Other urls found in this thread:
What's with all the Satania shitposting lately?
checking sex number
This and the Kpop threads are why this board is dead
seething rapbabbies
but am I wrong?
Imagine having pictures of a fictitious character that no one cares about and then posting them on a dead board. I have no doubt in my mind that your mother wanted to abort you.
if you are good at writing lyrics and have a solid sense of rhythm and flow, you can make a decent rap song:
not an argument
>duuuuuuuuuuuuh not an argument
where's yours you aborted fetus
who needs an argument when you have a folder full of satanias
who needs a life when you have shit tier anime to shill
>who needs a life
>he doesn't disagree that the anime he watches is awful garbage
of fucking course
Crapfags fucked in the bum
you think i watch gabdro? i just save pictures of best girl.
I can't tell whats sadder
neither, both scenarios are pretty based actually.
how much storage do all the pictures take up on your computer
/g/ escaped the server room filled with ThinkPads and programming socks again. Use proprietary software to force him back under the bed.
i've never found any rap i like but please stop animeposting. just stop. i hate weebs. please. please it fucking hurts just stop i can smell your grease and your cheetos fingers and your stains and just it's gross please stop you can criticize hip-hop i don't like it either but please just don't do this
Lmao these replies were funny even though you're an annoying faggot that should be butt fucked into a coma.
You know, instead of maintaining multiple threads per day of hating on hip hop while posting anime pics, you can maybe make a difference in your real life in a way that'll make you and/or your parents feel proud of yourself. The more you post like this, the more it affects your mindset towards things in the real world, even if it's just for trolling. This trolling isn't even that effective, you're responding too much; still a fleeting sense of satisfaction rather than anything sustainable. Please help yourself before you truly become helpless to the next level.
>anime posters
>deserving of basic human rights
>even human at all
There is no refuting the incontrovertible fact that you can't spell crap without rap.
>witeys itt
I truly appreciate you for writing this but why bother