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Other urls found in this thread:

For me, it's twice

no it isn't

we wanted a seulgi thread

yg didn't have many options. it probably would have been miyeon if she didn't get booted

For me, it's

Attached: rrrrrromsae.webm (710x1080, 2.96M)

For me, strictly musically speaking, it’s Red Velvet

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i like all girl groups but for me, it's twice

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yes, it is

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I'm sexually identified as BLINK. My Pronouns are SEA, cuck, and mentally ill.

Attached: love_key1102-1170663289627348993-20190908_064052-img1.jpg (2000x3001, 1.03M)

For me, its the ugliest melting ghoul in kpop, Kim Jizzoo

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Attached: ryujin delivering the feetmogging of a lifetime.webm (1430x1044, 2.29M)

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momobros are always the most based

For me, it's Kim Seol

Attached: 1554650031550.gif (512x82, 122K)

isn't here a picture like this for seulgi?

Attached: 1554915059096.jpg (2048x1860, 458K)

our freakin most searched girls

Attached: 1557496279708.jpg (960x960, 90K)

that’s not a bad pic

she's a children

Attached: donot.webm (604x960, 2.93M)

>huge buck teeth
>huge hands
>huge ears
so much to love about bunny

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i'm the best poster here

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someone post the pic

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OTR needs to abandon flopis and focus 100% on IZONE

jennie is searched because of her instagram posts

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Attached: ha.jpg (661x464, 20K)


i thought this was the clc post a made a few days ago but i had a few different songs in it

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based cheshire, i love our girls

Good, i will make the river run red...

it looks like there's a mini lisa stuck inside the machine

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Obligatory Eunha post

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what is this kind of laugh called? i have never seen someone laugh like that

Attached: oldrene laugh.webm (640x480, 2.45M)

why are wendy and seulgi at the airport but not the rest of red velvet?

what the hell 300 dollars for that?

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Attached: melting tranuggo.jpg (1618x752, 239K)

it's actually just a nervous tic

reminder that low IQ girls are the best

there she is

Is it safe to have this webm on my hard drive?

blackpink antis are truly the most mentally ill

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she has a modeling deal with them so she's basically just advertising

my wife!

what a woman

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Isn't that kinda cheap for sponsored clothes? Guess BP isn't worth the advertising investment anymore...

protect them, they need to be protected by all the military forces in the entire world

Attached: 1561871926189.jpg (1366x2048, 250K)

jennie's an expensive girl to maintain
whoever recommended this has good taste

jisoo you fucking sow

she actually is the smartest idol and she fooled everyone with her pabo personality

Attached: love_key1102-1170663289627348993-20190908_064052-img2.jpg (2000x3001, 920K)

visiting me

everything they wear in public usually sells out within a day, i don't think they need to pay for anything at this point

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i heard she gets paid to wear it

what is your problem

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and what about this?

Attached: oldrene laugh 2.webm (640x480, 1.51M)

should have blocked their ugly faces too

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her boobs are massively pushed up here

your mental illness is showing

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stfu, fromis is global group now

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won't somebody think of the children!

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hyewon's botched melting plastic forehead

i'm a blink

bona will never scratch your back while you

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they travel separately in case 1 of the planes has trouble

i wouldn't call that a laugh

>everything they wear in public usually sells out within a day
where are you getting this from?

yeah, jennie gets paid to shill those brands, then sugar babies ask their saugar daddies to buy for them so it's gone instantly

secret genius momorin

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jisoo is upset at the mentally ill people hating on blackpink

shut up you fake idiot

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globally nugu and shit, yeh

hey friends

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child mentioned

can't wait for her american debut so she becomes the next cardi b, her fame fades , korea won't want her either bc she gained weight, and resorts to adult films so we can see her nudes

is our chipmunk's live solo stage still trending in korea?

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>focus on monkeyuggos with an expiration date

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it's actually true

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they are a bit rough with each other


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>jisoo is upset at the mentally ill
wow what an incredibly insensitive cunt
i’m unstanning

I'm blink you faker

blackpink fashion accounts post shit like this all the time

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found the triggered flopis scum ... idol school was rigged anyway so flopis will disband soon

you never liked jisoo you mentally ill

no you are not shut up nobody believes you

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this is the power of bp

credit cards

My Pronouns are SEA, cuck, and mentally ill. i'm offended as a blink

what do you guys use besides fiddle and kgirls?

