Is it because he knows more about music than Yea Forums does or is it because he gives Kendrick and Billie Eilish the praise they deserve?
Why does he piss Yea Forums off so badly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Eat lead, Tony
It’s because you won’t fuck off back to work when you are told to
it's because he has to virtue signal since the Fader hitpiece. also his shilling for industry plants/darlings is very obvious now
Billy Eyelash a shit
He pisses Yea Forums off because he is making a fuckload of money doing what everyone here wishes they could do.
He pandered to the masses instead of catering to some crybaby twinks on Yea Forums
he used to be left-center. i'm a leftist and his obviously hypocritical bullshit pisses me off
he fucking removes an entire video cause the guy who made the band was alt-right, but he's not willing to apologize for giving fucking sam hyde a 2 hour long political discussion
he has no values. he's a pure fucking shill
He ` s A Faggot ! Doesn ` t Know Antyhing About Music !
Based. I disagreed with Fantano's opinions on music frequently, but I still respected him as a critic until that shit happened. He's completely spineless.
Ironic answer: he sucks lol
I ironic answer: He’s the most popular reviewer in music right now and very influential in the what people listen to and what they don’t. I think a lot of people find it frustrating that one single person with a very specific taste is that influential in how the majority of people view music. Also he sucks lol
does twice your parents salary for calling your favorite bands shit
Talks like a woke 16 year-old despite being in is 30's. Is wildly inconsistent in his ratings, like just watch the fucking reasoning in his billie-elish video and then at the videos shitting on her singles
He thinks he's objective but really if it's not indie rock or hip hop he doesn't know shit. He's the normie for the people who use Twitter more than Facebook.
This thread is the most seething thread I've read all week.
Stay mad faggots.
Go back to bed fantano
do you want applause?
Billie Eilish sucks
virtue signaling and his increased popularity because my cool kids club epic potato girl and death grips albums aren't as fun now that every 14 year old (ironically the target demographic of this board now) knows about them thanks to his influence
>what everyone here wishes they could do
bc he gave bladee a 1
>fantano thread
>not seething
jesus, you made the most retarded post I've seen all week. fantano has been shat on every day on this board, for the past 5 years, at least! fucking tard, sage
Bladee is gay
He looks like a fucking dickhead, that's why I don't like him. I've never actually seen any of his videos though, because only retards care about music critics.
>the guy who made the band was alt-right
What band?
Deathspell Omega
>boomer edgelordism of Mikko Aspa that has been a thing since at least 00s is now alt right
fucking zoomers, man
hes a fucking sellout, review from a jew, pseudo self aware "snob" dick for mouth
also, Billie's ant bad, but fuck that needle dick
i fuckin hate people who have listened to every album that ever came out and have an opinion on it. ever since ipods came out and people could get so much music in their pocket it's been like this. people have a mental disease from overstimulation and think they can actually appreciate such breadth. stick to your niche faggot.
cant wait for his review on dubbi
Ellish is fucking trash, just some bitch whispering over trap beats, and giving Damn a 7 was being generous, that shit is a 6 at best.
and their tastes are so fuckin generic, just like pitchfork. this is what overstimulation does, it numbs and normalizes your brain making you boring.
probably because he has some of the best political opinions of any other eceleb
he doesn't know shit about music, he's just a regular guy with a hobby and only uses simple epiteths like "watery synths" to seem professional. normies eat that shit right up and hail him as some kind of an authority, when in reality anyone could be saying stuff he does. he just was there in a right place at a right time, but he ain't no critic
People who classify themselves as left wing or right wing are absolutely retarded
Absolutely based saved and redpilled
It’s called DAMN.
This is why
>posting phone screencaps from 8 months ago
jesus the state of this board
>Guys i'm left wing too, so I can critique him!
good addition faggot
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
>t. [Opposite-side-of-me]-winger
>Not gonna review Deathspell Omega, Peste Noire or Burzum anymore.
>Won't stop shilling Kendrick, JPEGMAFIA and other black power faggots.
Mikko isn't even part of the core of the band, he just sings for them and that's all.
Very basic taste, basically waits on what the consensus is on album to inform his reviews, relies on undescriptive stock phrases and metaphors (icy synths, soaring guitars, trap-flavored beats ) ad nauseum, inorganically shilled his channel hard on here making a lot of people resentful.
This is going to sting for a few of you so I'll lay it down:
He HAS Yea Forums's IDEAL JOB. The guy fucking talks about music all day and it provokes discussion, whether positive or negative. The most your average Yea Forumstant can muster up is maybe a few anonymous shitposts.
Your opinion means 'nothing', whereas Anthony's means 'something'. People will check out an album if Fantano praises it or puts it on an EOY list. In a similar fashion they will check out an album if he utterly wrecks it.
He can say something like "this new Tool album kinda sucks" and get immense discussion going, whereas the most you'll get from a typical Yea Forumstant is "no it's actually good retard" or "based".
