Ariel Pink’s ex takes the power back!

Ariel Pink’s ex takes the power back!

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how does a 5'4 guy get a gf like this. it has to be money right

nobody cares about this unknown whore


His good looks and charms.

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Yeah right, how big is his cock

I like how she was crying about having his nudes shared with strangers but is ok with showing this on his insta.

Is this the true nature of women people are talking about?

What did I mean by this?

well he's a jew so it's probably about -1 inches

>women only like big cocks
Keep telling yourself that manlet

I think she’s around the same height so it wouldn’t have mattered


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Wouldn’t YOU like to know?! :P

what is wrong with her feet

Idk what ariel saw in this girl besides her body. She seems like an average room temp IQ cali girl.

she’s part of the lo-fi scene as well plus..Ariel is also from Cali?

love him or hate him

ariel was speakin str8 fax here

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have you seen her ass?!

Wow she really dunked on him haha

In a span of a couple months, she had dumped him and already started dating another dude. Why did Ariel get it so bad, bros?

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The pic of her ass has gone from his insta - in fact, all trace of her has gone..


posting on insta =/= your nudes getting leaked
why is that so hard to understand, incel?

Will Ariel ever recover from this traumatic femoid experience?

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She likes it at daddy’s house

I don’t think he ever will

This actually makes Ariel seem more vulnerable - he obviously doesn’t really think that about her


She should have known better when entering a relationship with a sex addict like Ariel. Your nudes and trust are always going to be on the table.

Ariel was her first, think she was just naive

I would love the be Ariel’s therapist

where are ariel’s feet disappearing into?

god, what is with you creepy fucks psychoanalyzing this shit? i don’t even do this sort of shit with one of my favorite bands that im so autistic about that i have most of their recording sessions memorized.
i don’t care at all about you weird fags. i don’t even care about pink’s music. ive never heard a single song by him. no idea what genre he does. i just want to ogle his ex.

his big black riding boots

>Why yes, I'm emotionally invested in the personal relationships and happenings of my favorite artist. What gave it away?

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Ariel worships women - said he would eat a woman out on her period because he just loves that pussy

she seems a nice person. in an ideal world she'd be in the place of clairo or that billie eilish

disgusting kike

She looks so young..

i'd make her a pop star

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she srsly used to be a pothead, not sure if she still is now that she’s with someone stable

>it’s not fair guys you said manlets are supposed to be incels, now I don’t have an excuse

>used to be a pothead
get a grip lol. If you think Ariel Pink doesn't smoke weed like every day you're out of touch

who is this?

I keep imagining what you look like in real life and it ain't pretty.

Male or female?


When exactly did I claim that Ariel didn’t smoke weed a lot? In fact, by suggesting that she probably doesn’t now that she’s with someone more stable, I am implying that Ariel actually does

Rage more lanklet

what are you like some militant pothead? Look at yourself

No I don't smoke weed. I interpreted the original comment wrong, my bad




I only like her long feets, yummy

I just think she’s making such a powerful statement here

power couple

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those are some huge feet

I want them in my mouth

Gucci princess!

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more feer of her pls

How to become a chad like Ariel and get prime art hoe pussy?

Here you go, bitch

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You have to be jewish, it’s a jews only club sorry

Stop being lazy and make beats


she's so fuckign beautiful

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