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who is more retarded
people who buy it or people who track this shit


>make it red

tracking it, people buy overpriced fashion shit all the time

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they are probably multi millionaires by now

i think they wanted to buy it for themselves but couldn't

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people that but this shit don't need to worry about money
the people tracking are just sad


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does this happen when bts wears something?

jesus you take one shit and grab a bite to eat and your 24 hours of pitt posting just falls to shit.

where my pittmen at?

Attached: yooa_heart.png (1272x2155, 1.23M)

is it much worse than people tracking album sales or youtube view though? probably not


*has a seizure*


>sold out
jisoo’s p tonight...


they should try wearing their album next time, maybe they will get some sales

not much worse, but still worse
i mean, at least albums are related to music

i remember when jungkook said he used downy detergent and they ran out of stock globally or something


they have a lot of sales shut up

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we lipmen now

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>i will never know the feel of touching hime hii-sama's sacred cheek

>and i'll absolutely never get to feel her from the inside

kpop for this feel?

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Rosie :) Lisa ;)

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probably not at least with clothes since guys don't care about gaypop the way girls do with female idols

are they?
people don't even use the CDs to listen to the music anymore

izone shits all over bp in sales and concert attendance

sign me up

Attached: hyungwon.jpg (600x848, 51K)

i do

cute! we love all of them

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Attached: Red Velvet Yeri Instagram August.jpg (1080x1350, 225K)

why aren't boys trying to look like them?

patrician taste

post more

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Blackstink's screaming roastie fan chants and crowd noise are real and not piped in like flopzones.

gays do

i'm worried, i don't want her to go full whore mode

ajumma's probably buy some of that shit for their husbands

Attached: 1.png (455x256, 32K)

very true friend but the blackstinkers will turn a blind eye to this

izone's tours aren't anywhere close to bp

some people love to do this shit with idols/actor/royals etc, dunno what's the mindset behind this

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sure maybe some people still do but it's not a very realistic thing to expect anymore. most people who buy kpop albums either want to get collectibles, boost sales numbers or get into fan meet loteries. that's it

imagine the feel

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are they using blackpink for clout now after that joke of a season

thank you for this blessing

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actually while most straight men is not interested in gaypop, there's some that are and copy the style to the teeth, even in the west
but yeah, the relationship girl pop and normal girls is way more common

they have nothing else going on in their lives

Izone is a bottom tier group with insane saejaegi numbers. They were BTFO both KCON's when they got zero reaction. As an audio engineer I can tell their chants were mixed into their backing tracks.

that show is good even though i have never watched it
it must be good if they like blackpink

i'd dress like bts if i were handsome

I'd dress like BTS if I were asian.

the thought alone is almost more than i can handle

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i thought the blackpink stans in here were just trolling but i guess they r actually mentally ill

you can't be uglier than rapmuggo

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It's not as good as Blackpink House.

"handsome" doesn't work with gaypop styling
you need to look soft, pretty, androgynous

I think it's kind of funny BPshills explicitly refuse to even mention Lisa's white step daddy

this is why i voted for trump

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from huge to small in an instant how does this lipfu do it

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>fails to chart
looks like it's over for CLC.

Attached: clc-devil-vid-2019-billboard-1548.jpg (1548x1024, 239K)

I was there & didn't notice organized fanchants for any group

*kpg 1 year from now* what was clc's best song before they disbanded?

this is definitely true

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it was a fun ride

Attached: C7Q36MdUwAEPsEO.jpg (1024x1024, 166K)

all of them

Attached: hiichan what.gif (318x228, 970K)

reverse ombre~~ the cutest makeup trend to ever come out of korea and it almost tailor made for her features

that's you

he seemed pretty cool in blackpink house

Attached: 1546631174289.jpg (933x1373, 147K)

They're in the worst possible position. EXID was able to rise after years of failure because no one knew them before Up and Down. CLC is a known property so we know exactly how long they've been fucking up

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Under what context do you want Lisa's stepdad to be brought up? He should have a chef showdown against Twiceboy's dad.

what? he's literally in blackpink house and people proudly posted pictures of him on kpg during the world tour (her parents attended a few EU concerts)

that would be tight

the thing about jennie is looking cute and fuckable at the same time so people spend money on her

do you think his step daddy did funny things with her?

except she isn't cute and rather than fuckable she just looks well-fucked

lol i love this gif

do you have the version with the trig/math shit?

holy fuck thanks for the name

Attached: Korean-gradient-lips-300x298.jpg (300x298, 12K)

reminder blackpink had locked lisa out for being an obnoxious bitch

she's just cute not freakable

that was just as a joke they love lisa

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he seemed like he had autism. he just stood there awkwardly the whole time

he encouraged "her" transition

Too bad. It's a good song. I wonder why outside of Hobgoblin and No CLC has just completely failed to connect with people.

