I wanna be a woman so bad

>i wanna be a woman so bad

music for this feel?

Attached: 1494445032426.jpg (179x196, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't let them get you
It's a fetish and a death cult

You will NEVER be a woman, put up with your assigned gender, seek psychological help or kill yourself


And i wanted to be an astronaut. Wait for the next life like everyone else.

Ignore transition if you have gender dysphoria (science agrees with transitioning) :)
I'm sure you'll be a pretty, funny and smart girl.

you're just begging for the bitch got a penis song.

do not encourage their mental illness.

Doctor with a long nose

study stoicism and acceptance otherwise you will never be content

>seek psychological help
You know a therapist will tell someone with gender dysphoria that a sex transition is the only way they will ever feel right, right?


Gender dysphoria is a mental illness that the LGBT want to pass off as normal and natural, don't go through with any treatments, putting estrogen in your body just makes things worse for you with mood swings and horrible mental problems
I hope there's a cure one day

you have to learn to accept yourself for who you are. don't try to become something you cannot physically be.

yr gonna get a lot of negativity on this board and no one here actually knows any good music anymore so i recommend looking elsewhere :/

I never understood this, after he transitions and realizes that he's become an abomination that was far from his fantasy he's just going to kill himself like the rest of em

A gender therapist will, any other therapist will guide you to your own conclusion of what's right for you by asking questions
>t. training psychotherapist

actually it's very possible to become physically a woman so go for it OP

Wow, is Yea Forums being raided by /pol/ shitposters? If you have gender dysphoria, you should transition OP.

Leave, tranny
Listen to 1000 gecs and cry more

Transitioning actually drastically lowers suicide rates :3
Science disagrees with you :3
Op, look how irrational this guy is. Are you gonna believe science or some retard on Yea Forums? Science agrees with transitioning :3

Transitioning is a placebo and doesn't make people feel any better about themselves, the depression is heightened by hormones as well, plus the bullying and eating disorders
There is no positive in transitioning, don't listen to the mentally ill

Yeah, because that's not a mentally-ill outlook on it at all.

>realizes that he's become an abomination
why do you think a mentally deranged person will have a moment of clarity after they get mutilated and are dosed up on all kinds of drugs?
they'll still be deranged, most of them are happier as abominations.

Does science also account for the negative effects of hormone therapy?

>science agrees with transitioning

My mind is completely sane and healthy, it's you who's avoiding actually presenting an argument because there's truth in what I say

Do you call all surgery mutilation? :3
Post studies :3
Post studies :3
>One botched operation is an example of all operations
Why are you so irrational and why don't you like science? :3

i want fuckin die,literally i got doxed over an entire brazilian forum and now they are tracking everything from me sms,emails,phone and destroy my entire relation with people.Also,i just want get rid of depression and im pretty fucked up in general.

Attached: A-6708-1372984255-3948.jpeg.jpg (300x300, 12K)

it is not possible for a man to become a woman. all gender transitioning does is turn into some sort of not-quite-a-man but also not
a woman. we should be encouraging people to love themselves for who they are and not encouraging them to become something they will never be.

your bait is obvious because of the ':3' shit, but i do agree with you that the antisemetic comment that one guy made does not help the case.

>Appeal to emotion

>water retention, bloating, weight gain, mood changes, sexual dysfunction and low libidio

Now you, post studies refuting science

I'm not baiting :3
Your opinion derives from your definition of women.
Why not expand that definition? :3

>not a single music recommendation
The absolute state of this board


Attached: transgender dysphoria blues.jpg (332x300, 13K)

how do i even begin studying stoicism and acceptance

Its important if all the nu vaginas look all like Cronenberg crations

>Do you call all surgery mutilation? :3
When it's used to distort instead of fix :3

dont do it user, internet isnt real life, remember tyler the creator's words and just turn off your computer

Gender dysphia is a mental illness and transitioning is the best cure we've got right now.

It must be an incredible weight to bare, being trapped in the wrong body, with a society that shuns you.

They don't. If anything, it cautions one to find a good surgeon.


based laura

You haven't seen the majority of trans pussies. They look great :3
web.archive.org/web/20070214082335/http://www.symposion.com/ijt/ijtc0106.htm :3

Just start following these guys for tips on self-improvement, really recommend it:




it is not some sort of 'cure'. it only makes your problems worse. the answer is to just try to accept yourself for how you are.

you are so fucking delusional. please go dig a hole in your crotch and dilate to keep open your wound as it tries to heal until you finally get the guts to blow your brains out. anyone advocating for this nightmare should be quarantined.

