthless
That would be the beginning of rock music.
I literally state no genre has really pushed its limits and done anything innovate recently not just rock you fucking faggot. Plus there a many ways to use a sample and flip alongside the ever growing amount of effects that can be applied to these sample flips. Many rappers have been utuilizing the range of their vocals to do different shit like these
Even within the confines of what you call whoredom, there is still innovation. The innovation you praise in death, grind, etc. would probably compare to the innovation in the hip hop realm as well.
You say Whitechapel is reinventing metal sounds currently, ok, well how specifically are they doing so? Because I can more than likely find you a hip hop artist doing a very similar "re-invention" as well.
And can we stop the whole "...takes from everything else" argument as well. It happens in every single genre, it is actually a necessary component for all genres and exists for every band/singer/producer/etc..
There's nothing appealing about autotuned vocals. That shit sounded like trash when it was all the rage in mainstream music and still sounds like trash today.
Nice opinion, hope you two are happy together
>hating on bladee the autotune angel
Even autotune can't save shitty memerap.
Corey is such a whiny faggot. Why are metal fans so cringey?
wtf is memerap?
Rap music made or enjoyed ironically.
I pity your existence. You're missing out
All these electronic effects are dogshit man. All electronic music sounds like a fucking joke after enough time passes. People mock synthpop and other old electronic for being corny because it completely fucking is. An old bluesman from the 1920s still sounds good. Formerly cutting edge technology does not.
a metalhead praising metal as the one true innovator of our times. we didnt see this coming.
yall some retards
im pretty sure bladee does it seriously
>posting only travis
come on there are more good autotune guys out there as well
I see what you mean about looking back at some old electronic music as being corny. But definitely not ALL electronic music.
Your absolutism should be toned down. Every sentence you wrote has some extreme assumptions and could be taken as not a troll if you just wouldnt use the word ALL as much.
I know, but I feel like for someone that doesn't like autotune, trying to get them into travis is the best way to start since he's the most accessible
>Adam Levine said
mu 2019
i love this song
I wish he kept this to himself. Genuinely ruined the album for me.
wait wait wait
you actually enjoyed it?
and then stopped because he made it on an ipad?
Bill gates is that u?
I thought it was just alright, wouldn't say I enjoyed it.
It's just lame to me. Same reason why I never bothered with that one Gorillaz album
>Rock is nowhere
>hip hop is where it's at
So this fucking dickrider is literally admitting to being a bandwagoner who cant fucking create his own thing and has to ride a 5 year old zeitgeist to stay relevant.
Holy fuck I hated him back when he was playing "rock", but now I actually hope he dies in a fire.
oh ok
thanks for clarifying. it sounded bad the way I read it
he also admitted no one invited him to rock's "party" and hes mad
>Rock music isn't rhythmic
if you faggots knew anything about music you'd know this doesn't change 1 fucking thing and that the editing and mixing was still made in the traditional way
But metal fans don't like Corey Feldman or Slipknot...
But why? The album would have been made on a computer anyway. It's hiphop. Why does this particular computer bother you?
you know that decades ago they used to make and record music on computers that were as powerful as a 00's flip phone right?
Nick Cave said the same
Because he couldn't be assed to make a proper album in a studio. Ruins the integrity of the album.
>ipads can't be used in the studio
how is this different than using a computer in the studio
Get off apple and madlibs dick
Exmilitary is the only innovative album weve heard in a decade and its both
Protip: pop > rock
what do you think they use to make whatever your favourite music is? linux?
And Bandana was a big, big letdown. Waited so long for that mess. Looking like rap might be on the way out. Not the underdog anymore, parents listen to it, Hillary dabbed. I love rap but I won't complain about moving on.
Do you seriously think hiphop is made in studios? That's only necessary for staged photos and possibly professional mixing but not really.
I don't like any of those two.
Fuck no
Just listen to The Fall, the whole reason gorilaz died for awhile
>Do you seriously think hiphop is made in studios?
every half successful musician has a personal home studio with acoustic treatment, be it for recording demos or producing music
>That's only necessary for staged photos and possibly professional mixing but not really.
dude you really think they won't shell out a couple grands for proper mixing?
Shut up retard.
it definitely sounds like it, bandana is a fucking mess
Madlib is based, brainlet.
I disagree with you on how good bandana was.
But you are speaking some truth about hip hop being accepted or co-opted by society. Definitely not the place the culture started from and imo not the place it belongs.
There's many heads out here ready for corporations and your average retard "rap fan" to turn their backs on hip hop. So the real ones can have their culture back.
What about rock though
>Adam Levine
As if his opinion on rock music matters
Just mad he isn‘t getting that big $$$ for putting some lazy autotuned lyrics over bopin beats
Of all bands out there you name whitechapel lmao
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