Robotripping rn, post tunes

Robotripping rn, post tunes

Attached: pfz1195_robitussin_drycoughforte_anz_carton_200ml_3d.jpg (1600x1600, 150K)

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Hypnagogia-Dan Mason
take some DPH too

i robotripped once, i was constantly overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts the whole time and was just praying for it to end. it was har to tell myslef that it's just dxm and it'll end eventually and just wait it out, but ofc my plan to make it stop was suicide lol, i couldnt shake that. easily my least favorite drug experience

i-is that normal??

what plateau

its not for everyone

>take some DPH too
do not do this

i did dxm a lot like 2 years ago, here were my faves to listen to at that time

Can - Future Days
Pale Cocoon - 繭
Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Bladee - Gluee
Basic Channel - Phylyps Trak

im really not well versed in the stuff, probably 2/on the cusp of 3

you got that right. ill just stick to heroin, shrooms, cigs and sometimes weed

DXM increases your serotonin levels by a fuckton and can even cause serotonin syndrome. and SSRIs can cause suicidal ideation in some people. so maybe that's why


heh wow gay

Echoes pink floyd was awesome on dxm back in tha day

I miss cinna stix

What is seretonin syndrome

it's when your liver grows 3x its normal size-a-rooni

holy shit this must be god-tier on dxm or ketamine or something

cosmogramma as an album fucking goesssssss on robotussin

>ill just stick to heroin

Attached: 2pac disgusted.jpg (595x360, 70K)

lmao fuckin dumbass

sweet child of mine

This album on robo was amazing

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