President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump

Music for this feel?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_lorenthompson_files_2019_07_President-Trump-Official-Portrait-1200x1 (960x904, 113K)

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Why do Republicans vote against their own interests?

Whitehouse - Daddo

dubs decides who i vote for in 2020



oh shit im writin in user

You got my vote

hatred of immigrants and mental illness mainly
crying about sjws and trannies while they get robbed by billionaires

i have never interacted with a conservative who wasn't a moron or a sociopath


wow, president user
that’ll be weird

>Why do Republicans vote against their own interests?
Give me 1 (one) example.

If Dems would stop being yuge faggots about guns they'd basically secure every election

>liberals hate him, leftists hate him, /pol/ hates him
Only the contrarians are left

Liberals are evil baby killing thieves

Are you saying voting for dems are in the interests of a white worker? Both choices are bad.

Poor people voting for tax cuts on the rich but not themselves.

If you faggots keep killing yourselves thy will anyway
So it doesn’t matter

this thread has an unnatural level of estrogen

seeing as how most welfare states are red with trump gutting food stamps program for one

blue collar workers voting for anti-union politicians


>Only the contrarians are left
So most of the US?

fascinates me that lefties always jump to economics when they know that the left is the party of baby murder and sodomy. don't you understand that reasonable people could never vote for those things?

So, music to kill yourself to?

No more like a third of it maybe. He's never had over 50% approval.

please do

>Why yes, we still support Donald Trump in 2019. What gave it away?

Attached: EDGczOJU4AAfpq7.jpg (1200x675, 244K)

Ladies and ge'men, the American electorate

It would constantly be 100% without the dishonest media.


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Democrats aren't leftist

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>Yea Forumsirgin virgins going out with a bang before school tomorrow
nu-4ch really put into perspective just how fucking crazy sexual frustration can make some people

Some retards are so far right that the center looks left to them
The us doesn’t even have a left

brussels sprouts / any boiled cabbage smell nasty to be fair

yeah republicans are retarded and vote based on a single wedge issue like those.
abortion kicks ass, do you want more children being born into broken homes and orphanages and have society filled with lunatics, murderers and trannies.


t. Lardo McGordo



>just murder people and then they won't have to deal with problems
yeah you're a psychopath. your ethos is exactly the same as pic related

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There's enough traffic as it is go fuck yourself

>murder people
I would literally have all the homeless people get nuked. But its not possible. abortion is the only way of achieving less population. You are a fucking coward if you think abortion is bad. Fuck off moralfaggot. You're in the fucking 4chins

most registered republicans do not
look at any urban area in a red state
neither tent cares about the working poor

>You are a fucking coward if you think abortion is bad. Fuck off moralfaggot.
Like I said, you're a psychopath. As are most lefties.

This. When will people realize Liberals are evil?

>baby murder
a fetus isn't a baby you numbskull

rolling for Vermin Supreme

>ripping babies from the mother's womb is totally ethical and reasonable
no you barbaric chimp

Learn Science and look up what a "sonogram" is. Life begins immediately upon conception.

>yeah you're a psychopath. your ethos is exactly the same as pic related
Don't be fooled, all the kids on this site are LARPers that would be too chicken shit to throw a punch, nevermind kill a man.

It's amazing that these people pretend to be moral when they look you straight in the face after deep moral thought and say "I believe it's a woman's right to choose."

>all the kids on this site are LARPers that would be too chicken shit to throw a punch, nevermind kill a man.
Thank God I'm not

>Give me 1 (one) example
>gets three good ones
>b-b-but economic doesn't count guys! muh abortion tho

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You tend to find that when people prove they have no ability to reason based on what's moral, they lapse in other areas as well. The left will always simply be the party of baby murder and sodomy to me. Could never support that insanity.

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Fucking cringe bro

Hey I have the same birthday as Mark Twain :)

>Fucking cringe bro
You failed to change my mind.

conservatives preach about less government but care about what faggots do in the privacy of their own homes

Yeah cause I'm insulting you brainlet

>supporting sodomy is somehow insulting me
uhh no
>conservatives preach about less government
I'd rather preach about using the government to stop degeneracy

I'm still on the fence. Abortion takes away white babies, but it does keep the black population low.