>being trapped in the wrong body
You arent trapped in your body. Your body is you. Gender dysphoria is just the brain working in a fucked up way like depression

depression actually makes sense though

None of these links say anything about the negative effects of hormone therapy being false, you're delusional if you think forcefully changing your genetic makeup is a natural and healthy thing
Transitioning leads people to suicide and this isn't something to be taken lightly, stop presenting this as an inclusive procedure and start calling it what it is, a death sentence

I'm quite happily non-binary masc and I like my penis, but thank you for your concern.
>your body is you
Literally not how anything works.

>the brain working in a fucked up way like depression
So it's a mental illness, and you're telling people to embrace it and go further into it
This needs to stop.

but the problem is that they are affecting my real life with people that i know in real life,literally isolating me from everybody.

>transitioning leads people to suicide
It's almost as if there are people who encourage trans people to commit suicide despite them being relatively vulnerable due to their marginalized position within social power dynamics. And I'm talking to one of them right now.

Yeah, they should accept that they have a mental illness and that it should be treated, but not by mutilation of genitals
>Literally not how anything works.
Explain. Unless you belive in some spiritual shit, we all are material beings and our mind cant exist whitout the body

Are you sure you are not schizophrenic? Because I find it unlikely that Brazilians are gangstalking you.

I've said literally nothing to even hint at wanting trans people to commit suicide, I'm sympathetic to their illness and I want them to feel normal in their own skin, but transitioning is not the way
Also even Argentina, the most trans friendly county has had trans suicides, bullying is definitely a large part of it, but an even bigger part is depression, eating disorders, body insecurity, and over 40 more negative effects of transitioning

Your brain is the only thing in the body that contains what you might call your "self". Nothing else in your body is animate without the brain. If the brain is a female brain, then it wouldn't feel very comfortable if it was assigned a male body at birth, would it?

Remember that despite Dr. Money's best efforts to convince him that he was a girl, David Reimer still blew his head off at 38 and had been suicidally depressed since 13.

This information was deliberately concealed as Dr. Money peddled sex reassignment surgery in conference after conference.

Ironically, one of the earliest and biggest proponents was a Jewish doctor named Money


>it was assigned a male body at birth
Thats not how the brain or biology works user. No one assings nothing. Random shit happens during development, and the brain is one of the many things that sometimes can go wrong

>Argentina, the most trans friendly country
Citation needed. Legally they might have more progressive protections of their rights than other countries, but trans people still suffer high rates of bullying and discrimination.

dubbi where is ur name

It actually is.

Trans rights are human rights. I believe in you, OP. :-)


You know the suicide rate goes down after transitioning, right?

Sorry where's your citation for the bullying of trans people there? You can't measure that and I'm 98% positive you're not from nor have ever been there, speak some sense for once
Human rights should be to choose and not be socially forced into transitioning, a cure will be made and your counter culture will fail, you've killed so many with your "gender positivity" that you should be arrested.
Transitioning, is, unhealthy.

Citation please, there's literally no way to tell this for sure because people with gender dysphoria don't always share that they have it

Why they call it a transition when the transition is biologically impossible? A transition must be logically possible to begin. I could say that i am in a transition to become a black dude (just changes in melanin and some minor bone structure), and all people would agree that such thing is impossible, but somehow becoming a woman (changes in internal organs, bone structure, development and the brain) is totally achievable


read foucault you asshole

Nobody is forcing them to transition. All we know is that it is the only known way to provide amelioration of the effects of gender dysphoria. If a trans person is happy without transitioning, more power to them.

You mean the ultimate pseud? Chomsky fucking murdered him.

Nice argument retard.


>No bully is forcing trans people to kill themselves, they're just saying words. And yet...
You're an idiot if you think your "'kindness'" and acceptance isn't making people with gender dysphoria want to transition, your words have more weight and consequence than you think, stop being careless and actually think of the effect of what you say

I'm not arguing, he just had a better point

If you think this, you're actually a fucking retard. Chomsky is a philosophical illiterate who panders to uneducated American leftists

Damn, now that's a couple of sentences.

Not the same dude, but you could say that Foucault just pandered to degenerate post modernists too.

