Does Lil Nas X have what it takes to be the next Kanye?
Does Lil Nas X have what it takes to be the next Kanye?
he doesn't have what it takes to be the next kid from kid 'n play
maybe. bit too early in his career to say but his EP shows a lot of potential
at the moment he's just a pretty decent pop rapper though
I cannot vibe with queers
ayy lmao
sure is repressed homosexuality in here
I really hope they put him in the same place where they put LMFAO
Are you against rape? Wow you must be a repressed rapist, enjoy prison scumbag :)
More like kangay
Those two things aren't equatable you fucking retard
damn, get the body bag
>getting mad
Uh oh the rapist is showing his true colors! Looks like that really hit home for you huh? Seek help.
stop being such a faggot user
You deserve blunt force castration, disgusting incel rapist.
Stop being a supressed rapist user
it's been hours, where's my sucky fucky
His EP only has two singles: Old Town Road and Panini.
Panini is not doing well despite having a VMA performance and a music video, and it was released to radio a while back.
He technicially is not a One-Hit Wonder as he has a top 20 single and a #1 single, however it does feel like he is going to be remembered as one.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
hes just a gay 1-hit wonder, hes already irrelevant
I didn't hear a no
If you keep talking about how much sucking cock and taking it in the arse upsets you, it seems like you're obsessed with it, and obsessed with the idea of ensuring everyone things you're not obsessed with it. Just suck a cock already, and admit you're gay