>everyone is obligated to debate my dumb ass

How is having my taxes doubled to give free shit to brown people, tens of millions of which are not even citizens, in my best interest?

You. Failed. To. Change. My. Mind.

do you really think anyone here is trying to

>but care about what faggots do in the privacy of their own homes
Did you just wake up from a coma in 2002?

are you jewish?
>muh money


go back to /ptg/

I thought you leftists were supposed to care about your fellow men? But you wanna “nuke” all homeless people?

Ironic how leftcucks always perceive masculinity as sexual frustration. Really gives you a sense of how they think.

Bernard Sanders


Trump's 2nd term is gonna be so comfy. A lot of people I know are already warming up to him/shaking off the media-induced outrage. In another year or two I'll be able to go around wearing my MAGA hat and be totally comfortable.

the results speak for themselves. the man single-handedly saved this country from the brink and a lot of people are waking up to the truth. the dem electorate is going to consist exclusively of morons and brown people by 2020. i was at a coffee shop in cambridge the other day and heard some mit kids talking about how great trump has been.


Once those court documents become unsealed and every single corrupt pedo gets thrown in jail. We will finally live in an age of Pax Americana. I'm so fucking excited.

Holy shit the delusional people

A clump of 20 cells is not a person. A child three days from delivery is a person. Pretending everything prior to birth is some generic "fetus" catch-all is wrong.

Will either of you idiots adopt homeless babies with brown skin? Or just complain about babies being "killed"?

Yeah, he sounds like a massive cum drinking faggot if you ask me

Show me where I specified either way?

Why are you bringing race into it? Or are you simply arguing in bad faith, trying to "expose dem evil rayciss"?

Ooops you didn't answer the question

I find it strange these "types" want to complain and stop fetuses being aborted, but won;t actually help babies that are already born into the world in destitute.

Why is that?

Most Democrats support third trimester abortions, which are literally legalized baby murder. There is no moral difference between a third trimester child and a born baby.

So you are arguing in bad faith, have no intention to actually converse honestly, and might as well be following a script. We're done here, sweetie.

>Most Democrats support third trimester abortions
They absolutely do not you fucking idiot

Literally came to Yea Forums tonight to see if there was an irrelevant politics thread, see this on the first page, lol Yea Forums

What do you mean arguing in bad faith? Avoiding answering the question?

Just stop posting your garbage rhetoric then


I'm not answering questions asked in bad faith, no. You're using personal attacks and whataboutism to avoid discussing the fact that a child, born or unborn, is a child.

I'm an independent, but I most assuredly support the right of a woman to terminate her pregnancy at any point.

jesus fucking christ what a pathetic human-like thing that gelatinous freak is

>I'm not answering questions asked in bad faith, no
What do you mean, bad faith? Doesn't make sense

Answer the question I asked (which is relevant) or stop posting your garbage rhetoric

Mad? He's the most handsome, healthiest president ever in all of history, and you're just jealous you can't be the pinnacle of human performance like him.

>sock puppet

Post showing how much the magatard brainwashed in safe space.

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ya damn i wish i could be a rapist and get away with it

boomers should be burned alive
republicans are natural born boot lickers

Trumpular - Pogo

> hasn't beaten a would-be assassin unconscious with his cane
> hasn't delivered a speech after getting shot
> hasn't charged into enemy lines after getting his horse shot from underneath him

Psssh, you can't prove any of that happened.

lmao you actually exhausted calories typing that sentence out. even if it’s satirical you have my pity, scumfuck.

Igor and Grichka but it’s not like it matters if you vote for them anyways

No one can prove anything, what's your point. I'm talking about Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt and William McKinley, all presidents who were far more handsome and healthy than Trump.

They're also all dead. And Teddy Roosevelt was a treehugging hippie.

>Will either of you idiots adopt homeless babies with brown skin?
holy fuck no. I will complain about brown people being in my country, however.

lol nice ploy, sweet distraction.



Why are you reciting what you said while looking in the mirror?