Which is what he did, and I know because I was a degenerate postmodernist for a while. Now I just enjoy postmodern art, but as a philosophy, it's fucking worthless and full of nihilistic edgy teens.

>no one mentioning YOU LOOK LIKE A LADY

here buddy some nice music for you to relate to, sorry about all these other people in this thread

You know if you have autogynephilia (sexual arousal at the thought or image of oneself as a female), there has been shown to be a correlation between people with OCD-like thoughts which probably motivates them to express these kinds of desires. Gender dysphoria is known to be preceded or accompanied with autogenynephilia


Prozac has been shown to alleviate these symptoms.

This artist makes fucking horrid music, and see

>falling for the medical jew

>falling for hormone therapy
Just as bad for you

>it's fucking worthless and full of nihilistic edgy teens.
don't forget trannies

Transgender people are mostly modernist or post-postmodernist. Postmodernism doesn't believe in gender at all, and it's mostly a bunch of faggoty white guys who think they can be colorblind.

Shut your faggot as up

i dont care about any of this, someone asked for some music and i had some, also im not sure what youre trying to say to me specifically, i wasnt arguing with anyone, are you trying to tell me to not be nice to someone? i saw this thread and was like "i do happen to have music for this feel" as op asked, then i browsed the tread and saw that instead of offering music recommendations like i was expecting its just full of people being hateful towards a person they dont even know, its not my first time on the internet, i know this is what people are like but for some reason this time i just felt like this really sucks, i dont have any opinion on this subject matter at all, it doesnt affect me and i only vaguely know one trans person who seems happy enough so none of this affects me in any way i just thought this was supposed to be a music board, anyway heres another trans artist i enjoy, no lyrics specifically about the topic but its pretty sad

Did somebody say 1000 gecs? BasedbasedBASED!!!!!

it messes with your body.

Tranny evangelism is fucked up!

This, the LGBTQ community is borderline totalitarian about transitioning without even knowing it

>I hope there's a cure one day
it's called transitioning, you fucking (((mongoloid)))

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lmaoing @ ur lyfe

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Reddit actually has decent communities. Don't send him there. Yea Forums is the perfect place for his antisocial ass.

Lol. Delusional trannys are funny

you realize that transphobia and homophobia are (((ploys))) to push the largest demographic of resistors to suicide and distract the rest of society with a bogeyman, both goals leading to the prolonging of the (((conspiracy))), right?

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Totalitarian isn't the right word. I've seen on /lgbt/ that some are turned on by encouraging others to transition. Others may do it more from loneliness or resentment against normal people. I don't think a survey on this would really work since trannies adopt the personality traits of w*men including compulsive lying.
Go back to trad traps.
Did you read every other page of The Homo and the Negro and then fanfic the gaps lmoa?

Does transitioning take away the bullying, eating disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts, social isolation ect, plus everything that comes with hormone treatment?
Fuck off if you think gender dysphoria should be an accepted thing, and that transitioning should be encouraged, no one should have to feel like that and I genuinely wish for a cure for them


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>bullying, eating disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts, social isolation ect
so you admit that suicide rates are solely caused by (((society))) and that we should strive to eliminate transphobia so that they can transition in peace?

there's no such thing as (((transphobia))) or (((homophobia)))

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>admitting that it's all caused by (((them)))

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yes, those false terms of mental control are absolutely (((them))). and so is pushing for transgenderism

Eating disorders are NOT caused by social influence, they are always a psychological matter
Also you seem to have left out everything that comes with hormone treatment.

How do sleep at night encouraging people to transition into further suffering with your false hope of mental peace?

lmoa is an anshient facebook meme from a parody page about gay black men. It means "lick my own ass".

You may find this either useful or amusing, or both. You've made one of his points in this thread.

Check out divorce lawyers i shaved my head user. Also dont listen to these fags

kys pink pill discord

Do que está falando, macaco?

Just the notion of "being trapped in the wrong body" is fucking mental.

It's a mental illness, you can't expect them to think clearly about themselves


the one true answer for the OP: Portishead, Glory Box.

>a cure will be made and your counter culture will fail

Conservahicks used to say the same thing about homosexuals. Way to be on the wrong side of history AGAIN.

This isn't the same thing in the slightest,
Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder, gender dysphoria is.
You are actively driving people to suicide by encouraging transitioning instead of funding for a cure, fucking think about it

>Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder, gender dysphoria is.