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seungyeon needs a fan cam to go viral

what would you guys do?

Attached: fdgfdgfdg.webm (720x1080, 552K)

i love it how pits are back in fashion
based taste bros keep on posting

lisa's mom looks exactly like her

Attached: 1552349899316.jpg (918x918, 105K)

black dress was a banger

apologize to lisa's mom

people didn't like the earlier stuff for whatever reason even though it's also good. maybe it was styling in the videos or something because the songs themselves were good

>except she isn't cute

Attached: 1542732822579.webm (720x720, 2.99M)

once you know and start to pay attention, you see it everywhere in korean media

ombre (not reverse) was big in the US a year or 3 back, but it's hideous

it really is a super cute look

The members once locked Lisa outside for 30 minutes because she was so annoying

any sharkman in

>someone who is supposed to be a real celebrity is acting like a 17 y/o insta thot

that's not cute

based Rose, Jennie, and Jithoo.

Just us shartman

Attached: 3911.jpg (900x900, 131K)

just us shartman

>"is it just me or does this show how close they are"

BPshits confirmed delulu

I'd like to meet the 1% of anons in here who legitimately think someone like arin, ryujin or saerom is ugly

God I want to lick that thicc thigh 24/7

that's pretty cute

if any other group did that to a member they would probably hold a grudge and poison their coffee or something

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Attached: sharkgirl.gif (498x498, 3.08M)

that kind of camaraderie and hijinks proves it actually

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no one thinks they’re ugly - everyone thinks they’re whores

where is summer diaries

Attached: 1562605683938.jpg (720x720, 58K)

that's something good friends do t b h. people who stick to the always polite and well mannered facade aren't really good friends

how tf did this autistic "shartman" thing start? 1 day it just suddenly appeared and now i see it in every thread

jennie is a legal loli, that's why yg loves her

where is lisa's solo?

Attached: 1567904536752.webm (1162x1080, 338K)

post more twice. bp girls are ugly.

Attached: 1566065981490.jpg (447x1009, 73K)

post completely overlooked bangers

the shartman is a divine punishment from god against yejiniggers for spamming every thread for months with the white coat pics.

buy it

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Attached: fgdxvdfgsd.webm (520x900, 986K)

CLC's entire discography.

YG said it would come after rosé's along with jisoo's.
Lisa already has a bunch of solo stuff going on anyway

Attached: IZONE - Buenos Aires (190602 NHK Shibuya Note) [1080p 60fps h264 MP4].webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Attached: dream_catcher_gahyeon_1.jpg (1920x1200, 545K)

So you want to counteract ugly girls by posting uglier girls?

>idol gets spammed to the point where everyone hates him/her
we call this slugroastie syndrome

might just wife this x1 guy

Attached: EDJWwuvUYAAjY0D.jpg (1200x1800, 144K)

kpop sucks, listen to kindie

the shartman is a proof of how far envy and mental illness can take you, showing that there will always be a worse being than you, autism at its maximum level that can only be relieved by writing the same shit every day.

soon hopefully

cringe blackpink are the prettiest in the world right now

i did but i thought they were having youtube videos also

shartman is the most powerful kpg faction

they know that lisa's a beta and she won't do shit, that's why they treat her like shit

it's divine punishment for praising false gods

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Attached: 3840.jpg (1200x1800, 211K)

>i did but i thought they were having youtube videos also
probably not but blinks always end up uploading the full DVDs to youtube

wife him instead

Attached: fdsfdsfdsf.gif (480x382, 3.35M)

minju tho

pathetic seamonkey spammer

choose the DIA guy

Post that one cute girl from Lovelyz

you lock someone out for like 5 minutes. 30 minutes is way too long, then recording her apologizing, then humiliating her by telling the story on radio, that's a bit much

she’s a whore

here you go


but she is thai

well that's good i hope everyone here watches it together

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i got u bro

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damn eunbin is beautiful here

Attached: 70382216_2418160691767432_1855512337441338510_n.jpg (1080x1080, 167K)

did bp get raped by dolphins in hawaii?

you sound like a little bitch
also i'm pretty lisa is fine and just laughs about it

Attached: DSC07026.jpg (1000x1500, 248K)

Attached: Lovelyz-Mijoo-1.jpg (600x1009, 96K)

don't talk about dolphins like that, they have enough to deal with

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breeding a generation of supermen with nayeon

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dubu on the left....