I liked him more before he became such an edgelord tranny loving leftist
Who the fuck is Yea Forums, and why is this singular person always so pissed off? This individual sounds really insecure.
I like him. I used to enjoy him more but I still find his content enjoyable and really like the non-review content as well. 4/5 bretty gud
A conversation is different than band promotion.
So you only like someone if they share the exact same political ideology or world view? Wouldn't that make you pretty much the same as the far leftists? You sound like a hypocrite.
not everyone can into irony user.
this but 100% unironically
fuck partisan hacks
>y-you’re just jealous
literally playground tier arguments
considering there’s literally a 24/7 fantano thread up it’s more efficient to just repost the same shit because that’s what people are doing here anyway
Not at all. I had no problem when he was just a generally lefty Berniebro, he became really cunty the last couple of years. It's not about the ideology it's the way he goes about it
I for have a client that is a succesful youtuberr with more subs and views than him. He is not even close to being loaded, he makes about 5.000 USD on a good month, sometimes less than 3.000. Which is pathetic at that age.
You cant just reduce everything to irony even when it doesn't really apply, simply because we're on a Yea Forums board.
Anthony fantano's head looks like a nice place for a bullet
but that's not what you expressed in your initial post at all lol. you specially mentioned his political leaning not the manner of his expression.
Not saying you can't criticize him or dislike aspects of him as a person of course ( I don't care for his political opinions), but your initial post shares the same sentiments as far leftists when often they try to chastise people who differ from them politically.
I feel like you hit the nail on the head here. This doesn't apply to all of this detractors obviously as hes isn't immune to criticism, but it very apparent that a lot of the ire comes from a place of resentment or envy.
Why did this weak ass b8 got so many replies
geez it took a while this time
I already have a job and love my job. This fucker is a hack and he ribs people the wrong way because he acts like he is some sort of relevant music erudite when he is literally worst than wikipedia. He is also very transparent about how mad it makes him to not be taken seriously by the music community (youtube fans are not a relevant part of the community).
He is also a shill and not very smart.
I think for many it's easier to refute bait than actual arguments
I hate him for giving into Fader and stopping the thatistheplan channel, because that was the best thing he ever has made and ever will make
well, that's what I meant by "edgelord." And it's subjective, but the far left is the most annoying to me personally.
And you're conflating me saying "I find his smug political pandering annoying and like him less for doing it" with the authoritarian far left chastising/canceling people with different opinions. I'm not chastising him or trying to cancel him, I'm just posting in a thread. I'm allowed to find things annoying.
It seems like you're living in your own bubble.
>He is also very transparent about how mad it makes him to not be taken seriously by the music community (youtube fans are not a relevant part of the community)
Oh yes let's definitely not count having a notable audience on one of the largest media platforms on the internet. How convince for you.
Most of your post is full of ad homenims and false assessments.
>literally copy pasted
at least break it up into paragraphs to bettter fool more people
>Wouldn't that make you pretty much the same as the far leftists?
you can if its irony
>"I find his smug political pandering annoying and like him less for doing it"
You have never typed this in our exchange. So how am I conflating it and why is it even in quotes? :P
>I'm not chastising him or trying to cancel him, I'm just posting in a thread.
You are chastising him though. Nothing inherently wrong with doing that, I was just challenging you on your reasoning for doing so. I also never accused you of "trying to cancel him" either.
> I'm allowed to find things annoying.
I know.... Which is why I stress that you obviously have that right; as some people feel the need to defend themselves on this regard even though it goes without saying.
It doesn't make one immune from having their opinions or arguments challenged. That's how free speech works right?
>not very smart.
Clearly is. He effectively makes a living out of taking Yea Forums tier opinions and articulating them.
>he gives Kendrick and Billie Eilish the praise they deserve
based, butthurt Yea Forumstards btfo. plus he's actually pretty funny contrary to most stuck up cunts in here
t.enjoys reaction videos
Exactly. It's weird how some are doing these mental gymnastics to try and rationalize their hatred of him.
>this person enjoys thing I personally do not enjoy
STRONG "rebuttal" you got here, pal lol
>this person enjoys things by and for small children and retards
sorry pal, didnt realize I needed to spell it out for ya.
Holy shit you’re a giant faggot autist. If I wasn’t clear enough in my first post, fine. Why are you acting like you know what I meant to say better than I do when I keep clarifying it? It wasn’t a quote it was a clarification if why he annoys me sometimes. I’m criticising a specific thing I think he does now since the fader article debacle. What you conflated was me criticising him being annoying and smug with authoritarianism from the far left. There’s no comparison, but you clearly think you look smart by trying to make one.
it really has nothing to do with any of the made-up reasons in this thread, people just don't like seeing the same thing spammed every hour, plain and simple
I rail against anyone who refers to songs as "tracks."
An album has songs. A song has tracks.
I think he's based desu
based anarchy
I like him now because he gave mommy del rey an 8/10
he's a sell out