It's no more of a "mental disorder" than left handedness.

You don't have to dilate your left hand.

You should have known better than to post this here, this isn't the kind of feedback you need. Schedule an appointment at your local tranner clinic and get your pills. Also listen to Wendy Carlos

Alright then explain that,
explain how it's not a bad thing and it should be accepted as the new norm,
explain how all the physical ailment and mental health issues those people feel is just the same as left handedness,
explain how you're the good guy because you support the "decision" for someone to transition when in actuality you're influencing people with gender dysphoria to go to a gender therapist and give themselves a risk of cardiovascular events, strokes, heart attacks and blood clots because it's natural and normal
Fuck you and your movement, you're psychopathic if you think you're improving the way of life and the rights of the people, you're forcing the idea of transitioning so much that people with gender dysphoria can't help but want to, it seems like it could be peace for them, but it never is and it never will be.

Who said anything about dilating? Surgery or non-surgery has no bearing on how one presents themselves.

You don't get poop on your dick if a left handed person jerks you off (unless the person is Indian, since they wipe their ass with their hands, I hear).

why can't you people make good posts
why do you have to post feels guy
why do you have to make insultingly shitty bait threads
why are there active neo nazi and anarcha social democrat fucking reddit debate teams shitting up the board with autistic effortposts constantly
god fuck you people this shit sucks
i don't care about incel thingfishes
i don't care about your ancient aliens fucking fan theories about them
shut the fuck up
go to bed

>explain how it's not a bad thing

Explain how it's a bad thing.

>explain how all the physical ailment and mental health issues those people feel is just the same as left handedness

Left handed people aren't berated and murdered for being left handed, tho.

>explain how you're the good guy

Upholding human rights doesnt make anyone a "good guy". It makes you regular non-sadistic human being.

>you support the "decision" for someone to transition when in actuality you're influencing people with gender dysphoria to go to a gender therapist and give themselves a risk of cardiovascular events, strokes, heart attacks and blood clots because it's natural and normal

The decision is up to them. People should be free to do whatever they please with their bodies. Wanna shove fifty Big Mac's down your throat every week? I'm not gonna stop you. But Big Mac eaters aren't attacked and murdered for what they choose to do their bodies.

>Fuck you and your movement,

Ah, the inevitable explosion of feels. Pic related is what you sound like

Attached: futurepresidentoftheunitedstates.jpg (618x943, 189K)

>You don't get poop on your dick if a left handed person jerks you off

And the point being? Are you attempting to be pedantic as a means of deflecting from the fact that you can't articulate why something is "wrong"?

you know what you people sound like to me you sound like fucking chris chan
i can hear that aspergers accent through your posts

No, I'm annoying you with the obviously gross and non-female elements of transgenderism because it's funny.

goodbye horses

There is a casual link between ASD and gender dysphoria. Don't have the studies right now but you can look it up.

OK now we know you're a tranny. Are you truly happy?

>Explain how it's a bad thing.
It's a bad thing because these people are bullied, depressed, mentally tortured ect.
Do I really need to go on?
>Left handed people aren't berated and murdered for being left handed, tho.
Yes but people with mental disorders are
>Upholding human rights doesnt make anyone a "good guy". It makes you regular non-sadistic human being.
That's true but believing that people with gender dysphoria don't have anything wrong with them and feel just fine, as if their left handed and it's normal, does make you a cruel, insensitive person
>The decision is up to them. People should be free to do whatever they please with their bodies. Wanna shove fifty Big Mac's down your throat every week? I'm not gonna stop you. But Big Mac eaters aren't attacked and murdered for what they choose to do their bodies.
You ignore the bullying of trans people when you ask how it's a bad thing and you bring it up here, selective memory seems to be a common thing with people in this thread
>Ah, the inevitable explosion of feels. Pic related is what you sound like
I take this seriously and you clearly don't,
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and needs a cure.

i'll take your word for it

What the fuck are you even talking about LMAO

Oh boy, wait till you meet a woman irl and find out what a period is.

It's a kind of fast.

>It's a bad thing because these people are bullied, depressed, mentally tortured ect.

Wouldn't the bullying be the " bad" thing here? It's like blaming gay people for being bullied, "well, stop acting so gay then".