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YG just lost 2 million dollars and so BP had a secret sex-party with evil billionaires who paid to watch them get raped by drugged up dolphines

beautiful dubooty

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There is only one

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Attached: yeji33.gif (500x357, 3.83M)

What if I do both?

i respect seongwoo but you can keep him
hangyul is too hot to wife i'm intimidated by him

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hold me back bros

Attached: jfghj.webm (640x960, 1.23M)

cumming on chuu's retarded muppets face...

chilling implications for any GG that fails to make "my money" for their shameless pimps

makes me wish i were an INTERPOL lieutenant instead of an irrelevant civilian

Dubu? More like doodoo lol

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yeah she laughs about it because she has no spine hence why they treat her like shit

Finally the right answer

Attached: 07.jpg (540x811, 108K)

putting a cream whip on it then lick it

if you don't worship my group i will flame yours into kingdom come

no matter how much she dances you can tell this girl lives to eat

Attached: yooa 105.jpg (800x1200, 148K)

it was just a kiss you idiots

Attached: 1552146911882.jpg (961x961, 196K)

oh so now you're just gonna ignore the thousands of pictures and clips where we can clearly see the pinks taking good care of her over the span of 8 years just because of a 30 minutes story?
little bitch


Attached: IMG_20190822_091841.jpg (2000x3000, 966K)

reminder that this is what korean women think about white men

Caumales are so cocky, thinking that all women (including Asian women) just want to suck their dick.

Most of them are fat and ugly as well (the only better quality about them is that they just happen to have a larger dick)

They are so smelly because their underarm stinks like Kormale corpse.

Korean women have higher IQ. We will subvert this misogynous world run by white dicks. They laugh at Asian women now - thinking they are so superior - but they are just inferior cocks full of stinky sperm. If you look up to white men before you come to the West, you are going to be disappointed when you see how horrible those pigs are.

sometimes the people closest to you are the ones you know the least

just look at bullies generation in 2014

or read

it doesn't take much for the truth to slip out; someone always finds the skeletons in the closet

think how many marriages continue in abusive, toxic dynamics for decades, just b/c people love the status quo

post her big bouncy orbs

Dolphin kissed everyone but Lisa. It slipped Rose the tongue.

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we want a seulgi thread

i hope it got put down

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is that really the common view in korea of white ppl?

This dolphin is approved by JAY WHY PEE

Attached: JYP.jpg (1600x2252, 288K)

Attached: [V LIVE] TWICE TV 'FANCY' EP.04-127588-[04.36.376-04.40.814].webm (1920x1080, 2.64M)

nice fanfic idiot

Attached: 1563827740824.webm (720x720, 2.64M)

those are all scripted you idiot. but every once in a while the facade breaks like when jisoo makes fun of lisa for looking like a monkey, something lisa is probably insecure about. but i bet you think lisa thought it was funny, being told she resembles an ape

Attached: ED9e82MUcAEnSlB.png (698x994, 907K)

probably not

she's a comedian and lisa likes jokes

Attached: 1548146080132.png (883x452, 265K)

go back to your subreddit Tenda

just did it to wony

did sana know?

yeah. they say i smell like wet dog all the time.

there's a lot of white trash and there's a lot of white excellence

it's no different from china or india really

a large country turns out many impressive individuals and plenty of unimpressive ones

as for Korean women taking over the world, yeah no. for every yuna kim of yours we have a michael phelps. for every park geunhye of yours we have a hillary clinton or michelle obama

as a highly educated lover of east asian civilizations, i used t dream about the day that asian women would rule the world

but IDK if taht will happen in my lifetime. i mean, who is the Great Korean Hope? you all excel at everything you try, but political leadership cant alwas be taught

jesus christ zoomers are sensitive little pussies

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i'm not a zoomer, i'm not just a delusional blink so i can see what's right in front of my eyes. every clique has a bitch that the rest shit on, in blackpink's case that's lisa

cute cats i love cats but as for you brain-dead feedback why don't you kiss me in my miraculous frenulum