>Yes but people with mental disorders are

Seems you weren't able to explain what makes it a "mental disorder" compared to being left handed. I'm gonna assume you've conceded your point.

>as if their left handed and it's normal

They're as normal as left handed people or homosexuals.

>You ignore the bullying of trans people

Great, glad we agree bullying trans people is wrong. Do you know what'd really piss off those bullies? Supporting trans people.

>I take this seriously and you clearly don't,

You can't even articulate why something is "wrong". You're feels over reals, lad.

if you don't have your red wings you're not allowed to post here sorry gamers


>Wouldn't the bullying be the " bad" thing here? It's like blaming gay people for being bullied, "well, stop acting so gay then".
I'm not blaming trans people for being trans I'm blaming people who advocate transitioning over actual help for being the monsters here
Trans bullying is awful and no one wants it, but having people transition is just putting them in the line of fire when other alternatives do exist, also trans bullying isn't the cause of any of the negative physical and mental issues trans people have to deal with, only the catalyst to make them worse, even without bullying they still feel insecure, still have eating disorders, still are depressed and still commit suicide, even in the country with the least trans bullying possible these issues still exist, and you choose to ignore this to prove your non-existent "point" that gender dysphoria is a natural thing with no negatives, like left handedness

Left handed people have asymmetrical brains

This, I was going to make a point about how left handedness is technically a mental disorder but I'm loosing braincells every second I'm here

Lay off the porn and imageboards my (wo)man.

Attached: sweet mtf.jpg (653x1024, 195K)


nu-male tier

Have some actual philosophy:


yeah, i think its based


lmao get fucked

>there's already a cure for depression, it's called suicide

crystal castles has some songs about gender struggles.


>implying I disagree

you have a point user

I do. it's quite simple, really: if you have a permanent illness, do what permanently treats it. for dysphoria, where one has disgust for their body, changing it is the only thing that will end that disgust. for depression, where one is almost always in emotional pain, suicide is the only thing that will end that pain

>I'm blaming people who advocate transitioning over actual help

Why though? Trans people should have the right to do whatever they please with their own bodies. Also
>actual help

Trans suicide rates decrease after transitioning.

Nothing against trannys, but if you're a non tranny advocating for them to transition you're a piece of shit.

if transitioning doesn't eliminate the issues but something else does that means transitioning is not an effective treatment

No one's advocating for it. Why are you restricting them from transitioning?

This, dressing up for your bf is okay, changing your whole life around is gonna make a mess.

why do they kill themselves after the transition thought?

this, mentally ill men usually have no confidence and have low testosterone which leads to transvetism, homosexual activity and other depravity

i play in the society that im so high and mighty but in reality im homosexual freak who got low test, everytime i start to exercise and eat zinc i start to crave pussy, i think gayness is just low test in lot of cases

>Death Grips
>Liturgy, Swans
>Have a Nice Life

Fuck off to reddit you cunt if you don't like it here

ironic that the people invalidating OP have experienced dysphoric thoughts not exclusive to gender. just because you can't empathize doesn't mean you have to invalidate but then again when you lack empathy you wouldn't understand that..but then again not sure why OP expects Yea Forums to the place to post that sort of thing lol

For a minute there I thought you meant Crystal Cafe

Because, spoiler alert, it's a complex as fuck problem that no amount of "magic pill" like transitioning will solve.
You have no clue what it's like to be in a body you detest, nor do I for that matter.
It could be a mental issue insofar that there's a disconnect with brain and body. However, it's not the same like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, where the brain just malfunctions.
This "could" (notice the could, notice how I'm not speaking in absolutes here) very well be a genetic/physiological issue resulting in a female brain being stuck in a male body or visa versa.
It could very well be "just a mental disorder" too.
But the evidence, just like with being homosexual, points more towards the former, it being a nature and nurture issue than it being an inherent malfunctioning of the brain.

Also, if your best bet of lowering suicide rate AND maximizing happiness for these people (aka, lowering risk factors) is helping them transition to the body they choose, then what's the big deal?

We need better practices for trans people. Guidance, info, etc. Making a child transition is a no go for me and is highly unethical, it should be a decision you make when your brain has fully formed (21), while being guided by well trained people the moment problems in your behavior occur, because most parents/social settings can't deal with these sorts of complex issues.

Wow. Shockedthony Sadtano here. I can't believe this image board of all places could stoop to such hatred and bigotry. I'm disappointed.

Silly anons, OP asked for music, not for opinions on gender disforia! You're off topic, if you want to discuss this you should go to other boards, like

I didn't do anything but list bands so I don't see why I've just been (You)'d.

Look at this desperate heeb, you can't trick us by calling us the jews, we're not morons, Dr. Money

Don't worry, Hirasawa's got you covered:

Attached: hirasawa.gif (320x240, 467K)

Imagine being a tranny unironically

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lol what are any of those supposed to prove

What do you mean by "female brain"?


obviously don't listen to the retarded transphobes that I'm sure you knew you were about to find on Yea Forums, but you should check out Divorce Lawyers I Shaved my Head by Jordaan Mason. written by a non-binary person and lyrically focuses on gender identity and dysphoria

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gay and gay

torture doom metal

Just remember that all of these people saying you're unnatural and shouldn't be encouraged are trans too and just repressing it.

100 gecs- 1000 gecs
any song by girl in red (she doesn't have any albums)

fuck you cop

You fucks are no better than actual murderers. Fuck you and fuck your death cult. Keep fetishes in the bedroom

Trans rights are human rights

there isnt a single cis person on Yea Forums

trans privileges are white privileges

>man wants to become a woman so bad that he wants to cut his dick off and open a wound to fake that he has a vagina, even if that means that he has 40% of chance of killing himself
If you don't think this is mind illness, you're retarded.

no only when you cut your penis off

the ideological cosmology built around it by pharmaceutical conglomerates wherein arbitrary signifiers or consumer preferences are reflective of an inner identity is more of a mental illness in my opinion

This shit is late stage capitalism

Complaining about white privilege is a privilege given to people by whites.


so is the weird sex shit

imagine being this much of a mentally ill faggot
shame your father did such a shit job raising you

ok retard
transphobes deserve to be hung

Uboa - The Origin Of My Depression

Trans woman making harsh noise but in a good listenable way, reminds me of Ocean Roar by Mount Eerie. Also listen to Mount Eerie just because it's good shit

Isn't this song about wanting to be successful?

come get me


Sounds like your daddy didn't do a great job either.

There has been cases where children and teens have been influenced to transition, also having the issues you stated in your post





Make a Change, Kill Yourself - Make a Change, Kill Yourself


gotta be glory box by portishead

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OP how you feelin' now?

Tbqh I never had an issue with trans people, never talked to one, never met one, etc.

Still hope you kill yourself OP. LGBT shit is a plague on society and anyone with common sense can see how this leads to pedos being accepted.


Huh what u mean?



Please just kill yourself


Here's a post that goes into it thoroughly:

It's low serotonin

It was done on mice, human behavior is much more complex


>a 10% increase from 90% to 100% isn't a significant difference
You've got to be fucking joking, if it was from 95 to 100 it'd be understandable but there's absolutely no way any scientist wouldn't do this experiment again on generally low-sexual mice and see a larger difference, the delusion knows no bounds.

shoot up to it

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Reminder that androphilic trans women have an average iq of 107 while gynophilic trans women have an average iq of 121

>213 replies

why are channers so easily baited and triggered?

I don't want to be a woman, but I do want to be pretty. I really dig the androgynous look, but sadly I can't pull it off because I'm ugly.

what the fuck is a "channer"

>being this new



You are on 4channel, faggot, go back.

This is true and I've seen it happen.
If you weren't on the internet and considered transitioning, yeah, go ahead, but the communities that infest nearly every fucking site right now try to subconsciously influence impressionable losers.
It's not a miracle cure, it won't help your fucked up self-esteem issues, it will only make it worse when you realize you made a grave mistake.


have gay sex

You posted it

Attached: absenceofdesire.png (220x220, 64K)

Virtual Bird - Dysphoria, Dysmorphia

lift weights

something with the sound of thunder

Attached: shotgun-pepe-42585779.png (500x500, 46K)

stop drinking onions you stupid faggot. eat meat and excercise. regain your masculinity. retard

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I wish I was born I female so I can get fucked by hot white guys all the time. I'm definitely not dumb enough to become a tranny though.


Attached: EBeRadmXsAELcLe.jpg (480x640, 47K)

Pre op tranny >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post op tranny. Just don't get rid of your genitalia.

This thread reeks of stinky losers

Don't forget to kill yourself after listening

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